Leng Xiaoli reached out and patted Zhao Dongxiang on the shoulder without speaking.

However, Zhao Dongxiang knows what his simple action represents, which means that he believes that Zhao Dongxiang is his cold and small person. In this complicated political arena, he covers him.

Getting the promise of Leng Xiaoli, Zhao Dongxiang was a little excited and continued to say: "boss, I have almost checked what you asked me to check. The woman has a very unusual relationship with Chen Guoqiang, former director of the C District police department and now deputy director of the B city police department. Three years ago, she reported a case of illegal fund-raising and usury. Chen Guoqiang personally supervised the case and arrested one of the principal criminals and two accomplices, one of whom was a female college student. "

"However, later, only the principal and another accomplice were prosecuted, but the female college students were not prosecuted under the name of coerced accomplices, and were quickly released."

Leng Xiaoli naturally knows that Bai Lesheng got Xu ruoyou's sister Xu Ruoling into the police station, and then threatened her with her sister to force her to leave state Z.

"Do you have any conclusive evidence about her affair with Chen Guoqiang?" Leng Xiaoli asked in a deep voice.

Zhao Dongxiang shook his head awkwardly and said, "that woman is really clean. Every time she makes an appointment with Chen Guoqiang, she always borrows the name of others, such as birthday party and dinner party. She doesn't come out alone in the name of both parties."

"Apart from that, they haven't seen each other in private?" Leng Xiaoli frowned and asked.

Zhao Dongxiang sighed: "there must have been, but no video data can be found. It can be seen that even if they meet, they will be in a very secret place, and there will not be any monitoring and other things in this kind of place, which will leave them with any handle."

After a pause, he added: "but recently, they seem to have met again. At a business event, Chen Guoqiang attended as a guest. I happened to be on the scene that day, so I paid special attention to them. I heard that the two of them had made an appointment to meet the next day, so I went and followed them in person, and then I found the place where they met

"Where?" Cold small from pick eyebrow, seem to be a bit displeased, Zhao Dongxiang speak roundabout.

Zhao Dongxiang had the intention to invite merit. He subconsciously exaggerated the difficulty and finally said what he had found. When Leng Xiaoli saw through this, he felt a little embarrassed, and quickly revealed all the things he had found.

"The place they met was a Taoist temple on the hillside of Xiangshan mountain. A few years ago, this place was transformed into a guild hall. It was packaged in the form of Taoist temple. It was a business of business and leisure. It was very hidden and secluded. It only received VIP guests and the number of VIP guests was limited. Therefore, it was very secluded and secluded. It was really suitable for people like Chen Guoqiang and Bai Lesheng who were not suitable to meet in front of people. "

"I also dragged a person to get a VIP seat. After I followed him, I listened to the corner. But the sound insulation effect of the place is good. I heard their conversation intermittently with our special equipment. "

"Bai Lesheng seems to want Chen Guoqiang to do something for her. It seems that it is related to some kind of" divorce ". Chen Guoqiang does not directly agree with him, as if he wants Bai Lesheng to give him some money. As for Chen Guobai's request, they didn't agree to leave. "

Leng Xiaoli concentrated on thinking for half a sound, and then said: "this matter you continue to follow up, what news will inform me."

Zhao Dongxiang nodded: "don't worry, boss, make sure to finish the task."

Leng Xiaoli nodded and raised his hand to indicate that he could go.

Zhao Dongxiang took a look at the villa next to him. For a moment, he couldn't stand the gossip and asked in a low voice, "boss, is this your sister-in-law?"

"No!" Cold small from the answer without thinking, the tone is suddenly cold down.

Zhao Dongxiang felt a chill coming out of his eyes. He closed his mouth and left the scene quickly. While walking, he guessed that if it wasn't for his sister-in-law, how could the eldest brother have such a big fire and put a paparazzi in the detention center for a month?

Paparazzi, is the eldest woman a star?

Zhao Dongxiang thought about Bai Lesheng, the female star who Leng Xiaoli asked him to investigate. Subconsciously, he guessed that the boss would not investigate this woman in order to catch her and make way for his own woman!

Zhao Dongxiang has a new understanding of the tall and glorious image of his eldest brother. He thinks about it and laments that he is inferior to him and drives away.

Leng Xiaoli stood at the door of Shangguan Qianmian's house for a while and then drove away after all the lights on the upper floor were off.

After he sold his apartment, he went back to his old house.

The so-called "old house" is actually not very old. It is a high-end villa that their father bought specially after the sharp increase of family population.

There is a huge courtyard with a large lawn. When he and his younger brother and sister were young, they played here all day.

Of course, the most important thing is that there are many rooms in this villa. In addition to the four rooms of their family of five, there are five guest rooms and more than ten servant rooms. The whole villa, like a small palace, is very imposing.When Leng Xiaoli returned home, it was already more than 10 o'clock in the evening. Leng xuemu's car almost stopped at the door of the villa at the same time.

Leng Xiao left the car and was about to say hello. However, he found that the person who got off the car was not his brother lengxue mu, but Bai Lesheng.

Cold small from squint eyes, look suddenly a cold.

"Big brother, you're back. It seems that I saw you at the auction just now. I thought I was wrong, but I didn't expect you really came back!" Bai Lesheng came over and said hello to him.

Cold small from lenglenglenglengleng look at her, not warm not fire way: "I just arrived, have not been to any auction."

"Yes Is it? Maybe I was wrong about it Although Bai Lesheng had known that Leng Xiaoli would not give her a good face, he was not light or heavy, but he still felt that his face was a little bit hung.

"Why did you come?" Leng Xiaoli glanced at her and asked in a cold voice.

"I Xuemu said that Noah missed me. Let me come and have a look. I've been very busy recently. I thought I could finish work earlier today, but I didn't expect to finish it so late. I want to see Noah, but I'm afraid she has already fallen asleep. " Bai Lesheng adjusted a little embarrassed expression on his face and said with a smile.

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