"Just It's Mr. Gu Huai'an, your brother. " She even stammered nervously when she said here.

"Let him in!" The queen said in a loud voice, and then she got up and went to the main hall. She believed that Shen Qianshan would not make fun of her about such things, and she knew clearly that the man also knew how much he cared about anything about Gu Huai'an.

In the main hall, Shen Qianshan just picked up the tea cup and saw the queen come out in a hurry. At that moment, Shen Qianshan suddenly felt sorry for her. He couldn't help her at all for the things she cared about. But he immediately suppressed this feeling and felt sorry for her. Who could pity himself? How could I have been like this if I hadn't seen her things? She's still sorry for herself.

He put the teacup down and said, "give my regards to the queen."

But the action did not change at all. Gu Jia knew that he didn't respect himself. Of course, she didn't care about it at this time. So she said, "excuse me, what's the matter about my brother that the ninth Lord wants to say?"

She must emphasize this. She is afraid that she is full of expectations for what Shen Qianshan wants to say. If he fails to give him important information, she may collapse.

Of course, she is not intimidating Shen Qianshan. Nowadays, a little bit of information is too important for her. She is willing to try it as long as she can change everything.

Shen Qianshan seemed to feel that he had grasped the Queen's lifeline, so he said slowly: "empress, do you remember the pamphlet I saw the last time I caught an assassin and entered your bedroom by mistake?"

What catch assassins? What is wrong, clearly is the initiative to come in, of course, at this time people are not important, the queen nodded.

Shen Qianshan took a deep breath, plucked up his courage and said, "since I read the book, I have a lot of things in my memory, including the queen and your brother."

The queen attached her heart with her hand, and she had to press it to calm down. She lived to her present age. She knew that she had experienced too much wind and rain and could be indifferent to anything. However, she was not nervous about her brother's matter. No matter how she told herself to be calm, she still couldn't do it.

She wanted to ask what it was, but she didn't ask. Now Shen Qianshan is holding her own lifeline. She doesn't want to offend this man.

With the relationship between the two at this time, he may and has the right to say nothing at any time, and the queen may even collapse at that time.

"What is the matter?" The Queen's hand is shaking slightly. If you can change Gu Huaian's life and let him live, no matter how difficult things are, you can try them, no matter what you do.

She took a mouthful of saliva, and then grinned. She knew that her expression was not necessarily good-looking, but she had no way. She could not control her whole body shaking, and even did not know what kind of expression to make. She was too difficult.

"In my memory, the time of your brother's death has been delayed for three days. Do you know what this means?" Shen Qianshan said.

Although the queen was very surprised that he had the memory before, she did not pay attention to it. Obviously, the book had different abilities. What she had seen or talked to was very different from before. At this time, the Queen's attention was completely focused on Shen Qianshan's words.

Three days late? If Shen Qianshan's memory was not wrong, this situation would not have happened. In other words, has Gu Jia's efforts really paid off?

But he died in the end, didn't he? The queen felt very uncomfortable in her heart, couldn't she change it a little bit?

The top priority at this time is to contact Gu Jia? But it's not that you can get in touch with her. The initiative has never been in her own body. The panic in her heart is even more serious. She seems to feel that she is a little pathetic. Even if she knows how her brother can die three days later, she still can't do anything? Her tears are about to come down. After Shen Qianshan finished, he picked up the tea cup leisurely and sipped tea. When he put the cup down, he turned to see the face of Empress Dowager. For a moment, he was distracted. It seemed strange that a cold-blooded woman like her should not have such a reaction. When was she such a woman with tears?

The queen didn't say a word. She tried to control her heart, so that she didn't seem to behave in front of Shen Qianshan, but her whole body trembled uncontrollably.

Shen Qianshan is reluctant to give up, but when he thinks that these are not all caused by the queen, the last trace of pity is gone.

"This is the only clue that I can tell the empress now. As for how the empress will deal with this matter, I don't say much about it." Shen Qianshan got up and was about to leave when he saw a woman falling down from the eaves. She was wearing black clothes and was very conspicuous in the daytime. However, she did not care about anything. She rushed to the queen and knelt down.

