Yishi is very big, so although the black market of trading is also in Yishi, Li Jingyan still spent a lot of time.

Finally, they arrived at the black market on time.

To be honest, if it wasn't for this place on the map, Shixia would never have believed it.

Even if she came back and forth, after a hundred times, she would not think that this place is black market, because it looks very beautiful.

Wooden doors, green slate, beautiful streams and other people are really full of charm!

"This street looks so antique!" Shixia couldn't help sighing.

Li Jingyan nodded and agreed, "yes, antiques give people such an effect. However, 70% of them are guys, 25% are inferior, and 3% are superior. As for the rest, they may be treasures."

Shixia is a little surprised. This place looks so big, and it needs to be one in a hundred. Isn't it embarrassing?

"Isn't that one in a hundred?" Asked Shixia.

Li Jingyan nodded.

"I think so."

Shixia looks at the passers-by coming and going on the road. It seems that everyone is wearing simple clothes.

There are very few Royal dresses, but there are basically no suits.

"I seem to understand why you didn't let me wear a suit." Shixia sighs.

If you really dress like you did at noon today, I guess everyone is looking at you now!

Li Jingyan laughed and replied, "now I know!"

However, for Li Jingyan so understand the market here, poetry summer or said very strange.

"Li Jingyan, you look very professional. Do you often come to these places?" Asked Shixia.

Li Jingyan is a little strange. He doesn't understand what Shixia means.

"What do you think I'm doing here?"

Shixia thought for a while, and felt that the reason he had come up with was perfect.

"If your company loses money, you can buy and sell jade and antiques in such a place."

However, Li Jingyan only felt that his forehead was sweating.

"Do you think it's possible?"

Shixia smiles and looks at Li Jingyan.

"Actually, I think it's quite possible."

Li Jingyan just shakes his head, he won't!

In front of the shop to see a guest came, immediately put on a smiling face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, do you want to see coins or jade pendants, or buy antiques?"

Li Jingyan took a look at the furnishings in the room, and then asked, "boss, do you have any antique vases?"

"Yes, yes. Please come in."

However, looking at the boss walking in front, Shixia just tampered with Li Jingyan beside her. She really didn't understand what medicine Li Jingyan sold in the gourd.

"Don't we buy ancient coins? What are we doing with vases? Are you sick?" Shixia muttered.

What do they buy vases for!

Li Jingyan took a look at his wife and explained, "it's too easy to fake ancient coins. I can't tell. If you look at the vase, you'll probably know the quality of the antique."

So, he just took the vase as the standard for testing.

As for the number of genuine products in this shop, this is what he really wants to know.

"Yes, you seem to have a point."

Li Jingyan eyebrows a pick, looked at his side of the poem summer, "originally is, listen to me, certainly can't have wrong."

By this time, the owner of the store had come out of the compartment.

"Sir, do you want blue and white porcelain bottles or bronze bottles?"

Li Jingyan thought for a moment, looked around him, and then said.

"Look at them all."

The boss of the shop quickly asked people to take out all the blue and white porcelain and bronze vases.

Looking at the colorful bottles in front of her, Shixia only felt confused.

It looks like these are priceless treasures, but Li Jingyan has said before that this place is rich in fake goods.

Otherwise, Shixia must think that the boss is too rich!

The vase is exquisitely decorated with all kinds of beautiful patterns. It looks like it's real.

Moreover, there is a light layer of dust on it, which makes the vase look more age like.

"Be careful, both of you, or you will not be able to pay for your lives with this vase!"

The boss was obviously very upset and furious when he saw that the store's staff were careless.

In fact, his only purpose is to let customers know that their vases are valuable.However, what Shixia thought was not this. She was really in no mood to see a play when she was in the mood to act!

There are so many stocks in this small shop. Li Jingyan also said that it would take a long time to choose one in a hundred!

The boss didn't seem to notice the small expressions of Li Jingyan and Shi Xia. One by one, he introduced them, "this is the best Jingdezhen ceramic. It's made in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province. It's the first-class good porcelain. Boss, take a look at the texture of this vase."

Shixia is really not interested in vases, and what she wants to buy is not vases.

These big vases piled in front of him, Shixia only felt that there was something in the way!

"What are you doing, boss?"

Soon, Shixia's attention has been attracted by a little guy nearby.

It's really a fun thing, although it looks familiar

The boss quickly came over and introduced the baby Shixia was looking at now.

Regardless, first come up to his home products boast, this is the boss's routine, poetry summer have learned.

"Good eye, madam! This is the most expensive and valuable one in our family. It's called Tang Sancai. "

Shixia was stunned.

Is her vision really so good? As soon as she looks at it, selects it, and takes it out, it must be the most expensive treasure.

It's really a master!

"Tang Sancai?"

She seems to have heard about it. There are many records in books, but Shixia never saw it in real life.

"I seem to have heard of it, but isn't it from the Tang Dynasty?"

The boss nodded, "yes, it's from our ancestors. If we didn't meet someone, we wouldn't sell it."

However, Shixia didn't understand, "since it's not for sale, why do you take it out? Isn't it a lie? What if someone just caught your tricolor

Who knows, her words ended, and the boss immediately changed his attitude.

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