As long as there is no intersection between her and an Yi Nan, she will not have any unclear relationship in the future.

However, I didn't expect that the more she escaped, the more comfortable she seemed to be willing to follow her closely.

Mu Jia Yan just thought, soldiers will block, water to soil flooded.

Sometimes, you can't evade too much. If you evade too much, you will be suspicious.

Mujiayan just laughed and asked, "president an, as far as I know, isn't there a new product launch in your company today? So busy, why do you come here when you have time? "

An Yinan also just accompanied an overseas shareholder after lunch, just passed by Mu Jiayan's company.

Therefore, ease south just explained, "I know your company is also invited. I just passed by and took you there."

Mu Jia Yan looked around him a little unnaturally.

Sure enough, she found that there were some gossip employees in the hall, and now they were stretching their necks, as if they were watching a good play.

Obviously, they saw their boss and Mr. an standing in the lobby. They were really men and women. They were a perfect match.

What's more, between them, unmarried men and unmarried women, it's clear that there are some plays.

As a result, a group of employees began to have unlimited YY in their hearts. However, Mu Jiayan just took a look at the ease south, and then looked down at her watch.

She just said to an Yinan, "well, you go first. I'll go later. I haven't had lunch yet."

Anyi south just replied, "well, I didn't have lunch either. I know there's a Western steak restaurant opposite. It's very good. Let's go there together."

All of a sudden, the eyes of those melon eating people who are watching are obviously brighter.

Mu Jia Yan then also just unnaturally nodded.

Now refusing to do so and talking about it here will make others more suspicious.

Therefore, she just followed in the back of ease south, and left the company one by one.

When the employees at the bottom saw that the boss had left, they began to have a loud and lively discussion.

"What's the relationship between our first lady and president an? I see what they looked like just now. It's very dramatic. "

Another girl was just next to her and said, "yes, yes. A few days ago, I saw president an waiting for us downstairs. I guess she was waiting for us."

Just then, when Yang Ping came down from the upstairs, she saw a group of employees in the hall chirping there.

What they discussed seems to be the matter between mu Jiayan and an Yinan.

Yang Ping also heard some rumors between mu Liangcai's daughter and an Yi Nan from her former boss.

In fact, she is very optimistic about the young people.

An Yinan is a rare young talent. Besides, he is very good in every aspect of his character. He is very suitable for a young lady.

Seeing Yang Ping coming, the gossip girls ran up boldly, asked Yang Ping with a smile, and said, "assistant Yang, you follow Miss A all day. You should know what is the relationship between miss a and president an? Tell us about it. We're dying of curiosity. "

"Yes, yes, assistant Yang, don't you think our eldest lady and president an are really a good match?"

Yang Ping just smiles, these gossip employees.

In their hearts, except for work, it seems that everything is more interesting than work.

She just laughed and replied, "you ask me, but I don't know, but I'm optimistic about them."

Yang Ping says, also just left this ambiguous words, then turned to leave.

Those people who eat melons are more curious.

Even assistant Yang, she is optimistic about the appearance of the first lady and president an. The relationship between these two people must be fixed on the board.

Mu Jia Yan just followed the back of an Yi Nan and went to the Western Steakhouse he said.

She has to admit that an Yi Nan is really a good hand at choosing.

This Steakhouse is really good.

However, in fact, Anyi Nan has no appetite. He has just finished his lunch with a shareholder. Now he has finished his lunch.

However, after hearing Mu Jiayan say so, he just said that he had not eaten.

"At the new product launch this afternoon, I'm short of a female companion. Then, you can be my female companion."

Mu Jia Yan Leng for a while, originally wanted to refuse, but, and feel like a little bit inappropriate.

Anyway, it was just a female companion, and she just nodded.


An Yinan saw Mu Jiayan agreed to come down this matter, in the heart suddenly felt very happy.

However, Mu Jia Yan then said, "but I didn't bring the right dress today."She thought that she was just a partner, so she didn't need to wear too heavy.

In the evening, she also plans to go out to eat hot pot with someone. She is too lazy to change clothes. How can she eat hot pot with a dress.

However, if you go on the stage as the female companion of the organizer's boss, it must be a little more grand.

An Yinan just smiles.

"You can rest assured that whatever you wear is beautiful."

Mu Jia Yan heard the praise of ease south, then just smile, that is of course.

She just replied with a smile and a thick face, "that's natural. It seems that we two are heroes. We have the same ideas."

Ease south then also just smile, nod.

Then he said, "thank you for coming with me this afternoon."

"But if I dress too casually, will it be a bit impolite?"

Mu Jia Yan in the heart unavoidably a little tangled up, originally she is a quite casual person.

Of course, when she felt free, she would dress up for every party.

It's just that I've been too busy recently. I'm sure I don't have enough time to let her go to the store to choose the dress.

Anyi south just said, "it doesn't matter. If you want to buy a dress, I've calculated that the time is just about the same. There's a shop next door. Let's go and choose it then."

Mujiayan was just stunned. She almost forgot that Anyi South has all kinds of connections in this aspect. It's estimated that there are no shops he doesn't know in this street. , the fastest update of the webnovel!