Chapter 704

Name:Chase you down Author:公子衍
When Si Zhengting said this, he stopped for a moment.

This at least shows that some people bought tiger and bumped into mother Zhuang.

However, Chuang Nai and his mother have lived peacefully for 18 years. If there were enemies, they would have found them. Moreover, Zhuang's mother is a low-key person, and the people he contacts are all middle and lower classes. Who will have the money to bump into Zhuang's mother when he has nothing to do?


The more the investigation, the more Si Zhengting felt that it was Ms. Ding who hit her.

However, it won't be Ms. Ding. What happened then became a mystery.

When he said this, Chuang Nai suddenly became angry, and his eyes became red. "This man deserves it! At that time, my mother's operation cost needed 300000 yuan. I asked him for life-saving money. He insisted that he had no money! His girlfriend has a baby. Does it need 200000 yuan? "

See her so excited, Si Zhengting immediately appeases her, "don't be angry, this is not, he got retribution."

Si Zhengting continued: "Huzi went to find his girlfriend after he came out. Unexpectedly, his girlfriend had a miscarriage and didn't want a child at all. He gave his 200000 yuan to his current boyfriend as capital. In five years, his boyfriend is still well-developed. Huzi didn't agree with him, so he took advantage of them. The girl's boyfriend has some skills. She has been looking for tiger son and intends to deal with him. Since he was released from prison, he has been running for his life. There is no way to make money. So this time, I heard that we gave him money, so he came here. Now he lives on a few good friends, but those good friends have been hiding very secretly. No one knows who it is. If we can find a way to help him Good friends, we can also find more lines to find tiger

When Chuang Nai Nai heard this, he didn't know what to say. He deserved it, but the child was innocent. She was pregnant now and could not bear anything that affected her child.

Chuang Nai Nai still reserved his opinion, just frowned, and then she turned her head aside. "Why do I think it seems that you have told me this before?"

"Si Zhengting a Leng," have

Chuang Nai Nai blinked his big eyes. "Didn't you?"

Si Zhengting shook his head, touched her head, let her lean on his shoulder, people to the side side side, "you put your legs up, lie flat, so comfortable."

Chuang Nai obediently put his leg up and rested on Si Zhengting.

But in her eyes, there was a flash of confusion.

Why She would think that Huzi is so familiar? It seems that someone has told her.

The more she thought about it, the more familiar she felt.

Tiger Tiger

But who is it?

Chuang Nai Nai couldn't think of it, so he simply picked up his mobile phone to swipe the screen.

#The heat of the Mino incident continues, and everyone is discussing the follow-up eagerly.

Jichen's office efficiency is very fast, Mino's house has been mortgaged, she was driven out, reporters follow her, report her situation anytime and anywhere.

Mino also seems to have a mobile phone, first found a hotel to stay for a day, then disappeared in the hotel, no one knows where she went.

There is a lot of speculation on the Internet. Most people are saying that they can't get along in Beijing or in big cities. It's not like going back to their hometown to farm?

Just when everyone guessed, Chuang Nai's mobile phone suddenly Ding Dong, came to the new micro blog.