v3 Chapter 285: Clothing

Name:Comprehensive Freedom Author:Roamer
"But..." Wei Wei still didn't agree with this method very much, but wasn't able to say it completely, but was interrupted directly by Noel.

"It's nothing good. I have the ability to see the future. If you don't believe me, you can ask them to know. I can show you with my own eyes and persuade the rebels to end up." Interrupted Wei Wei's words. Noel spoke while letting the system cut the clip.

Without giving Weiwei the opportunity to say anything, Noel immediately transmitted the cut original clip to Weiwei's mind, and let Weiwei take a good look at the original screen modified by the system.

Wei Wei, who wanted to say something, saw the picture from the next moment, and the words she wanted to say stuck in her mouth, carefully watching the flashing clips.

In the clip, the situation that Esdes said has really become a reality. Both the national army and the rebel army have infiltrated members of the Baroque working society.

Finally, the leader of the rebel army, who wanted to stop the rebel army, was killed on the spot by the members of the national army, and the two sides entered an endless situation.

In the square where the two sides fought, the bombs of the Baroque working society were also placed, intending to wipe out the national army and the rebel army, and Klockdal also captured the king of Alabstan.

"This is the vision of the future, and the result of you persuading the rebel army. The source of everything is that you have been found, so that Klockdal has to act in advance to kill both sides." Looking at the surprised Wei Wei, Noel thought for a moment and said, "If you don't believe it, you can go to the so-called oasis and see if the scene there is the same as in the clip."

"I'm going to Yuba to make sure, if it's really in the clip, then do it according to your method." Wei Wei recovered from the clip and wanted to make sure it was true.

"Then the destination is fixed." Portkas d'Lujue smiled and asked Wei Wei: "Is there anything I need to prepare before leaving?"

"If you want to go to Yuba, you have to cross the desert." Wen Yan, Wei Wei thought about it, said the items that needed to be prepared, and said: "So we must buy a lot of food in the town of Nahana. For water, especially water, you need to buy a little more. You also need to buy a little civilian clothing."

"Civilian clothes? Then wait for me. I will go to Nahana town and buy these things back. I just need some supplies on the boat." Knowing what was needed, Noel decided to purchase some in the town. .

"My dear, by the way, bring me the perfume back. The perfume in that place is really good." After hearing Noel's decision to purchase, Estes proposed what he wanted.

"I want it too." Nicole Robin raised his hand and said that he also wanted perfume.



"Buy some fruit and come back, the stock on board is almost gone."

"And buy some seasoning."


wait wait wait

The women said that some of the items they needed were quickly recorded by Noel, and after making sure that there were no omissions.

He walked to the rudder, accelerated the speed of the Black Pearl, and quickly came to the edge of the coast. The Black Pearl was docked. Noel jumped off the boat alone and walked to the town of Nahana in the distance.

After a long time...

While eating kebabs, Noel walked back slowly, jumped on the Black Pearl, and took all the women's needs from the storage space and delivered them to their hands.

Weiwei gave Noel a direction, and she walked toward the ship with Noel's clothes, ready to change the clothes, and then showed Noel slowly.

After distributing the items, Noel changed the Black Pearl to automatic navigation and drove in the direction that Wei Wei had just pointed out, and Noel went to deliver the supplies to the storage room on the ship.

When Noel returned to the deck again, all the girls had changed their clothes and were chatting leisurely on the deck.

"My dear, you really have a vision, this dress is really good." Seeing Noel came out, Eszter stopped chatting, turned around on the spot, showed Noel the clothes he was wearing, and asked with a smile: " Is it pretty?"

"Of course it looks good, don't look at who chose it, not to mention that it is more beautiful when you wear it. You wear it like this. It is also very beautiful." A closer look, the women changed their clothes, and Noel did not Stingy praise.

"Noel, I just asked you to buy some civilian clothes. This seems to be..." Wei Wei twitched her lips, pointing at the clothes she was wearing, and said a little speechlessly: "This seems to be a dance girl's Clothes."

"Isn't this great?" After hearing the words, Noel turned to look at Wei Wei and smiled: "You are also very beautiful to wear."

"The problem is, I said it was civilian clothes...." Seeing Noel didn't seem to understand, Weiwei just wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Noel.

"Dancers are also civilians." Noel smiled and said eloquently.

"But we are going to cross the desert..." Wei Wei still wanted to explain, but unfortunately he was interrupted mercilessly.

"It's okay, if I'm tired, I can take you across the desert." Noel took the sentence out of context, didn't give Wei Wei an opportunity to explain, and answered according to his own understanding.

Wei Wei stopped talking. At this point, she was speechless to the extreme. She knew that it was useless. Noor would not turn the bow and return to Nahana town to buy clothes. She thought:'Speak it and say it, it seems Can only be worn like this...'
