Chapter 642

Name:Chase you down Author:公子衍
"I don't understand. I just know I'm sad now!" Mino was walking, jerking down his steps, reaching out and scratching his hair impatiently.

"For such a long time, you always said that Mr. Si was looking into us, but didn't you help me deal with the affairs in Xiaoshan village for a long time? He won't find out. They won't think about our relationship. Will you help me drive her away? " Mino said this, squatted on the ground and took a deep breath. "I'm really going crazy, mom. I'm going crazy."

Her mother dropped, Li Yufeng's voice obviously softened.

However, Li Yufeng's attitude was very firm. "No, I've arranged everything. Do you know how tight the private detective Mr. Si is looking for recently? I'm afraid we'll be intercepted and eavesdropped by the other party immediately! So, stop it and be obedient. Wait, what we need to do now is to wait... "

When Mino heard this, he squatted down and covered his head.

Hang up the phone, but she felt that there is a depression in her chest, how can not disperse, let her feel in this office, all feel oppressed.

Mino took a deep breath and came out of the office.

All the people on the 18th floor understood that her design director had been elevated, so Mino felt uncomfortable when she was looked at by them.

She simply took the elevator to the first floor and wanted to go out to the opposite cafe for a cup of coffee.

As soon as the coffee was ordered, she took a sip and saw a rush of agitation at the door of emperor Hao.

She turned her head and saw a man standing there. Although he was wearing a suit, he looked very embarrassed. He yelled at the security guard: "get out of the way and let me in! I'm looking for johannette. I'm looking for Mr. Sze! "

Mino lip corner sneer, can't help but think, this man who? Mr. Si, is it that he said he could meet people if he wanted to see him?

What a joke!

She lowered her head, took another sip of coffee, and listened to the fury.

The man was still saying, "I'm looking for Johnny! I'm her ex boyfriend! You let her out, I have something to say to him! Let her out

But the security guards were very conscientious, "if you don't go away, we'll call the police. You'll disturb the order of our company like this."

Hearing the alarm, the man seemed to be scared, stepped back two steps, and immediately went out dejected.

When Mino saw this, his eyes lit up and ran after him.

At the moment, Chuang Nai Nai and Su Mei are chatting.

When he said something funny, Chuang Nai laughed.

Su Mei looked at her, a little frightened, "you slow down, slow down. Is not someone on the Internet said that pregnant women laugh too much, leading to amniotic fluid broken? "

When Chuang Nai Nai heard this, he couldn't help laughing. "I'm only six months old. I'm not going to have a baby. The sheep won't break."

Su Mei heard here, oh, "I haven't had a child, isn't it that I don't understand? But, Nanai, when is Mr. Si going to marry you

Do you have a wedding?

When Chuang Nai Nai heard this, he was stunned.

She lowered her eyes and sighed.

Si Zhengting mentioned this matter, but she said that she would talk about it after giving birth to the child.

Once convenient, her body is indeed inconvenient.

Another convenience, held a wedding, that is to tell the world that they are husband and wife.