"It should be too tired.".

An Xiaojing smiles.

The autumn morning sun came through the window and made her feel comfortable.

Leng Yichen turned over and took the clothes out of the closet.

"When you're ready, come down to dinner."


An Xiaojing answered.

Leng Yichen has already gone downstairs. An Xiaojing quickly cleans up herself and then goes downstairs.

A rich breakfast has been arranged on the table. Leng Yichen is like this. Although everyone doesn't like extravagance and waste, he always wants to give all the best to an Xiaojing.

Besides, an Xiaojing has a baby again.

He can't afford to be careless about such things.

Leng Yichen is a more careful person.

Especially in dealing with an Xiaojing.

"I'm going to Empire group later. You have a baby now. Just have a good rest at home."

Leng Yichen put on his coat and left the house.

An Xiaojing is left in the villa.

She drank some milk and took out her cell phone.

On the mobile phone, there are a lot of missed calls.

An Xiaojing knew who the other party was as soon as she saw it.

Besides Yu Zhenhuan, who else can call to find himself at this time?

Her mouth hook, yes, Leng Yichen can not because of the dawn and Yu Zhenhuan face-to-face, but she can not.

It is impossible for an Xianyang's affairs to pass away in the past.

Coming out of the house, an Xiaojing went directly to the place she had arranged with Yu Zhenhuan.

You can see from a distance that the man is already sitting there.

The place he chose was more partial. It was not easy for an Xiaojing to find this place.

Yu Zhenhuan's mouth is hooked with a very sinister smile.

An Xiaojing was not afraid and looked at the man.

"I knew you would come."

Yu Zhenhuan spoke before an Xiaojing.

"Of course I will. You said in your message that my brother died for another reason."

That's why she came here.

"It seems that your brother's position in your heart is very important."

Yu Zhenhuan laughs.

"It's natural, or do you think everyone can use his brother like you?"

An Xiaojing sarcastically said that she was referring to Yu Zhenhuan's treatment of Leng Chenxi.

If you are yourself, you can't use your brother.

"Shut up! Do you think you know a lot? "

Yu Zhenhuan stopped an Xiaojing's words.

"What? You've done everything, and you're afraid I'll say it? If it wasn't for you, Chenxi would not misunderstand Leng Yichen, hurt each other, go to prison, and lose sight again. You set him on a path of revenge, and from that time on, you were wrong. "

An Xiaojing said indignantly.

Yu Zhenhuan is full of disdain.

What's more, she can't stand the way an Xiaojing preaches to herself.

"Grandma Leng, you have a lot of responsibilities. What do you know about how the cold family dealt with the white family? Your so-called truth is just a story of Leng Yichen lying to you and cheating you into dawn. What qualifications does he have to be a brother to dawn? "

Yu Zhenhuan's eyes began to fire with anger.

An Xiaojing looks a little scared.

This person is completely different from the person he knew then.

That gentle man, long dead in his memory, never appeared again.

"When it comes to destruction, didn't you also be ruined by Leng Yichen when you settled down? If you think about it carefully, if it wasn't for Leng Yichen, maybe your brother would not have been reduced to the situation where life and death are unknown today, your family should be able to stay with you, whether they live in harmony or not, shouldn't they? "

Yu Zhenhuan suddenly said.

An Xiaojing's eyebrows slightly frown together.

Indeed, the story after all this seems to be inseparable from Leng Yichen.

Because of the existence of Leng Yichen, she also slowly towards the direction of that person.

Towards Leng Yichen, everything behind him has become disintegrated.

"You always need to be reminded to remember."

Yu Zhenhuan looks at an Xiaojing with a dark face.

"I'm not here today to hear you say that."

An Xiaojing said that it was dangerous. Just now, she was really going to fall into Yu Zhenhuan's hatred theory.

She can't make such a mistake.

Once you listen to all his words, do you start to hate Leng Yichen again?

She can't.

Now that they have two babies, she can no longer doubt Leng Yichen's feelings."What are you going to say?"

An Xiaojing looked at the deep eyes in front of her.

This man, she once trusted, but now?

All of a sudden, those pictures became so long that I couldn't catch them with my hands.

"If I tell you a big secret, I wonder if you will believe it?"

Yu Zhenhuan said, but there was a smile in the corner of his eye. The whole person was confident and looked at an Xiaojing as if she would believe it.

"What are you going to say?"

Asked an Xiaojing.

"What do you want most now?"

An Xiaojing looks at the man. What she hopes most now is that Xiaoli can safely return to her side.

That's all.

She had no other hopes.

"Your brother is not dead."


An Xiaojing was stunned.

What did he say?

Is an Xianyang alive?

"No way!"

An Xiaojing didn't believe what Yu Zhenhuan said.

Before that, she believed that an Xianyang was not dead and would come back.

But when he said this from Yu Zhenhuan's mouth, he was inexplicably ironic.

At the beginning, it was this man who framed his brother. Now he tells himself in turn that what happened at that time was just a dream?

It's ironic.

"I made a good time. On that day, I asked your brother to come out and meet him. What happened later was what you saw. Your brother was buried under everyone's gaze, and then Leng Yichen appeared. But Leng Yichen never told you where your brother went after that? "

Yu Zhenhuan's eyes are full of obsidian.

An Xiaojing was afraid.

Indeed, every time I ask Leng Yichen, he says he doesn't know.

But, of course, she fainted and couldn't see what happened afterwards.

But Leng Yichen is not.

No matter how much he asked, the man would not say.

"Have you never doubted Leng Yichen?"

Yu Zhenhuan continued to speak.

"I have seen your brother with my own eyes, and Leng Yichen has something to do with it."

Yu Zhenhuan didn't speak through, and an Xiaojing felt a thrill.

Leng Yichen has something to do with it.

"My brother? Where did you see my brother

Dead or alive?

After that, she didn't ask.

Yu Zhenhuan still smiles at her and says nothing.

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