For more than a month, Huo Zhi closed the door to repair paintings.

In recent years, too much content, too many things have happened, what's more strange is the warm images constantly emerging in the dream, one after another, mostly in August when Osmanthus fragrans are fragrant, a luxurious wedding, and the hostess is looking forward to sweet happiness.

This picture, fragrant and romantic, is the driving force of her conception during the day and at night in recent years.

Dunhuang, monsoon, Yunling, mountain, water, desert, wedding, wedding dress, white, solemn, even a beautiful man, wearing a black dress, walking against the light to her -- the shadow is straight and elegant.

Inspiration is the wings of painters.

Because of her enchantment, charming painting style and fleeting inspiration, Huo Zhi resolutely closed the door to practice.

She crossed the bottleneck, immersed in the world of color every day, and did not think about anything else. Gallery, monsoon and school make her feel very comfortable. She is so comfortable that she almost forgets the things and people in her dream.

She follows her inspiration and draws at will. The thick night scenes are interwoven with layers of dark colors. The theme of the picture is that the bodies of two men and women are floating from the crowd. They are two virtual images. The mask, human body and legs are illusory. The lower body of a woman is like light, hovering from the crowd, like snakes, fish, immortals and gossamer, like all you can think of Myth, and the man's lower body is hidden in layers of clouds, only the upper body down.

This is a large painting.

The color of the night scene is better than she imagined. Although it is a cold background, the color is cold, the warm part is only the lights in the street view, and the eye makeup and lip makeup on women's faces, but it makes people feel very peaceful and warm.

The man has only one side face, slightly squinting eyes, like flowing out of thousands of tender feelings, warm countless.

The harmony between men and women is a kind of intertwined emotion and her subconscious pursuit. The man in the picture has only a side face. She can't say who this man is. She just subconsciously wants such a warm man to appear in her own life. In other words, the deep feeling in the picture is her pursuit in life, and it is the bright sun in the day, It's the warm moon at night, the stove that warms her heart.

It's a picture that makes her cry, and it's a picture with a tearful smile.

There is no struggle, no pain, only hope, hope and immersion.

After drawing the last stroke, she sat on the floor slowly. She was so tired, but she was also very happy and satisfied. Happiness can also be to be able to do what you like and make it the best.

She felt that she had turned into a mistress, dancing in the fairyland, her skirt fluttering, and had already left the world. After lying on the ground for a while, she slowly recovered and came back to the world. Then she remembered that she had been closed for nearly a month and had forgotten everything about everyone.

In addition to eating and sleeping, she stayed at home for a whole month in the villa near the sea. Mother Zhang carefully put the food at her door. Her three meals a day were not right. That is to say, mother Zhang was so patient, hot and hot. For a month, every time she ate the food in her mouth, it was warm.

"Thank you, Ma Zhang! Hard work The eyes are like stars and diamonds.

"Don't mention it, Miss Huo. It's all the meaning of the young master. Master Mu comes every day. He can't bear to disturb you, but he has prepared your favorite recipe. I just made the dishes according to the young master's recipe. If I say thank you, I really should thank you! Young master - gave me a salary increase, Miss Huo. We women can meet such men all our lives - it's a blessing. We should cherish it! Master Mu is worthy of being entrusted for life. "

Zhang Ma's words are sincere. Huo Zhi doesn't know.

As a painter, she put herself into painting without any worries. She relied on Mu Bai's strong support. How could she not understand Mu Bai's mind, and of course she would not let it down.

"I will, Ma Zhang. I won't let master mubai down!"

"That's right, that's right!" Mother Zhang excitedly wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes. She was deeply moved by master Mu Bai's efforts.

During the period when she left, the gallery made good progress. She was very happy and gave Jiao Wei'er a salary increase and a bonus. Wei'er seems to be more mature than before. She will say thank you to her, but she is no longer jubilant like a child, and she is not thinking about what good things to buy and eat with this money.

She's a little melancholy, which is obviously a sign of a girl's nostalgia, but it's Jiao Wei'er's private affair. Huo Zhi doesn't like gossip and doesn't hate to be curious about other people's affairs. She just thinks Wei'er is different. As for what's different, she can't say. Maybe she has grown up and become familiar!

So growth should not be a bad thing. It's right for people to go on the road of maturity.

After the closure, Huo Zhi will still go to the teacher introduced by the monsoon to attend classes and study. The speed of her progress over and over again makes the famous teacher marvel, and at the same time, she is really happy for her.

The teacher's selflessness lies in that he wants every student he teaches to be excellent."Huo Zhi, there is an exhibition of young painters. I would like to recommend your paintings to the exhibition. What you need to do is to repeatedly study which works to choose?" The teacher said to her after a class.

Art exhibition? She remembered the work she had just finished.

"Teacher, can I? I feel like I can only do it, I - "

" no matter what I do, I need to take the initiative to attack. I don't wait for the passive. I think your recent paintings are good, and the previous Gardenia blossom is also very good. You can compare and choose. " The teacher gave her advice with a smile.

"I have the right choice in my heart, but I haven't named it yet. I'll go back and think about it." Huo Zhi pursed a smile, "I feel better than that pair of Gardenia."

"Is it?" As soon as the teacher's eyes brightened, he said that he was shocked, and then he said with a smile, "OK, there's a good painting hidden for me?"

"No, no --" Huo Zhi said with a shy smile, "I just finished it. It's a subconscious inspiration. It's not real enough. It's a dream buried in my heart. I just drew it."

Artists are impulsive and bloody, and they are also giants of action. The teacher is impatient to see them.

So in the villa near the sea, the teacher sat upright in the studio and looked at the giant painting. Under the light, a man and a woman, a teacher and a student, left and right, carefully pondered and looked at it in the light of light.

"Huo Zhi, wonderful! That's great! The elements of traditional Chinese painting in oil painting are well used. The collocation of colors and artistic expression really have the style of a master. Huo Zhi, I can assure you that after this exhibition, you will get angry, even purple. "

Huo Zhi knew that her painting was good, but she didn't expect that it would be as good as the teacher said. She got the teacher's praise. She was very happy, but she couldn't think of a good name for the painting.

"Take a proper name! Huo Zhi, name is the theme of a work. You should think about it carefully and choose an appropriate name for your work. "

The picture of a painting is the main body, and the name is to visualize the theme and the language in front of people.

"Let's call it a dream from the south!" Slowly seems to have exhausted all the efforts, in the eyes of the famous teacher, the name seems to be soaked with all the efforts and energy of Huo Zhi, look again, in a trance, the teacher felt that Huo Zhi was like a fairy bathing in a fairyland, not stained with dust.

It's true that the combination of man and painting is the highest pursuit of art. This seemingly weak woman has achieved it with her tenacious willpower, and has a bright future. It seems that in a moment, a new star in the art world will rise!