Chapter 1305

Name:Chase you down Author:公子衍
Chuang Nai Nai let the little noisy and lazy into the baby room to play, and then went downstairs.

She gave Si Jingyu a cup of tea, and then sat opposite her. Si Zhengting winked at her. Zhuang Nainai nodded slightly, and then carefully observed Si Jingyu's face. She said, "sister, did you divorce him half a year ago?"

Heard the divorce of these three words, Si Jingyu this just returned to God.

Looking at Chuang Nai Nai's appearance, she showed a wry smile.

Immediately she dropped her head and murmured, "I don't know."

Aware that she was not in a good state of mind at the moment, Chuang Nai Nai did not ask for the rest.

On this day, Si Jingyu lived in his villa.

The next day, she picked up her spirits and seemed to want to precipitate this relationship, so she kept busy with Ms. Ding's wedding, and did not let herself continue to be depressed.

Chuang Nai Nai company has a few projects, very busy, in the Royal Sheng Shi busy all morning, went to the customer to make an appointment for lunch.

Then she did not expect to see Shi Jinyan in the Royal Hotel.

When she saw Shi Jinyan, Shi Jinyan didn't seem to see her. She was discussing with other clients and sending them away.

Chuang Nai Nai did not care at that time, but when she had finished eating with her customers, she went to the parking lot on the ground floor.

She went to her car, opened the door to do it, slowly drove away, only to find a person standing in front of her.

Chuang Nai was startled at first, but after seeing who the man was, he frowned.

Because the man standing not far away is Shi Jinyan.

But my brother-in-law has just finished eating and left? Why are you still here?

Is it He's been waiting for her here?

Chuang Nai still thought that Shi Jinyan had something to convey to Si Jingyu, so he got off the car and walked over.

She did not have much communication with Shi Jinyan, so she was not very familiar with it. When she came to Shi Jinyan, she called out, "Mr. Shi."

Shi Jinyan leaned against a stone pillar beside him. At the moment, he was staring into the distance. He didn't know what he was thinking about. He didn't even notice her coming.

After she opened her mouth, Shi Jinyan came back to his mind. Then he looked at Chuang Nai Nai and moved his lips, but he still didn't say anything.

Chuang Nai Nai thought this man was a little strange, but he stood here, and she could not leave so well. So they stood for five minutes.

In the end, Shi Jinyan finally spoke slowly, "wedding, in Bali?"


Is that Ms. Ding's wedding?

Chuang Nai Nai nodded in a daze.

Shi Jinyan sipped her lips again, "she What else is missing? "

This is Why didn't Chuang Nai Nai understand?

What? She?

What's wrong with Ms. Ding?

She shook her head. "There's nothing missing. My sister will take care of it."

Shi Jinyan heard this, his eyes flashed a faint, immediately he nodded, and finally opened his mouth, "I wish her happiness."

Then turn around and go.

Looking at his back, he felt puzzled.

I wish her happiness. Can't you tell Ms. Ding in person?

But why is he so entangled?

Er, but wait a minute. Because Ding Mengya doesn't like extravagance, this wedding is held in secret. People outside don't know it's the wedding of Ms. Ding and Uncle Li.

Now Shi Jinyan is so entangled because He thought it was Si Jingyu's wedding?

At the thought of this, Chuang Nai felt speechless. She suddenly thought of something. She quickly pulled out an invitation from her pocket and trotted forward, "Mr. Shi, this is an invitation. You are invited to the wedding."