

With each step down the stairs, the air became more stagnant and the musty smell intensified.

The spiral staircase that lead down to the basement was lit up with lights from magic tools here and there, but it was probably dim enough for normal people to feel it was dim.

However, thanks to the dark attribute, it was bright enough for me, who could see at night, and I could see that Camilla, who was walking next to me, frowned at the smell.

It seemed that Havre Calvine had been thrown into a dungeon that held felons in order to prevent another prison break.

This was the only staircase leading from the dungeon to the surface.

There were two soldiers in front of the prison, two on the stairs, and six soldiers in the corridor leading to the stairs, and in addition, 10 soldiers were on standby at the station so that they could respond immediately in case something went wrong.

Animal moans and sharp whipping sounds echoed from the bottom of the stairs.

In terms of height, there was a sturdy iron gate at a place where it was about two stories high, and after opening the bar and stepping in, there was a corridor about two meters wide.

It seemed that the depth was about 20 meters, and it seemed that the space was wider than I thought.


"Guuaaaaaah ..."

"Isn't it better to spit it out quickly and feel better?"

"Wh, who would talk ..."


"Gaaaaaaah ... Bastard ..."

"You stubborn guy ..."

In the dungeon separated by a corridor and iron bars, there were two knights in charge of interrogation and one criminal.

If I hadn't been told beforehand that it was Havre, I wouldn't have known who the culprit being chained was.

Havre had his right arm, severed at the tip of his elbow, and his intact left arm tied behind his head and was suspended from the ceiling by ropes.

His legs were fixed in a kneeling position, and he was not even allowed to fall.

When he was first captured, he was treated like a nobleman, but this time he wasn't even allowed to wear clothes, and had been interrogated in this position for a long time.

His body was covered in whip marks and blood was oozing from the torn areas of his skin, but he didn't appear to have been treated.

His face also appeared to have been hit, and his left eye appeared to be blocked by a swollen eyelid.

His right eye, which seemed to be barely able to see, captured us standing outside the prison, and a light filled with madness filled it.

"Maou! I'll kill you, you shitty brat! Guaaaaaah!"

Havre raged to the point of tearing off the leather belt that restrained him, and he wouldn't stop even after being whipped by the soldiers.

"Damnit, damnit, damniiiit! If it wasn't for you, this country would have belonged to me. A brat who doesn't know how hard it is has the nerve to start excessively meddling! Guaaaaa!"

The soldier in charge of the interrogation whipped him in quick succession, and in the end, he was kicked in the pit of the stomach, and Havre threw up bloody gastric juice and stopped moving.

The areas around the flanks and pit of the stomach must have already been beaten many times, and they were turning blue and black.

It seemed that Havre firmly refused to answer the questions posed to him, but the knights in charge of the interrogation didn't seem to expect any answers either.

At first, it seemed there was the idea to carry out a public execution as an example, but by hiding the death of Havre, it seemed that they switched to a policy of preventing a spontaneous discharge from the Calvine territory.

And, it was decided that Havre would be deprived not only of his dignity as a nobleman, but also his dignity as a human being, and that he would be put to death in prison.

The most humiliating end to the life of a man who prided himself on his power and aimed to rule by force would be the revenge of the knights who lost so many of their companions.

"Havre-san, you ordered the explosives from Kilia, right?"

"Fuun ... That kind of thing ... even if you ask ... do you think?"

Havre appeared to be out of breath, but his heart still seemed to be unbroken.

He looked up from his downward gaze and even had a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I heard that the Republic of Kilia is a country rich in mineral resources. Explosives are used to blast hard bedrock to facilitate mining, right?"

"Fuun, did you hear that from somewhere ..."

"Nope, in my world, things like this are within the scope of common sense."

"My world ...?"

"Huh, haven't you heard? I'm a person from another world summoned by Camilla."

"Nonsense ..."

"Maa, you don't have to believe it, but it was a tool in my world that reflected Havre-san's past appearance at the room of proceedings."

"Then what is it ... it's all over ... I have no interest."

I thought that if I talked about Japanese technology, which was a different world from Resenburg's point of view, he would show a bit of interest, but Havre showed no interest at all.

"Then, what about the Calvine territory?"

"Fuufuufuu, even if you captured me, not yet ... gofuu ... I guess you can't get it under control."