The queen was still struggling with her own situation. Suddenly she saw the girl kneeling in front of her. She asked with a cold face, "Xiang'er, what's the matter with you so impatient?"God knows how miserable she is now. It's true that her tolerance is very high, but it has reached the edge. Even a simple little thing may make her collapse.

"Niang, ling'er has been arrested." The girl named Xiang'er has neglected the nine princes around her. Ling'er is the most capable of all the girls. She can be arrested. She knows that the other party is prepared for this time, and even has pointed the sign to the queen. They must be nervous.

The queen took a heavy breath, and then said helplessly, "do you know who did it?"

Xiang'er turned his head and looked at the nine princes, but the queen waved and said, "you may as well say it."

Xiang'er pondered for a moment and then said, "it's Shen Zhongbai."

Shen Qianshan's eyes widened in surprise, and then he looked at the queen strangely. Did her subordinates call the emperor by his name? As a queen, how can she not know what the consequences are? Not only she, but also their family will be implicated. I don't know what the queen is thinking at this time. How can she not manage her maid well?

The queen bit her teeth. At this critical time, Shen Zhongbai still played with him? The empress has always had the power to cultivate herself. Shen Zhongbai knew this, and the queen had worried about what to do if Shen Zhongbai aimed at herself.

Now it seems that my worries are coming true.

Shen Qianshan has already understood that if this is not a play, then there is only one possibility. The relationship between the empress and Shen Zhongbai may not be as impregnable as he imagined.

As for exactly why, he did not say clearly, if he believed the queen, he would totally deny himself. He was struggling.

"What should I do? If linger has a problem, I will not live." The yarn son is beside obviously already can't control own mood, cry, let empress worry very much.

Ling'er sha'er and Xiang'er are all members of the moon watching family, so they can be regarded as sisters. At this time, ling'er is in danger, and even can take his own life. Of course, this family can't accept it.

However, the queen was calm. Shen Zhongbai was demonstrating to herself. If she really went to save ling'er, wouldn't it indirectly prove that she really had an outside heart? But linger is her precious wealth. If she doesn't save linger, she can't bear it. In addition, these girls are sisters. If they don't save linger, what do the remaining girls think? Although I can't say anything on the surface, I can't help but talk about myself in my heart. I'm loyal, but I think I'm an abandoned son. I can't accept it.

In this way, the queen stood in a dilemma. Shen Qianshan had already got up to go, but he met this by mistake. He stopped immediately and asked in a clear voice, "empress, what can I do for you?"

The queen rushed to Shen Qianshan like a straw to save his life. She grabbed his shoulder with both hands and said to him, "can you really help this palace?"

At that moment, she hesitated. After all, her relationship with Shen Qianshan was not good. How could others help her?

Shen Qianshan turned his head and watched her hand tightly grasp himself. There was a strange feeling in her heart. She exerted herself, and felt some pain, but she still didn't escape.

He knew that she was very tired now, but he was never the kind of person who liked to meddle in the affairs. There were so many things in the world that he could never finish. In that case, why did he stretch out his hand? He knew his reality was chilling, but this time, he even wanted to help the queen out of control.

Is it because of their own memories, as well as the memories of the same girl as the orchid?

Although he told himself again and again that the distance with the queen was a little far, he still failed to do it.

"Go to find the place where ling'er is held."

Shen Qianshan is on his way, and then gives Su Ge a look. The latter has been following Shen Qianshan for so many years. Any look can tell what it means. So he goes out first. Now Shen Zhongbai has a grudge against him and the queen. If he is caught by Shen Zhongbai, the two men may be in the right place.

Su Ge sent a safety signal, all the people in Weiyang palace went out.

At the pavilion in front of Weiyang palace, Shen Zhongbai frowned slightly. He seemed to have lost control of himself and wanted to rush up, but he still persisted. What did the woman and man want to do?

Shen Qiangwei hands the tea to Shen Zhongbai, but Shen Zhongbai sweeps it to one side. The good thing is that it has been aired. Otherwise, Shen Qiang is expected to be burned to death this time.

She tightly covers her mouth, seems to want to control themselves not to cry out, but is still sad tears DC.

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