However, if you don't show up today, do you really plan to let pan Yuanyuan bully her cousin?

"Don't worry, cousin. I'll settle this with my brother later."

If my cousin knew about it, if Zhang Keke didn't do it today, she would be taught a lesson by my cousin.

Chen Lulu knows at a glance that she doesn't look like someone who can fight. However, Zhang Keke is a wild girl who can fight.

Chen Lulu held Zhang Keke and reminded her, "wait a minute, don't let your cousin know about this."

Zhang Keke looks puzzled. Why don't you let your cousin know?

You know, it's the woman's fault.

You should let your cousin find that woman's trouble. You can't let that woman continue to get angry after she is arrogant, thinking that there is no royal law at the end of the day.

Chen Lulu is worried that this will affect Lin Hao.

She just explained, "I mean Lin Hao is so busy with his daily work. It seems a little inappropriate for us to disturb him with this matter now. Let's settle this matter in private, so as not to cause him any trouble. "

After hearing what Chen Lulu said, Zhang Keke looked very clear.

Sure enough, her cousin really knows a beautiful woman!

He really chose a very kind and considerate cousin, but she still wanted to tell her cousin about it in private.

Now, Zhang Keke thought that she could cheat her cousin for a while, but she would still say what she should say.

If at this time cousin does not stand for her sister-in-law, according to her weak character, she will never go to pan Yuanyuan's trouble.

Is that not to let pan Yuanyuan take advantage of that woman?

That woman was arrogant and always looked like she was on top. She really took herself as one thing.

Her father is just a dean. You know, the Lin family is not a bully.

"OK, OK, cousin, I'll listen to you. I won't tell my cousin about this. I'll go back to work first, and you can continue to work. Your design drawing has been torn up by her now, and now I have to redraw it."

Hearing that her design drawings had been torn up, Chen Lulu also felt heartache.

She worked very hard to draw the drawing. It took her three hours to complete it!

Unexpectedly, it will be destroyed now.

However, the only way is to redraw.

It is estimated that it will take about two hours to redraw. When redrawing for the second time, because of the first impression, it should not take so long.

It's just that the technology may be a little more elaborate.

"It doesn't matter. I'll get off work early this evening. I'll draw it when I get home."

However, Zhang Ke Ke couldn't help laughing when he heard Chen Lulu's words.

"Cousin, why do you want to go home and draw? Are you worried about that woman coming to you again? "

Zhang Keke felt that after she had taught pan Yuanyuan a lesson this time, pan Yuanyuan would not come to trouble for a week.

However, Chen Lulu still feels that she is better at home when it comes to painting.

Moreover, when she is alone, no one will disturb her, so the space in her heart will be bigger and the space to play will be bigger.

Drawing in the office is easy to get upset, and there are often colleagues knocking on the door to disturb.

In fact, Chen Lulu prefers to work alone at home.

When working at home, she was alone in the room, usually for five or six hours.

My mother will never disturb her, she was alone, just able to calm down and complete a set of drawings.

In this way, she won't be disturbed by anyone, and her creative inspiration is a little more.

"No, I just have something to do when I go back tonight. I'm drawing and solving my work at the same time. I should be able to send this drawing to your mailbox at about nine o'clock this evening." Chen Lulu made a little time in her mind.

She felt that she should be able to finish the drawing at nine o'clock this evening.

Zhang Keke nodded and replied, "in fact, you don't have to worry. You still have a little more time. The director is pressing too hard. At that time, I'll give you a reason to cheat."

Chen Lulu smiles. She still likes to finish today. What needs to be done today will never be put off until tomorrow.

Because tomorrow still has tomorrow's task. If today's task is delayed until tomorrow, tomorrow's task will be delayed until the day after tomorrow.

When is the end of this.

"It's OK. It's just a drawing. Besides, I've done it this morning. Now I'll do it again. It shouldn't take much effort."Chen Lulu now thinks that when she first drew this drawing, she was at a loss. However, after drawing it again, she seems to be a little bit at the bottom of her heart.

Maybe the original drawing can be improved at that time. In this way, the drawing will be more perfect.

"Well, since you think so, you should go back and have a rest early tonight."

Chen Lulu nodded. In fact, she said that leaving work early is not necessarily to go home to have a rest.

Fortunately, research institutes never measure their work contribution according to the time, just according to their research results.

Even if Chen Lulu takes her work home, she won't be discussed by other staff in the Institute.

As we all know, Chen Lulu is a workaholic. She can never be lazy.

Anyone can be lazy and take a shortcut, but Chen Lulu will never.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Lulu came out of the Research Institute. She was ready to go home from work.

The main task tonight is to draw the drawing and make a summary of the research report. Today's task is that.

Chen Lulu's character is not like that of Zhang Keke. She is a self disciplined person.

So, no matter what kind of situation, as long as she has work to complete, she can calm down and complete her work. , the fastest update of the webnovel!