"How could there be such a big tiger!"

Three women were scared silly, pretty face pale, standing in the same place.

What they usually see is the tiger in the zoo, which is one story high enough to frighten ordinary people.

"You three go first."

Su Xun said a word to the three men, and then walked to the tiger, ready to fight it.

"Don't go!" Bai Yu subconsciously grabbed Su Xun and said anxiously, "aren't you going to die?"

Although the disposition is arrogant, always puts on the high above appearance, the key time heart is not bad.

This kind of person can be found everywhere in the society.

Tan Ying also said: "brother Su, there's no way to deal with it. Let's run."

Xie Qing is the weakest. He is so scared that he can't even say a complete sentence.


The gorgeous tiger let out a low roar, sank and began to circle around the three slowly.

It felt the threat from Su Xun, otherwise it would have attacked directly.

"Run! Can you run past it? You go first

Su Xun broke away from Bai Yu's hand and took the lead to attack. He rushed directly to the gorgeous tiger.

With his physical quality, even if he stands there and is bitten by a tiger, he may not be able to move.

So, there's nothing to be afraid of.

It's over!

Of course, the system does not reduce his physical fitness, which means that the world is still very dangerous.

The tiger could really hurt him, so he let the three go first.

"Be careful, brother Su!" Tan Ying exclaimed, only pulling Bai Yu and Xie Qing to run back.

This is to prevent Su Xun from fighting with the tiger and being distracted by the three of them.

At this time, like a TV play, it is harmful to others and oneself to stay in the same place and refuse to go.


The beautiful tiger didn't expect that the small two legged beast dared to challenge himself. With a roar, he rushed to Sushen.

"What a beast! Get out of here

Su tiktok, a slippery shovel, grabbed his chin's fur, and the other hand hit his big head against a big blow.



With a howl, the gorgeous tiger was knocked over and broke a tree with a click.

Tan Ying, who is running back, hears the voice behind him and stops subconsciously.

Looking back, I was stunned.

Su Xun was riding on the head of the beautiful tiger, punching one after another, and the tiger howled.

All of a sudden, the three of them felt sorry for the tiger.

"This What do you mean by a common clerk? " Tan Ying looks at Bai Yu with a confused face.

She really wants to ask, what kind of company are you in? Do you have such high requirements for ordinary staff?

Xie Qing also looks at Bai Yu with a muddled face.

Bai Yu herself was even more confused. For the first time, she knew that Su Xun was so worried.

She was so difficult for Su Xun before, but he didn't kill her. He was so kind.

With the last wail, the blood flowed from the nose of the gorgeous tiger, and he died.

The hunter was hunted by his prey.

"Come on, you don't have to run."

Su Xun came down from the tiger's body, waved to the three people, and said softly.

Three people walked past carefully.

"Brother Su, you also Too It's too fierce. " Tan Ying can't think of adjectives.

Xie Qing nodded like a chicken pecking rice, with little stars in his eyes: "it's the modern version of Wusong."

She has a weak temper. She was bullied when she was a child. She likes this kind of strong man very much.

Because what she lacks is what she yearns for. What she needs is a sense of security.

Of course, Su Xun can also give her safety.

"You It's amazing Bai Yu feels that she doesn't like Su Xun's words.

Su Xun said: "tigers have territory. There is no danger around here, and there must be water. Let's go. It should be coming soon."

"Well What about it? " Bai Yu pointed to the huge tiger corpse on the ground.

Su Xun patted the tiger's head: "our grain."

Three people "....."

It's too big to eat.

More than ten minutes later, the four found a stream passing through the island. There was a lot of bamboo beside the stream.

"It's so big and long!"

Touching a bamboo, Xie Qingna said.

Tan Ying and Bai Yu twitch.

Xie Qing also thought of the ambiguity of his words, blushed and quickly took his hand away from the bamboo."Well, brother Su, did you find that the things here are very big?" Tan Ying said.

Bai Yu nodded: "yes, from the tiger just now to the bamboo now, there are trees."

"We don't fall into some primitive jungle, do we?" Xie Qing said with wide eyes.

Tan Ying gave a bitter smile: "is there such a big tiger in the primitive jungle? It's totally unscientific. I'm afraid... "

"I'm afraid we're not on earth anymore." Bai Yu took over her words anxiously.

Xie Qing can't believe it: "how can this be possible."

"That's just right. Let's create an earth people on the island." Su Xun joked.

White rain rolled a white eye: "want to fart to eat, you still want to take us three together?"

Xie Qing took a look at Su Xun quietly. He put a smile on his face and lowered his head.

The scene of Su Xun's fighting against a tiger lingered in her mind. She felt that she had been occupied.

"Come on, don't be kidding. This kind of thing is too shocking. Maybe it's just the biological variation on this island." Tan Ying frowned and said.

Su Xun took out the water cup he found in his suitcase and filled it with water: "don't drink raw water. Boil it before you drink it."

The water cup is made of stainless steel, which can be used to boil water. As for fire, you can make fire by drilling wood.

It's hard to find wood by hand, and then it's hard to make a fire.

But Su Xun is no longer human.

The stick in his hand just used the feeling of a machine, sawdust flying.

With this speed, we can conquer the three girls.

"It's smoking. It's smoking."

Bai Yu points to the tree trunk in surprise.

Soon a small fire burns the sawdust. Tan Ying and Xie Qing add dried leaves to it. They start to add firewood after the fire gets bigger and bigger.

After the fire, Su Xun broke a bamboo with his fist and divided it into sections to store the water.

Looking at Su Xun's clean smashing of bamboo, the three women felt like a dream.

It's all on. All right.

"Brother Su, are you really from the earth?" Tan Ying doubts whether Su Xun is from another planet.

Su Xun gave her a smile: "if you are curious, just try to see if there is reproductive isolation."

"Bah, it's necrotic." Always hear Tan Qiao's face is also a free and easy words.

How to try reproductive isolation?

Sex, of course.

White rain see two people flirt with each other, some not satisfied with the curl of the lips: "color, wolf nature exposed."

"Sister Bai, brother Su is just joking." Xie Qing subconsciously apologized for Su Xun.

Bai Yu and Tan Ying look at Xie Qing at the same time.

Xie Qing's face became more and more red, and he lowered his head.

Bai Yu and Tan Ying look at each other. It's over.