After a while, a middle-aged man came in. His body was bloodthirsty. He had obviously experienced fighting in the battlefield. One look could make his scalp numb and his legs soft.

"I hope you will remember that our Huiyue Dynasty does not want waste." In his roar, he began to introduce himself: "my name is Xiao Zhengnan, and I am your instructor. In the next two months, you will tell me why you become a soldier."

"In addition, there is the gate of the barracks. I will drive out the unqualified people immediately."

"Tell me, you! Is it rubbish? "

Although there are few empty periods, they are at least practicing empty periods. If this is a waste, then the standard is too high.

"No!" Everyone answered in unison.

"Good, I hope you are not rubbish, because the last thing we need is rubbish!" Xiao Zhengnan glanced at the crowd: "there are 523 people here, but in my opinion, at most 50 people can pass the test. From now on, I will train you in the most strict way. In the military camp, there is no difference between men and women, old and young, only the difference between qualified and unqualified. Those who want to retreat, get out of here immediately."

In this case, those who want to go are unwilling to go. They are all trying to prove themselves.

A minute later, no one left.

"Well, I know you all don't want to be a waste, but not a waste, but you has the final say, but I!" Xiao Zhengnan cheered: "as a soldier, the most important thing is to obey the order. Even if there is a sea of fire ahead and you are told to move forward, you can't retreat."

"Now, give me horse steps!"

"Horse step?" They heard me right.

It's too childish. Who didn't come all the way from zhamabu and zhanzhuang.

Most of them followed orders and took a horse step, but a few of them showed disdain.

"Get out of here!" Xiao Zhengnan immediately grabbed those people up, hands hard, whew whew, these people flew out.

Everyone was surprised. This is a strong man in the void period.

After a while, ten soldiers suddenly ran out of the barracks. They only had the cultivation of the empty period. They were pushing the car with a piece of Rune paper on it.

"Do you think it's easy to take a horse step?" Xiao Zhengnan said with a smile. With a wave of his hand, the ten soldiers immediately came to the back of the crowd and pasted the paper on their backs.

"It's so heavy!" Those who were pasted with Rune paper all said that they couldn't bear it, and some of them just sat on the ground.

"This is Mount Tai spirit talisman. I will paste different spirit talisman according to your realm. It will be within your tolerance." Xiao Zhengnan explained: "now, immediately, all get up for me, and I'll count three. If anyone can't do it well, I'll throw him out."

When they heard that, they immediately got up. Some people gritted their teeth and took a horse step, but some people just sat down and couldn't get up any more. After three voices, Xiao Zhengnan began to clear up again, and those who didn't meet the standard were thrown out.

An Sudong looked at it in his heart and couldn't help praising it. To be a qualified soldier, he must have a strong physique.

If the Huiyue Dynasty fails to kill the five factions or fails to open the sky, he doesn't mind taking over this important task.

Although the strength of Xiao Zhengnan, but the East is still an unsophisticated training.

Everyone has been pasted with a spirit talisman, because an Sudong only shows his cultivation in the void period. Naturally, he is also pasted with a spirit talisman of the void period level. This weight is similar to that of a mosquito, and has no effect at all.

However, even if he was labeled with a Mahayana talisman, his body would carry an egg at most.

But other people who have such physique, must rely on to stimulate the force to fight.

This can't be solved all at once, but it takes a lot of energy to fight all the time. Moreover, most martial arts practitioners don't practice physical skills. It's OK to stick this horse step for an hour or two. Even if there is no lack of spiritual power, the body can't bear it.

What's more tiring is that they have to spend a day and a night.

During this period of time, they could not eat, drink or rest. After only half a day, nearly 20 people were thrown out of the barracks. At the end of the day, more than 50 people were cleared out.

One tenth of them were eliminated in just one day.

An Sudong is not idle either. Although he has good talent in martial arts and Dan, he is still Xiaobai in leading soldiers to fight. He is constantly learning the management mode of barracks and absorbing their experience.

Let Wang pangzi hold on for a while. If he can't, he can go on by himself.

After ten days, about half of the people will be eliminated. In two months' time, there may be fifty people who can stay here.

However, over the past ten days, the talents left behind are one in a hundred in terms of strength and perseverance, and they have gradually cultivated military discipline. Although they are not as good as veterans, the momentum is still good.

A month later, the elimination rate dropped by more than half, and now only 100 people remain.

"In three months, you will be divided into ten teams to carry out the task. I will give you a score. The team with the lowest score will be eliminated." Xiao Zhengnan said.

Everyone was stunned. They were not convinced. What if they were not lucky enough to get a team full of pig teammates?

"It's mainly about your teamwork ability. If you can't do basic cooperation, how can you integrate into the team?" Xiao Zhengnan snorted coldly: "I only need a team mate who cooperates with tacit understanding. No matter how powerful you are, I don't need a lone hero."

An Sudong nodded in secret. At the beginning, hundreds of veterans brought by the king of eclipse, but with the cultivation of Mahayana, all of them could fight against the real immortal period. It's really powerful.

This is the result of teamwork. The array certainly plays a certain role in the 100 person team and integrates their strength.

"If only I could learn this array!" An Sudong thought.

Their task is very simple, that is to exterminate a group of mountain bandits.

In fact, these mountain bandits used to be responsible people, and they had the strength of Dongxu period.

Under the sweeping of the Huiyue Dynasty, their leader was killed, and others were included in the army.

Recently, however, they have been provoked by the five major factions to escape into the complicated mountains and become mountain bandits. From time to time, they come out to harm the people in order to destroy the national fortune of the Huiyue Dynasty.

Once the people are in dire straits, the National Games will fall again and again.

Such a team with only the strength of Dongxu period, the Huiyue dynasty would not waste their energy for them, so they became the training objects of these recruits.