Chapter 588

After his outburst at the gods which had at least helped with some of his building stress, Ben and Thera spent another hour with the group around them, healing their wounds and slowly siphoning off their mana to top up Thera even a little faster so they could do one of the last things theyd need to before finally going home to get some rest.

Only when he was confident they werent about to exhaust Thera a second time did the two fly off, asking the group to wait for their return since there was a space mage among them who could help speed up their return trip as they both rushed to the area theyd only just left, off in search of the remains of the outsider.

Ben knew it had collapsed into itself to some extent when hed been dealing with the both of them being sucked in by the implosion it had caused but he hadnt been in a position where he could really think about the damage. Now though he needed to see it, not just to understand the scale of it all but to also find something else that had to have been in the area.ReAd latest chapters at n0v(e) Only

When they got close enough, Ben once more covered Theras eyes, letting himself focus on guiding her in case whatever was left behind would still have any negative effect on her mind as he surveyed the devastation around them.

For miles in all directions, the land was destroyed and barren, with whatever had been there at the time left as a mystery to all whod see it in the future, but the farther in they went, the more aware he became of something else missing. The outsiders corpse.

I swear to fucking god if this thing came back to life Im going to go insane. That is a level of bullshit Im not ready to handle after a day like today.

As a minor mercy to him though, it seemed that wasnt the case. As they went on it became easier to see a minor mountain of rubble piled up in the distance, with the occasional unnatural shimmer shining through, telling him the outsiders body had condensed far more than hed expected as they finally landed.

Ben led Thera forward so he could get a closer look while he felt the foreign substance pick at his brain in a similar, though lesser, way that the outsider itself had, telling him all he needed to know about the dangers it still held.

As it shimmered and warped around itself under its own power while its foreign state clashed against reality itself, it ever so gently shook loose the dirt that was encasing it, slowly dropping away all that it was buried under and speaking of a day when more would be revealed.

Clearly a situation that would need to be dealt with, but not the first one. For that, Ben pulled out something that hed made much earlier. A compass, bound and pointing in the direction of the only soul crystal hed made that had actually managed to seal away anything.

Given how everything else was sucked in after the monsters death, Ben got Thera to start pulling away piles of dirt, keeping an eye on the compass to see if it would move to where it was deposited to but having no luck in that regard either, leaving the only place left to check being the now fulling exposed corpse.

Of course, none would be able to tell it was a corpse just by looking at it, not even Ben would have realized if he hadnt been one of the ones responsible for making it. Aside from the way it interacted with the world around it, there was nothing left of its original form, with it all instead compressed down to a giant lump, ten meters across.

And the soul crystal is buried in all of that. I guess I could just leave it, but

But hed never get his hands on the soul of an outsider again. He didnt even know what he would or could do with such a thing, but it was better than leaving it to rot and better to have it somewhere he could keep an eye on it, if only to be sure that the monster it sealed wouldnt somehow break free from the enchantments that bound it and rise to the godhood it was destined for.

Which means I need to see if I can pull off some digging since I doubt Theras earth magic is going to be super applicable to working on foreign matter since it doesnt even extend to manipulating something like wood. Which reminds me, even if I cant do it myself I really should sponsor some deeper research on the topic of the extent that each affinity really covers beyond anything Ive seen in the library records. Which doesnt even remotely matter right now, gotta just hope my super broad, super wonderful magic will extend to this weird crap.

He didnt really doubt it would given the other things hed done with it, but after walking around the strange mass to try and gauge the approximate location of the soul crystal he was left to test it, expending his own power to dig through the substance before him and feeling just how much mana it took when compared against manipulating more regular substances.

But after far more work than hed been expecting, he finally found it and used his magic to pull out the soul crystal, watching the substance close up around the hole hed dug again the moment mana stopped being run through it.


He felt a smile stretch across his face as he slipped it into his pocket and was about to turn his attention to guiding Thera into sealing away the alien matter in a way it wouldnt escape, only to stop himself again.

Much in the same way hed never get another chance to get his hands on an outsiders soul, when would he again have an opportunity to get his hands on foreign matter that was somehow stable in a reality that seemed to want to reject its very nature? Sure, thered be some danger in getting it but it was a temptation that was far too great to resist, even if he had no clue what hed do with it, so once again exerting some of his power he compressed and shaped some of the stone around him into a strong container before using what he had left to rip away a fists worth of the strange material, feeling himself nearly bottom out on his mana as he did.

That didnt matter to him though, he now had something new and fun to try and play with a bit, and with nothing else to do he helped guide Thera in her power, getting her to create something far sturdier than loose dirt to hold what remained of the thing they killed, lest they learn what long term effects its corpse might have on the world around them.


So? Myriad asked back.

Dont play coy with me, man. You gave me a quest that you made up on the spot. What the hell gives? Getting quests is like, the main perk of having a connection to a god. One Ive very politely havent been bothering you about since Ive used up all of your pre-approved list without getting any more options. At least Id thought, except here we are, with me only discovering at the end of the freaking world that youve been holding out on me! You can make up quests on the spot now! God, the betrayal hurts so much, am I the only one in the faith who hasnt been getting the advantages of this? It cuts me deep man.

Myriad sighed. Ill admit, I should have brought it up, I just knew you were going to react poorly. And for what it's worth, I havent offered anyone else anything beyond the standard achievement one since Ive gained the strength to do this.

Okay, fine, so what give then? Afraid Id finish too many too fast and leave you in poverty again?

Not exactly, though now that you mentioned it thats a very good reason to avoid giving you more if I can avoid it. But no, the reason I havent been offering quests is because I cant, and it really is largely your fault.


Again his god sighed. I have only just gained the ability to give quests more freely, but still not nearly as freely as other gods with more power. Someone like Anailia can grant quests she believes will challenge her believers, but as of right now, Im different. I can only give quests I dont believe can be succeeded by the ones I give them to.