"Maa, it seems that it will be closed due to snow this time of year ..."

"Fuhahaha ... Even if the snow melts in the spring, the Calvine territory will remain the Calvine territory. You guys ... won't be able to get it."

"If that's the case, what should be done?"

"It's easy ... gofuu ... all you have to do is send me home ..."

"Do you want to go home?"

"Fuun, intending to return ... probably not ..."

"Aren't you worried about your territory's future?"

"I won't be there ... The Calvine territory ... I don't care what's going to happen ..."

"Aren't you worried about the lives of the people of the fief?"

"Fuhahaha ... gofuu, gafuu ... the people of the territory ... in order to do their best for me ... they exist. For me ... I don't worry about them ... they worry about me ..."

I heard from Camilla beforehand that the state of the Calvine territory was a society where wealth was monopolized by a few people, with Havre at the top, and the gap between the rich and the poor was also severe.

It was expected that factional disputes would soon begin once word reached that Havre had been executed.

Although it was decided that he would be put to death in prison, it seemed that the issue of how to govern the territory after Havre's death remained.

Count Saruel, who was in the former First Prince faction and had financial difficulties, was planning to acquire the Calvine territory by changing his territory if he was lucky, but it seemed that he didn't have the skills to coordinate the miners.

"Havre-san, where were you hiding after pretending to have escaped?"

"Fuun, the future King ... it's only natural to live in the royal castle."

"But, someone was hiding you, weren't they?"

"I wonder ... Gofuu, gofu gofuu ..."

After coughing, Havre raised his face and grinned, his front teeth stained with fresh blood.

After seeing that, I asked Camilla.

"Is there no progress in identifying the collaborators?"

"Havre didn't say anything, but the knights who were captured with him spoke."

"Who was hiding Havre?"

After a moment's hesitation, Camilla said the collaborator's name.

"The Third Queen, Maylene Resenburg, my mother."

"Fuhahahahaha! That's right, the one who was hiding me was your mother, Maylene. Gafuu, gofu, gaaaa ..."

"Stop it! Let him speak as he wants."

When Camilla stopped the soldier who kicked Havre, Havre coughed for a while and then slowly raised his head.

"Gofuu ... How is that prostitute woman doing. Even if he had young women attend him in the middle of the day ... he was already useless as a male ... instead of that stupid King, this me ... plenty of joy as a woman ... I taught her. By now ... indiscriminately fishing for men ... isn't she doing so? Gefuu ... Camilla, you too should be honest ... Gafuu ... If you become mine ... You'll ascend to heaven with your mother ... I'll make you feel comfortable! Gah ... Guhaa ... Ugaaaaa ..."

The soldier who received a look from Camilla whipped and kicked him, and forced Havre to shut up.

Havre, who was unconscious, was forced to wake up by being showered with water from a bucket by the soldier.

Havre's whole body was covered in wounds, so much that the water spilled on the floor was dyed red.

I wouldn't be surprised if he died in front of me.

"Haa ... Haa ... Brat ... You, you think you've won."

Bending his neck, he didn't even look at me, and between his rough breathing, Havre spoke to me.

"Haa ... Haa ... At best you're in good shape ... You bastard ... are also the same as me."

Havre lifted his head like a ghost and gave a convulsive smile.

"Those who have power ... are envied ... shunned ... like me ... and will be destroyed, fuufuu, gafuu, gufuu ..."

Havre coughed violently, spitting up blood over his chin, staining the nape of his neck red, and continued looking up at me hauntingly.

After meeting Havre's gaze, I bowed deeply.

"Thank you for your advice. I will keep your deeds in my heart so that I won't end up like you."

As if looking at something I didn't understand, I continued speaking to Havre, who had stopped moving.

"You were a talented person. You had the talent and the power. But, you were ruined because you used your power for your own sake, to entrap others. That's why I use my power for everyone. I use it to help the people around me and prosper together. Havre Calvine, I will never forget you. As long as I remember your existence, I will never go astray."

"Sh, shitty brat! Gafuu gefuu ... to you bastard, to you bastard ... Gofuu ..."

"Goodbye, Havre Calvine. I will never see you again."

Havre tried to stop me when I urged Camilla to return to the surface.

