The car went on, and finally reached Yadan. In this place called ghost city, their car was not allowed to go in, and they took the unified bus.

Different from desert, devil city is full of coarse and hard sand. The typical Yadan landform on the boundless Gobi desert is also the origin of the name of Yadan. The so-called Yadan landform is a landscape composed of parallel ridges and grooves formed by long-term wind erosion. In this so-called long-term, its time is 300000 to 700000 years

However, what is shocking here is not only the peculiar landform, but also its desolation, so desolate that there is no breath of life, except for tourists like them.

Xu is a habit of painting lovers, which can also be called a fault. She always doesn't want to miss any beautiful scenery that touches her inspiration. Huo Zhi takes photos with her mobile phone and walks away from the tourists in the same car.

The wind was very strong, her clothes were blown everywhere, and her hat and scarf couldn't be worn at all. A strong wind came, and her hat was blown away. She ran after her hat, but she couldn't catch up because of the wind, and finally she didn't know how to stay away from the crowd.

When she realized this, there was no one around.

In principle, Zhang Chun should never leave himself. Why didn't he keep up?

, as like as two peas, she looked around, all of the same wind erosion little mounds. She made a few turns, trying to go back, but failed to find the bus lane.

Before she came here, she knew that there seemed to be no mobile phone signal in the devil city. She looked at the mobile phone with the last hope, and it was true. When it was restarted and turned on again, there was still no signal.

Her heart sank.

The wind, whistling, whistling past, like who is whistling, especially in the Gobi where she is the only one.

One of the reasons why Yadan is called the ghost city is that when the wind blows in winter, the wind howls in the city, just like ghosts crying and wolves howling, which is very terrible. She saw this on the Internet, and the tour guide mentioned it today.

At this time, it was still early for winter, but the atmosphere of terror shrouded her little by little, and she felt cold all over.

Huo Zhi knows that Zhang Chun must also be looking for her. He must be very anxious. But now he can't get in touch with him. Even if she is really in the same place, when can he find her? Would she have been mummified by the time she was found?

She said to herself, no, you can't wait here, she's going out!

She recalled that although she had been chasing the hat all the way, she didn't leave the main road too long. It should not be too far from the bus lane. Although it was all Danxia landform, every small mound was different.

Don't worry! Don't worry! She said to herself.

She is leeward to chase the hat, so it's right to follow the direction of the wind.

She opened the photo album of her mobile phone, in which there were photos she had taken. One by one, she compared and looked for the earth sculptures. As long as she found the earth sculptures in the photos, she would go back to where she was.

However, if you compare one with another, none of them is suitable

Can't be discouraged, don't have to go back to the original place, as long as you can walk on the road, you can always meet a tourist car passing by!

She felt that she had gone a long way, but she didn't see the road. She began to doubt whether she was going in the wrong direction and whether the wind direction was fixed? Will it go further and further?

She was not sure, but what she did not dare to give up was to continue to find a way out.

After thinking about it again, we should firmly move forward in the direction we have identified. Every few steps we take, we should look around to make sure whether we should continue or change our direction.

If not afraid, it is false, the wind in her mind has turned into a monster, to devour her, but what about fear? Fear won't save her!

In this way, while walking, she observed. One moment when she looked back, she saw someone running towards her.

She was overjoyed and was about to cry for help, but the figure suddenly turned her head and went in the opposite direction.

She was in a hurry and yelled, "Hello! Don't go! Help

And began to run in her direction, Huo Zhi determined that the kind of dress is a woman, women relative to men in terms of the risk coefficient is smaller, but the more she yelled, the woman is running more and more urgent.

Huo Zhi really doubts that she has gone in the opposite direction, otherwise, the direction of this person's coming and going is opposite to her?

She couldn't see the man clearly. She was wearing a long windbreaker and a hat, and wrapped her face and hat tightly with a scarf. She had only one head of beautiful hair, and the big wavy hair flowed outside. She was very curious and afraid. What she hoped more was that she could let the long hair woman take herself out of the predicament, because her appearance was not strange here, but why A woman with long hair runs away when she sees her?!

That person runs very fast, see she will not catch up with him, but, she is not anxious, as long as she takes the direction is right, she can catch up with all does not matter!

Suddenly, she felt wrong. In the roaring wind, there was an extra sound, like someone fell down! And it's from the front!Could it be that the woman with long hair fell down, and the naturally kind Huo Zhi rushed over without hesitation.

"What's the matter with you?" When she came panting, she found that it was a woman with long hair squatting on the ground, lowering her head and stroking her legs.

"Don't you run so fast? You're lost like me! Come and sit down first, and I'll help you! "

"Thank you!" The woman with long hair bows her head, but does not look up. The mysterious face suddenly makes Huo Zhi feel sad. She lets go of the hand of the persistent woman with long hair and retreats step by step.

"What? Scared? " The voice of the woman with long hair was suddenly very sad and strange. I don't know if it was an illusion. She always felt that there were all kinds of grievances in the strange voice, as if the woman with long hair was seeking revenge with herself.

"How can you be afraid if you don't do something bad?" The woman with long hair suddenly pulled the veil, wrapped her clothes tightly, stood up, leaving only two bright eyes, but also very evil.

Suddenly, she felt wrong. In the roaring wind, there was an extra sound, like the sound of a car driving! And it came from the body!

She looked back, sure enough, a desert Jeep came!

This time, she was so happy! It's finally saved!

She took off her hat and waved it like crazy! And fly in the direction of the car! Yelling "help, I'm lost!"

The people in the car should have seen her, accelerated, and the engine roared towards her.

She thought of the strange man just now. When she looked back, the man had disappeared.

What a strange man.

Are they local residents? Or scenic area staff? But no matter what she guessed, the explanation was unreasonable. The jeep comes from this side. She should have taken the right road before. What's the matter with this person coming out from the opposite direction? Why run away suddenly? Is it also because of the discovery of the car?

Thinking, the jeep has stopped, not far from her.

She stopped thinking about the strange man and ran towards the jeep. In the middle of the run, she suddenly stopped and looked at the scene in consternation. Her eyes widened. I can't believe it's true!

Who's the man getting out of the car?! Who is it?

Yes - Gu Junqing.

He is coming towards her with steady steps!

She rubbed her eyes and looked closely. It was really him!

It doesn't matter who's behind him anymore! It doesn't matter who else is in the world! She only saw him in her eyes! Just him!

"Gu Junqing!" She cried out to him and ran towards him.

Seeing this, Gu Junqing quickened his pace.

Huo Zhi tries to run towards him. The wind once again blows away her hat and scatters her scarf. Her black hair is in a mess in the wind. She can't take care of it. She just runs towards Gu Junqing and wants to jump into his arms.

Finally, the familiar man breath swept her, she fell in that pair of strong arms, that moment, all the demons and ghosts escaped from her brain, no longer need to be afraid, no longer fear.

"Huo Zhi, I finally found you!" Gu Junqing hugged Huo Zhi tightly. There was never a moment like now when he was so happy to have her, and there was never a moment like now when he missed her and was afraid that he would have any accident.

Huo Zhi covered her mouth and burst into tears.