However, Shen Jia is not reconciled. How can the woman in Shixia have so much!

"It's only a year. She'll come back."

When Li Jingyan answered, he was very determined.

Shen Jia just looked at Li Jingyan and asked, "what if she doesn't come back all the time? I just said if What are you going to do then? "

"Keep waiting."

Li Jingyan's answer is only three words, but it is very firm.

Shen Jia sighed and looked at Li Jingyan with deep emotion. "Jingyan, people don't have much time in their life. Do you have to wait for Shixia all the time?"

Her eyelashes are long, and her eyes are also very watery. Now when she looks at Li Jingyan with such eyes, she really has a feeling of pity.

However, Li Jingyan is still indifferent.

On this matter of Shixia, he didn't need anyone to give him advice.

He insisted on what he had thought at the beginning.

Shen Jia suddenly grabbed Li Jingyan's hand and said affectionately, "if you don't dislike our mother and daughter, I'm willing to take care of you, even if I'm by your side and don't have any fame."

However, Li Jingyan is quietly pulled away.

The reason why he has been helping Shen Jia is not because he still has feelings in his heart.

Instead, Shen Jia saves Li Jingyang.

"Well, Shen Jia, I have other things to do. You should take good care of your children at home. If that happens just now, don't talk about it later."

With that, Li Jingyan is about to get up and leave. If he continues to stay, he is afraid that Shen Jia will be even more unconscious.

Compared with persuading Shen Jia, Li Jingyan thinks that it might be better for her to wake up by herself.

Shen Jia still did not give up and asked after Li Jingyan, "why, Jingyan, do you dislike me for taking Jiaojiao?"

"No, Jiaojiao is lovely, but we can never go back to the beginning."

What you miss is what you miss. There is no way to look back.

"Why, why not..."

Shen Jia continued to murmur alone, but Li Jingyan had turned away.

He never needs to explain why he does anything.

Two years later.

In the courtyard.

Shixia just came back from outside. Even in this small town, she didn't stop learning.

She has been using all her time to learn what she is interested in.

Before, she always wanted to find such spare time, but the schedule was too full for Shixia to find such an opportunity.

Now, finally, there is such an opportunity.

However, as soon as she came back today, she was called by Aunt Wang.

"Xiao Xia, Xiao Xia."

"What's the matter, Aunt Wang?"

Shixia doesn't know what happened.

Aunt Wang quickly explained, "you didn't go out for a while today, Chenchen has been feverish."

"What, fever, is it all right now?"

When she heard that Chenchen was ill, Shixia immediately became nervous.

"No, no, please take Chenchen to the hospital."

"Yes, thank you, Aunt Wang."

Shixia can't even change her clothes. She just rushes into the room to see her children.

"Mom, you're back."

See mother came back, Chen Chen opened his eyes, a pair of beautiful eyes, like Li Jingyan.

Shixia rushes over, holding Chenchen and comforting patiently, "Chenchen, Chenchen, don't be afraid. Mother will take Chenchen to the hospital now."

Chen Chen is really a very clever child, even now is still feverish, but has not forgotten to comfort his mother.

"Chen Chen is not afraid, not afraid, mom, not afraid."

For a moment, Shixia only felt that her nose was sour. She felt really sorry for the child.

If she didn't divorce, the child might get the best of everything, the best environment, the best education.

However, to forgive her selfishness as a mother, she was really reluctant to send the child out.

If the child returns to Li's home, she may never see Chenchen again. Shixia always believes that as long as she works hard, she can live as well as Chenchen.

It's just that she didn't seem to realize her original idea.

"Mother is not afraid, mother accompany Chen Chen to go to the hospital together."

Shixia drove a long way to a hospital in the town.

However, compared with the Lin'an hospital in Yishi Wuyou, it's too simple here.

In the hospital.Seeing Chen Chen pushed into the ward by doctors and nurses, Shixia only feels that her heart is going to be pulled up.

Chenchen, don't do anything, don't do it!

He is all her hope. Shixia just hopes that Chenchen can be stronger.

It took about twenty minutes for the doctor to come out of the ward.

"How's my son, doctor?"

Shixia rushes over and asks. God knows how scared she is in these twenty minutes.

The doctor took a look at the young mother and replied, "the situation is not very good. The cause of the disease we found here is not particularly certain. I suggest you go to a larger hospital to have a look."

Shixia only felt that for a moment, he was like a balloon that had been pumped out, and he was paralyzed.

"Yes, thank you, doctor."

In the ward.

The child's hand has been inserted into the needle, delicate little face looks a little red, only that pair of good-looking eyes or vibrant appearance.

"Chenchen, don't be afraid. Mother will accompany Chenchen."

Shixia walked over, and she really wanted to hold her baby and cry.

But, she can't, she can't let Chen Chen worry, can't let Chen Chen worry!

"Mom, Chenchen feels so hot. Is Chenchen going to die, just like Uncle Wang?"

Chen Chen opens his eyes and looks at his mother. Shi Xia shakes his head quickly.

The child is still young. He doesn't even know what death is.

"How can it be, Chenchen don't think much, mother won't let Chenchen have an accident, Chenchen won't have an accident either."

After leaving the ward, Shixia sat on the cold bench and cried.

She has only Chen Chen, why does God want to be so cruel.

Shixia transferred her child to another hospital as soon as possible. She arranged all the procedures and expenses properly.

Women are fragile, but mothers are powerful. , the fastest update of the webnovel!