"Wait, wait, you bastard! Gofuu ... Don't leave yet, about the magician ... I'll tell you."

"Never mind. As for the dark-attribute magician, I'll ask them directly. Then ..."

"Wait! Wait, we're not done talking ... Gofuu ... Wait, wait, shitty brat! Gaaaaaa!"

Listening to the sound of the whip and Havre's groans from behind, I climbed the spiral staircase.

When I returned to the ground and was released from the stagnant air, I felt that the grudges clinging to my body had cleared.

It seemed that many criminals had died in the dungeon so far, so perhaps it was really full of grudges and curses.

The next place I headed to with Camilla was a prison where the dark-attribute magician was imprisoned.

There was a foul stench in the area where Havre had been confined before.

In addition to the dark-attribute magician, her younger brother was also imprisoned in the prison.

I told them that the magician's tattoo might have a magical meaning, and that it was dangerous to approach blindly, so the knights who were afraid of the curse left him as the caretaker.

Seeing me standing in front of the prison with Camilla, the magician and her brother prostrated themselves on the floor.

"It's hard to talk like this, so can you raise your head?"

"Ha!, as you wish, Maou-sama."

Apparently, after being imprisoned, it seemed that various things had been instilled in him, and the younger brother was trembling.

Considering the future situation, I cleared the room so that no one could hear what we were talking about, and blocked the corridor with a shield of darkness.

I asked Camilla to leave because of the excuse of preparing for a magical threat.

It was planned to have her hear the details of the interrogation later.

"First, can I ask your name?"

"Yes, my name is Marzella, my younger brother's name is Ruzek."

"It's quick, but can you tell me the details of how you were used by Havre and captured?"


Marzella and Ruzek were said to be from a minority hill tribe called Bronetsk, who lived in the north of the Felciane Empire, the country to the west of Barshania.

Bronetsk was said to produce many magicians with the dark attribute, and when those with the dark attribute reached the age of 15, regardless of gender, they got tattoos on their face and both arms.

It was said that the tattoos deepened the affinity with the dark attribute and increased magical power, but Marzella herself seemed skeptical about the effect.

"As you know, I can't use many Undead without relying on boosters. There is a limit to the number of Undead that can be used not only by me, but also by the people of my tribe. Tattoos are left as a custom, but I don't think they're effective."

"Is that so? It seems that it would be difficult just to get a tattoo like that, so I was wondering if it would have an effect."

"If it had the effect of increasing magical power, it would be applied to those who did not have the aptitude for the dark attribute."

It seemed that the tattoo was applied directly to the shaved scalp.

"No matter how much awe and respect it gives, the pain of being tattooed is terrible, and above all, I can't feel the effect."

"Then, if it could be erased, would you like to erase it?"

"Of course. To me, it's just an abomination."

In Bronetsk, dark-attribute magicians were said to be objects of awe, but even if that was not taken into account, it seemed that she still had a complex about her eerie appearance and the pain of being tattooed.

"Unlike daughters with other attributes, dark-attribute daughters are not given freedom. Eventually, they will be married to a man with the dark attribute and forced to make children so that dark-attribute children will be born."

"Got it. So, why did Marzella-san, who was in Felciane, come to Resenburg?"

"That was ... My brother's treatment was the trigger."

In Bronetsk, many people with the dark attribute were born, but on the other hand, it seemed that very few people with the light attribute were born.

Her younger brother Ruzek was born with a weak body, and even if he wanted to receive treatment, he had to go to a far away city to see a healer.

For that to happen, it would take a lot of time and money, and Marzella's house, which was practically self-sufficient, had no choice but to give up.

"One day, a man from the Republic of Kilia came to the village to hire a dark-attribute magician. A male magician is the pride of the tribe, but he's also the workhorse of the family, so he can't leave the village. That's why I decided to go to Kilia on the condition that my brother be treated."

"I see, but hearing about the battle between Kilia and Jogesen, I can't believe there was only one magician."

"Yes, several male magicians from the tribe were brought in after me."

It seemed that Kilia succeeded in scouting male magicians in exchange for bringing a large amount of grain and goods to the Bronetsk village and enriching their lives.

Since the number of male magicians had gathered, it seemed that Marzella, who had weak magical power, was almost thrown away, and it seemed that she was sent to Resenburg by Kilia, who received a request from Havre.

