Although 60000 soldiers were forcibly recruited from Gran county and bear County, more than King Charles' army, the former prime minister felt worried for the first time because a young man named anston began to come into his sight.

This man began to appear in the intelligence half a month ago. The young man who suddenly appeared is an Oriental Chinese, and now he is appointed as the supreme commander by Charlie. He is very familiar with this man, and his son walker is more familiar with it. This man is the one who saw Lina at the beginning, and also an oriental practitioner.

The four witches and big witches sent by the former prime minister were all killed by an Sudong. Unexpectedly, he is now the supreme commander with more than 80000 soldiers. This is a very dangerous man. He thought of beheading, but he has only three big witches, and they may not be able to kill an Sudong. He feels very anxious and doesn't know what to do.

Ansudong had a contest with Gus and Lewis half a month ago. Naturally, ansudong won. Now he is in the stage of building a successful foundation. His spiritual power is different from that of the past, and there are more magic weapons to use. They just reluctantly accept ansudong's two moves and then they just give up. So they willingly follow ansudong.

An Sudong has always been very curious about how the wizard practices. He saw the practices of GUS and Louis before he found out that the practice of the wizard is similar to theirs.

Their so-called meditation is to absorb a kind of power from heaven and earth. They call it elemental power. Gaith is water, while Louis is earth. Listen to them, a long time ago, there were so many elemental powers between heaven and earth, but now they can't absorb them in many places, so they need to use a lot of precious materials to refine magic weapons to help them practice, And help them attack the enemy.

This reminds an Sudong of the gem magic wand used by the old wizard in China. It seems to be a magic weapon.

After a day, they finally saw the Gran river. Before they got close to the river, the former prime minister ordered the artillery to start firing.

60mm mortars, 90mm mountain cannons and 120mm field cannons roared and landed in front of the army. An Sudong had already known the situation on the other side of the river and stopped outside the range of the cannons. The reason why they didn't use planes was that there were witches on both sides who could shoot down the planes, so no planes were sent from above, and no witches were allowed to participate in the war.

After half a base, the former prime minister ordered to stop the shelling, and an Sudong began to order to camp on the spot. An Sudong and two big wizards flew to the river to observe the situation on the other side.

"Mr. an, if you can lead the soldiers to surrender to me, I can give you half of Larry. If we continue to fight like this, we will lose both sides. In the end, even if you and I win, Larry will be in ruins. This kind of Larry is not what you and I want to see, right?"

When the former Prime Minister saw that an Sudong came to the river, he went to the river accompanied by three big wizards and said such a thing to an Sudong across the river.

He didn't know what an Sudong wanted. Anyway, he didn't believe that an Sudong would help king Charlie without any reason. Maybe he was the kind of person who liked power, the former Prime Minister speculated.

"I really want to persuade you. I hope you will surrender and stop making unnecessary struggles. For the sake of Larry's people, let Larry return to his former life."

Ansudong looked at the former Prime Minister seriously. He hoped that the former prime minister would agree to his request. If he could win the whole Larry without any blood, it would be a great achievement.

"Ha ha... I've come to this step. I've been planning this for my whole life. My life's hope is to be king of Larry. It's not fair that they should be re elected king of the Charlie family. They were king when they were born. Even if we work hard all our lives, we should listen to the words of the Charlie family. I will be king once!"

When the former prime minister said this, he was gnashing his teeth and his eyes were burning. From his first day as prime minister, he dreamed that one day he would be king. Finally, he came to this stage. He would never give up.

"Gus and Lewis, we can only live the life we want with the prime minister. We can have whatever we want. I advise you two to come back. The prime minister promised us that as long as we win the whole Larry, all the treasures of Larry will be chosen by us. Why do you follow him foolishly? You will get nothing at that time!"

Wells is a big wizard around the former prime minister. There are few good wizards, because if you want to cultivate, you need a lot of treasures, and you won't have these treasures without plundering. Therefore, the wizard is not a good image in Larry's mind.

"The former prime minister is bound to lose. Our side is popular. Besides, commander ANN is a very powerful cultivator. After Larry's recovery, we can still be prosperous and enjoy the respect of Larry people. Why not do it? Unlike you, we are still beaten by others!"

The environment can affect a person. Because they follow ansudong every day, GAis and Lewis naturally enjoy the admiration of soldiers and people. They enjoy this kind of vision and feel that being respected is a very happy thing.

In the past, they were thinking about where to plunder some resources every day, or doing evil things for those bad people. Now they don't have to live this kind of life. As long as they follow an Sudong, they will get everything. The most important thing is that they think this kind of life is more meaningful to them.

"It seems that you are brainwashed by them. We witches have never been recognized by people for thousands of years. We can only live in the dark. His words are deceiving you two. He just wants to take you two as cannon fodder. Even if you get away with it, they will drive you two away. In the future, Larry will have no place for you any more!"

Wells has lived for 70 or 80 years. Since he began to study as a teacher, he has not lived a safe life. He has been living like this for so many years. He has long forgotten what kindness is and what dignity is impossible to them.

"If you don't see our life here, of course you won't understand. Since you've come all the way to the dark, don't blame our brothers for being merciless to you!"

Gaith is no longer willing to explain to wells. He sees that the three big wizards on the opposite side are all unmoved. He knows that it's useless to persuade him.

"Prime minister, I'd like to say something. We three fight against your three great witches, and the losers surrender directly, so as to avoid the death of all living beings. What do you think?"

The reason why an Sudong didn't go there directly was that he was afraid that he would not be able to kill the prime minister and annoy him again. It would be too unworthy for him to do anything hurtful at that time.

So he gave up this method. Now he can only outwit, but he can't fight any more. As long as the prime minister doesn't die, the war can't end.