Li Wei shut herself up in the study. She was trapped in the Bureau and couldn't get out. If not for the experience of more than ten years, perhaps it would be just, but when she experienced such a life, it was difficult for her to return to the original state of mind.

Her mind is independent, she yearns for that kind of life.

In the study, there was a portrait of the elder cousin. Li Wei took it out and unfolded it slowly. She put her hands together and prayed silently: elder sister, when the situation here is stable, please help me in the sky and let me go back there. I really don't like it here.

The next day after Fu's entering the palace, Li Wei felt a little uncomfortable. She spared the concubines' morning and dusk consciousness, and almost strictly restrained people, hoping that there would be no more troublemakers.

Busy for two days, the body felt more and more uncomfortable, had to send the doctor in to give her diagnosis and treatment.

Lu Taiyi pulse her across the tent, and soon came to the conclusion: empress dowager, you are thinking too much and hurt your liver qi. Wei Chen will give you two doses of soothing liver and relieving depression. Take medicine and recuperate at the same time. It should be OK within a period of time. Please rest assured. "

Li Wei is lying on the bed, what do you worry about, she said: "hard doctor."

Lu Taiyi went to write a prescription, considering the addition and subtraction of drugs.

Li Wei felt his head hurt and hummed hard, and his heart was suffocating. After she lay down, she left the affairs of the palace to Princess Jing for the time being.

The imperial concubine promised in front of Li Wei's bed: "empress dowager, when you are ill, you can rest and rest. Everything is left to my concubine. How old are you, my concubine? You can rest assured that you have been through so many things. "

At this time, she has what to worry about. She is not a person who clings to her power. She nodded and said, "OK, that's the work princess."

The imperial concubine is responsible for the affairs in the palace. She only needs to recuperate.

After Jing Taifei left, Li Wei looked at the dim light for a long time and then fell asleep. In her sleep, she seemed to see the Li Minghua couple and her big brother. Everyone was crying. Li Wei heart way I this is dead, then she saw another oneself lying on the bed, her soul has been unable to return to that body. She didn't want to go back to what she wanted before she died.

She didn't see her second brother everywhere. After looking for a good circle, she saw her second brother playing the violin by the window, so attentive. It's just that she can't hear it. "Second brother, I haven't gone far. You don't have to be too upset. " Li Wei goes to talk to Li Jianbo, but Li Jianbo doesn't seem to see her.

"I'm still alive, I'm still alive..." Li Wei is talking nonsense, feeling that there is a person sitting beside her, but she can't wake up.

Li Wei desperately wanted to shout, but found that she couldn't even make a sound. She seemed to fall into an endless abyss, and her body kept falling. At that moment, someone caught her.

She heard the source of the voice: "Ah Wei, Ah Wei!"

The eyelash light fan, Li Wei finally opened eyelid. The fire on the candlestick lit up the room. In front of her bed was a man in a Blue Satin Robe, embroidered with sunflower patterns, and wearing a black hat.

It's a Chamberlain! But who had the courage to sit in front of her bed and hold her hand.

His face was hidden in the shadow, and it was hard to see clearly, but Li Wei already understood. He shrank back into the bed in fear. Then he sat up and said angrily, "if you want to die, don't pull me up. What do you want to do by my bed at night? If people see you, I'm afraid it's not enough to die seven or eight times. "

However, Zhao Qian didn't seem to care at all. He could change the clothes of eunuchs to hide people's eyes and ears and go to Li Wei's bedroom. Naturally, he had a way to get out. He still said peacefully, "I heard you were ill. I came to see you. No one knows. Don't worry

Don't worry, don't worry, ghosts can rest assured. What are their identities now?! The people of the former dynasty and the rear court are all staring at them. The people of Daqi are staring at them. What can we do here.

"Don't be nervous, and don't be afraid. I'll talk to you and leave. Don't worry."

"If you have something you can't say during the day, you have to come to my bed at night."

Some words are not convenient to speak in broad daylight. When Zhao Qian saw Li Wei's refusal to accept others from thousands of miles away, he understood that they had returned to the past. At this time, he said no more tender words. Zhao Qian thought for a moment and said, "Ah Wei, we'd better go back. It's not suitable for us. I'm still an actor, and you're still your host. Although I don't have any power, we live a comfortable life. We're just together, and others won't say anything. "

"If you want to go back, it's not easy."

Zhao Qian asked Li Wei to extend his hand, and Li Wei stretched out his right hand according to what he said.

Zhao Qian saw clearly that Li Wei was in a coma, and the ring he put on was still there. He tried to remove the ring, but it seemed to grow on her finger. I can't take it off at all. I'm too hard and I'm afraid I'll hurt Li Wei.

Li drew back his hand and shook his head: "it's useless. I can't take it down. That's the ring that brought us back? ""Yes, it's a ring full of power. But now it may not work. " Zhao Qian's last hope was also shattered.

Li Wei accepted the fact faster than Zhao Qian. She said calmly, "forget it if you can't go back. I must have died in that world. I saw them in my dream just now, but they couldn't see me or hear me Li Wei looked up at Zhao Qian again and said, "since I can't go back, I'd better accept the facts calmly. How about living here

"No, I don't want it."

How could this person be so stubborn? Li Wei said without being angry: "you don't want to, so what do you want? Do you think it's so easy to go back? You can't see the reality. What else can we do now except accept it? "

Zhao Qian looked at her with deep eyes and a trace of reluctance: "Ah Wei, I want to be with you." The tone is so firm, without a trace of hesitation.

Under his warm gaze, Li Wei did not dare to look directly at his eyes, but turned his head to look elsewhere.

"Remember, you are the Regent now, and I am the Empress Dowager. Let's identify ourselves with each other. I'm a coward and coward. I can't do anything out of the ordinary. I also have people to guard. Please accept the present arrangement. "

Zhao Qian stood up. He walked out of the bed and turned around. It was dark outside.

If only he hadn't revealed his heart to her, then maybe she would never know how much she loved her. It would be enough for him to bear the torture in silence.

"Regent, kneel down."

Zhao Qian stood with his back to her. After a long time, he slightly turned his head and said, "please take care of yourself. Don't worry about anything. I will guard this area for you and the emperor."

"Thank you."

There was a slight cough under the window. It seemed that when it was time to go, Zhao Qian finally faced her again and made a deep bow with her. Then he turned and left.

The curtain swayed gently, and he was no longer seen. There was no more of him in the room. Li Wei lies down again, as if just in a dream, she closed her eyes again.

Since they can't go back, they should recognize the reality and return to their original identity. For them, that's the best result. She should have given up the emotions she shouldn't have. , the fastest update of the webnovel!