Next to the Mu Liangcai originally wanted to pull his wife, let his wife not impulsive.

But later, he also felt very angry, so he didn't say anything.

"Jingyan, uncle Mu and I believe you, so we are willing to give you Jiayan, but what about you? You take Jiayan to the banquet. For such a small matter, you can still leave Jiayan behind. Jiayan is fine this time. If she has something, I will never let you go. I'm not finished with you. "

Li Jingyan has always been low head, a sincere look.

Obviously, he didn't intend to defend himself. He came here today to learn a lesson.

At the same time, it can also make the parents of Mu family feel relieved.

"I'm sorry, uncle Mu and aunt mu. It's my fault. I swear I won't do it again."

But Lin Ya Yin's eyes widened.

"Next time? Are you still thinking about the next time? Do you know that this time Jiayan is almost dead? The doctor said that if she didn't survive last night, you won't see her this morning. "

Next to Mu Liangcai, he looks at his wife's frantic appearance and Li Jingyan's open-minded attitude. He doesn't have the heart to let his wife continue to scold him.

After all, he is also the president of the group. It's not appropriate to be scolded in public.

"Well, well, since Jiayan is all right now, don't pursue so much. Just keep your voice down and let Jiayan have a good rest. Now we go out and buy her some banana cakes. She just wanted to eat them." Mu Liangcai advised.

After hearing what her husband said, Lin Yayin remembered.

As soon as her greedy daughter woke up, she wanted to eat banana cake.

"Well, well, I've been scolding you for a long time, and I'm tired. Go in and have a look at Jiayan. Let's go out and buy her banana cakes."

Lin Yayin said while pulling her husband out.

The bystanders are all gone now, but we have never seen what Li Jingyan looks like.

However, now I see Li Jingyan standing here obediently, listening to Mu's parents admonishing him, the people next to him are envious.

If it's not because Li Jingyan cares about Mu Jiayan, how can he listen to Mu's parents scold him like this?

However, Li Jingyan just walked into the ward and found Mu Jiayan leaning on the bed with potato chips in one hand and coke in the other.

She's still looking at the variety show in front of her, laughing up and down.

However, accidentally affected the abdominal wound, still feel a little pain.

"Look at what you look like now. How can you look like a patient? Put down the chips and coke quickly. Can the patient eat these things?"

Li Jingyan says, want to grab the potato chips in Mu Jiayan's hand.

However, Mu Jia Yan hastened to hold potato chips and hide away a little.

"If you had not thrown me down last night, would I have been so miserable? Almost killed me. "

Mu Jia Yan side says, one side a face displeased ground stare one eye nearby Li Jing Yan, this damned fellow.

Last night, she thought with her toes and knew that Li Jingyan must have taken Shixia out.

"Come on, please don't scold me. I've just been scolded miserably enough." Li Jingyan said with a heavy sigh.

He has seen and admired Ms. Lin's ability of swearing.

Then, she went to the side, found a chair to sit down, and helped Mu Jiayan peel an apple, which was an apology.

"Here's an apple to show my apology to you."

Mu Jia Yan nodded, but also just muttered, "just an apple, really insincere. However, my mother's swearing is fierce. You can see it. If you dare to bully me again in the future, I'll let my mother scold you. "

Li Jingyan just turned his lips. He thought in his heart that he would have to find a way to stay away from Mu Jiayan.

Otherwise, he will be scolded to death by Ms. Lin sooner or later.

"Is that how your mother scolds you at home?"

Mu Jia Yan immediately nodded, yes, my mother has always been like this at home, she has nothing to do.

"However, when I didn't make my mother angry, she was more gentle. Once you make her angry, she is like a lion, then you will be miserable."

Li Jingyan didn't say anything, but he just nodded to agree with Mu Jiayan's idea.

Mu Jiayan leaned on the bed, adjusted the iPad in her hand to a screen, threw it to the side, and stopped watching it. It's boring to watch the variety show.

"Li Jingyan, where did you go last night! Did you leave with Shixia Mu Jia Yan asked suddenly.But Li Jingyan just lowered his head, didn't look up at Mu Jiayan, and then nodded.



Mu Jia Yan points at Li Jing Yan in front of him, for a moment, he doesn't know what to say.

However, all this had already been expected by her, and there was nothing to be surprised about.

Li Jingyan left with Shixia last night. It seems that there was no other legitimate reason.

If it's really something at work, you may say hello to yourself.

However, Mu Jiayan kindly reminded, "but I have heard that Shixia is about to get engaged to an Yinan. What are you going to do?"

Mu Jia Yan looks forward to Li Jingyan in front of her. Although she says that her feelings for an Yi Nan are not as strong as at first.

However, she did not want to marry Li Jingyan.

If she doesn't marry Li Jingyan, the only way is to let Li Jingyan and Shixia reunite.

"Li Jingyan, don't you plan to stay for a while?"

However, Li Jingyan just looked at Mu Jiayan and gave a bitter smile.

He sent Shixia back last night, but Shixia didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

In such a situation, it is clear that he wants to hang him there, so he continues to struggle now. Is there any meaning?

In other words, even if he goes to retrieve it, is it possible to retrieve it?

"How can we keep it? Does this matter have anything to do with me? I'm in peace of mind. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!