"Fortunately, my brother's health has improved, but he was taken hostage and there was no way to resist."

Ruzek had his face lowered and tears were streaming down his face.

He probably thought that his existence caused his sister to commit a crime.

"Maou-sama, I do not think that I will be forgiven for taking the lives of many knights. However, please save my brother's life. I will not complain at all, no matter what kind of humiliation I receive, no matter how brutally I am executed."

"Onee-chan! Don't do that. I will die with you!"

"Don't say stupid things. I will bear the burden of my crimes. You will live my share as well."

"I hate it, I hate it! I don't want you to die. Onee-chan, Onee-chaaaan!"

Ruzek clung to Marzella and began to 

"Marzella-san, there is no lie in what you just said, is there?"

"Yes, as long as my brother can be saved, I will accept any punishment."

"Now, lie down on your bed. And, can you close your eyes and absolutely not raise your voice until I say you can?"

"... I understand."

Marzella stood up, took a deep breath, and lay down on the bed.

Using the shield of darkness, I stepped into the prison, where Ruzek stood in my way with outstretched arms.

"I won't let you. Even if you're a Maou, I won't let you do anything cruel to my Onee-chan!"

"Reinhardt, please tie up Ruzek. Also, blindfold and gag, please."

[ Understood. ]

Reinhardt emerged from the shadows, and Ruzek was tied up without even being able to resist.

"Stop! Don't touch Onee-chan ... Mugaa, mugaaaa ..."

"It's okay, Ruzek, I have no intention of being rough with her. Now, lie down on the bed and close your eyes."

"Understood ..."

Marzella lay down on the bed and closed her eyes tightly.

"Then, absolutely don't open your eyes."

"A, alright ..."

Marzella's voice was weak and trembling.

When I touched her cheek, she jerked and stiffened, but as I stroked her from her cheek to the top of her head, her eyes widened.

"Close your eyes ..."

Marzella closed her eyes again, but her body was trembling.

After removing my hand once, I slid my fingertips along her arms and upper arms.

As I stroked her while using healing magic, her tattoos disappeared like the writing on a whiteboard.

"You can open your eyes."

"S, such a thing ... I can't believe it ..."

"Reinhardt, please release Ruzek's restraints."

[ Understood. ]

"Onee-chan ... Lies ..."

"It's not a lie. I'm the Maou."

When Reinhardt released his restraints, Ruzek jumped up and immediately froze.

Maa, it wasn't unreasonable to freeze when you saw Marzella regain her white, flawless cheeks.

Marzella also stared at her arms, where her tattoos had disappeared, and remained motionless.

"Why ... Why did you do that?"

"Hmm ... Because I wanted to do it, maybe? Look, I am the Maou, I will do what I want to do."

Marzella and Ruzek prostrated themselves before me again.

"Yup, it's hard to talk, so raise your heads."

"Yes, umm ... So, what will happen to me from now on. Maybe, you erased the tattoos so the knights of Resenburg can humiliate me in peace ..."

"I won't do such elaborate harassment."

"I apologize."

"I'll have the two of you go to Volzard."

"Volzard ... is it?"

"The tattoos are gone, the tribe's old conventions are broken, and the two of you are going to start a new life together."

"No, but my crime was ..."

"I will tell the Resenburg people that the two of you were executed, and you will continue to be abused as Undead for eternity."

"But, if they find out I'm alive ..."

"They won't find out. Even if I'm facing you like this now, I can only see you as a different person."

"Ah! ..."

Come to think of it, Marzella herself didn't see her tattoo-less face because there was no mirror.

"Ruzek's face will change as he grows up and will not be recognized, and Marzella-san is like a different person, so there should be no problem."

"Then, can I live ...?"

"Yup, but I hope you can find a way to live that helps people without forgetting your guilt."

"For the sake of others ... is it?"

"It's not about sacrificing yourself for everyone, I want you to live a life that makes you and the people around you happy together."

"I and the people around me ... I understand. I don't know if I can do well, but I will live my life to the fullest."

"Then, let's send you lickety-split ..."

I used the repatriation technique to bring Marzella and Ruzek back to Klaus-san's mansion.

I explained the situation and asked for protection until the guild resumed operations.

Now, shall I go back to Resenburg and talk to Camilla about the situation.