The car was far away, Georgina was still standing there, and the whole person seemed to have lost her soul.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked

"Nothing. I don't want to go shopping. There's nothing to buy. Go back first. I have a place to go."

"Well, take care of your safety."

He nodded and turned away.

First she went to her private manor, the house had been sold by Joseph, and she did not know who the new tenant was.

She took a special look and it was full of their memories.

She hid him, afraid that he would be hurt, would buy him his favorite sunflower, and fill the refrigerator with ingredients.

He likes to cook and do housework. He likes to eat his cooking for the first time.

Obviously simple, but still feel delicious, better than the chef at home.

Accompany him to go out to buy flowers, knowing that the landlady is interested in him, deliberately let her mistakenly think that he is his girlfriend.

Is it just a joke? Isn't it the idea of your inner subconscious?

In fact, this is like.

At the beginning of Gu Xi's ignorant feelings, only because he dared to be the first person, pointed out her shortcomings.

She thinks Gu Xi is special. That's what she likes.

But after meeting Mo Quan, she really understood what it was like.

She went to the manor and found that the gate was closed, and there was no sign of human habitation in it.

She found the dog hole she had left before, went in and found that the door inside was locked.

Looking through the glass, the furniture inside was covered with white cloth, and no one lived there.

She seems to see her and Mo Quan's figure, as if nothing has changed.

There is only one way for her now, that is, she firmly loves Moquan and believes him wholeheartedly.

She stayed there for a long time before she left for Moquan's residence.

But I don't want to be at the door and hear the sound inside.

"Master, why did you bring her?"

"Your marriage is about the future of Mulder. I don't care what you want, this time I have to listen to me. I have brought you here, and people want to know you very much. You must have a lot of common topics. Don't neglect others. Although the Mooney family can't compare with Clyde, they are also the best in the industry. "

"Monty's cute, too. I don't like Mulder. I think you're good."

"Master, did you forget what I told you last time? My marriage is up to me. I want to marry Georgina. It's a beautiful thing to discuss. I know you brought it. You can try to get her away. Next time, don't come to me at will. "

"Otherwise, I will change the lock and install the guard."

Mo Quan said impolitely, and then turned to leave.

Georgina immediately hid under the tree behind the door, as if she had come at a bad time.

It turned out that Hal was also looking for a marriage partner for him.

Mo Quan was about to drive away, but saw Georgina.

"Why are you here?"

"I I just passed by and wanted to see you, but you seem to be a little inconvenient now

"It's not inconvenient. Get on the bus. The company has nothing to do. I'll take you to the seaside for relaxation."

He opened the door for her, gentleman.

She nodded and got on the bus quickly.

I don't know why, the atmosphere in the car is a bit dull and strange.

Finally, Georgina started.

"That Monty, maybe my classmate in primary school

"Is it?"

"Well, we also No, she doesn't like me, and I don't like her. But I was Miss Clyde at that time, and she didn't dare to offend me

"You were a bully when you were a kid."

"Yes, very bad, the devil of the class. No one dares to bully me, including the teacher

"My daughter-in-law is so lovely."

He said with a smile, sweet and sweet.

Georgina could not help laughing.

When everyone mentioned that he was one and two big, he thought he was cute.

She was sick all over the princess. She was extremely delicate. She didn't know how many people she bullied.

It's time to wake up. It shouldn't be, but it's all over.

"The Mooney family It's not bad. It's not too good. It's medium and high-class. It's still a bit of strength. "

"It has nothing to do with me. My marriage is up to me."

"I now Out of the house, nothing. I didn't look up to Monty before. Now it's her turn to look down on me. You may have to think about your future, not just for Mulder. "

"My father picked so many men for me that he wanted someone to inherit Clyde. I can also understand your father's mood. Besides, it's good for you and her to marry someone who is equal to her... "Before she finished her words, the car suddenly stopped and the tire scratched on the ground and made a particularly harsh sound.

She fell hard forward and bounced back again.

"So now, are you giving up?"

"I'm already like this. I don't want to get you involved."

Georgina dropped her eyes and did not dare to look at his eyes.

She is also a cold shoulder today, originally did not feel what, know he rushed to send money in a hurry.

The 50 million yuan must have been hard won. She didn't want to see him like this.

Try to make money just to spend money on yourself.

"It's clearly that I've got you in trouble. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't even have a home. Georgina, you look at me. I'm going to marry you in my life, and I'll take you back to Clyde

"Now, I just need time."

"Then I ask you, how did you get this 50 million sub card?"

"Just At will, I opened a secondary card

"Now that Mulder is in financial difficulties, he would like to spend a cent in half. Where can he open his card? You need bank certification for this amount. "

"I mortgaged my house, Mulder was in financial crisis, and the bank wouldn't lend. But I will redeem the house and I won't let you have a hard time. I can't say how good it is to be compared with Clyde, but it won't make you suffer. You have to look at people's faces when you buy clothes. "

"I don't want this money. I don't need any clothes. They take care of me. You don't need to spend money on me."

She put the vice card in his arms, tears could not help falling.

Mo Quan couldn't help but hug her tightly in his arms and gently stroked her hair.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

"Mo quan I want a home, I don't want to sell the house, OK? "


"I want a home Give it to me now, will you


A word, Mo Quan did not hesitate to take Georgina to register for marriage.

There is no grand wedding, there is no blessing from relatives and friends, only two people tightly embrace each other.

"I want to go home with you, to our home."

"Do you really want to live with me?"

"After all, I'm not afraid of it. If I don't live in, I'm afraid there will be other women's ideas about Mrs. Mo!"

She plucked up the courage to say, no more escape, no fear.

No matter what will be waiting for you!