Super cool to know you didnt think Id succeed with stopping the outsider.

It was a very reasonable assumption, and for that matter, you should be flattered. Ben, to be clear, I currently cant give you quests because in general, I believe in you far too much. This current success has only reinforced that feeling.

Not super sure, He shrugged as ideas flew across his mind. Maybe Ill disassemble and destroy their churches across the land, brick by brick. Maybe Ill treat myself and murder Felth since he really has it coming anyway and it would cost Eneth his apostle. Maybe Ill convert as many of his believers away from him as possible and let him deal with losing even more faith. Or maybe Ill have to start really experimenting with the limits of king of sacrilege.

Or maybe Ill do all of the above.

While Ben was willing to say that most of Eneths believers were innocent of their gods acts, he wasnt willing to extend that same belief to the god in question. In the brief window hed been connected to Ather before hed taken his plunge, Ben had seen the brief conversation hed had with his father. He had no doubt the god would deny it, but when Eneth had told him to act in a way becoming of the son of a war god, Athers mind had immediately flashed to murdering Ben. Gods would read minds without even trying, there was no way he didnt know what was going to be attempted.

Well, I guess that means I have a few months of peace before you cause some insane levels of interfaith havoc, Myriad sighed, already envisioning a future where hed have to defend Bens actions and at least having the recent events to fall back on to help justify it.

It will be great, dont worry. For now though, we have something else to talk about that youre maybe going to want on the down-low, Im not actually sure.

Oh empty skies, what now?

I got a new blessing.

Oh? Myriad said, his curiosity piqued. We all know what you did, it wouldnt be the most shocking thing in the world if someone decided to reward your work Who am I kidding, you wouldnt worry about if it needed to be kept secret if it was as simple as that. Let me guess, somehow you got a blessing from the outsider, didnt you?

No, and Im not even sure if its really technically a blessing, Ben explained. Its something I got when the outsider ripped a hole in reality and I was left staring through it. Witness of chaos. It may be in the blessing section of my status but even when I got it, the system just said Id acquired it and didnt say anything about it being a blessing like any of the rest Ive gained. Ever heard of anything like that happening before?

Never, Myriad said, collapsing to the ground below. But then, no mortal has ever had the chance to stare into the chaos. Honestly Ben, you somehow keep managing to go through the most bizarre shit in the universe.

Ha, hey man, Im a summoned soul from an alien reality. Every day here is some of the most bizarre shit in the universe to me.

Fair enough I suppose. So how are you feeling? Any side effects?


Even as they spoke, Ben could feel the things scratching at his head. The depths of the infinite hells and the shifting form and physics of the outsider, and more than anything else, the chaos itself, all of it tainting his mind and leaving Myriad to sigh when he said as much.

All things considered, you seem fine enough so Im not immediately worried, but even if I was I dont think theres anything we could even do. All we can do is hope it fades and gets better with time.


The sarcasm was thick in his voice, but there really was nothing left to do but hope for the best, with Myriad at least trying to end on a positive note.

At least thats one emergency done with.

Not exactly. Naloth escape. Even if things went wrong, Im pretty sure he walked away with a buttload of power.

Then thats an emergency for a later day. For now, just try and relax the best you can. Youve earned it.

Out in the world, Yotu ran, feeling an alien heart pumping in his chest with each step and he hated every second of it.

He hated the running, with that same event being clear in his mind before hed been trapped in the hells where his thoughts had been distorted for untold centuries or millennia, he couldnt say.

More than that though, he hated the new situation he found himself in.

Hed entered the body of Naloth to get a proper grasp of the situation hed found himself in after being freed to a new world and despite his natural wishes, he did his best to keep the body he was in alive through his properties as a death god.

It helped that the mortal hed chosen seemed to have an unnatural life force, obviously thanks to the bizarre ritual hed carried out, which had given him the time hed needed to be sure that his incompatible nature wouldnt lead to the mans early death so he could get the information he needed, finding a world worse off than he ever could have guessed.

At first, it had thrilled him. A world at war against an impossible enemy, what could be better for a death god to enjoy? But the more he learned, the more he realized it wasnt going to be some paradise planet for him to grow his strength on before venturing out into the vaster universe to find what had happened to his old homeworld and reclaim it for himself, after bringing an army of ghosts along for his conquest.

No, the invaders didnt seem to only kill and conquer the local population, but whatever gods they had too. That was enough to tell him that he needed to leave the world in search of something better, to mimic a stray void god and harvest what fleeting souls he could.

It wouldnt be too hard either. A cursory glance at his hosts memories told him that even after being tossed into hell, hed likely held onto more of his faith and power than the numerous gods of that world who had to spend their stashes to save their people while at the same time splitting all that there was to go around amongst so many others. He wouldn't be able to take them all on, but so long as he could slip away with only a few noticing he was sure he could silence them if he needed to and escape in the end, maybe even bringing some stray souls with him.

But when hed tried he was faced with the cruelest fate of all. He still wasnt free.

In the ages that the body hed been trapped in had sat in the hells, it had decayed and rotted away, releasing him from the flesh that had bound him for so long after the ascended god of his home had placed that curse on him. When hed left the hells hed thought that had been it too. He hadnt given it a second thought when he slipped into the new flesh before him, only to discover that he was still just as bound. By inhabiting a new body hed become just as trapped in it as he had in his past, with no way to escape.

While the death of his mortal body in a plan that held souls wasnt a problem, he couldnt simply kill the new one to escape, that would be a one-way ticket to his own demise.

No, for better or for worse he was stuck there for the time being, but that didnt mean he always would be. He knew from the memories he was digging through that the next attack was coming. Hed happily watch from the sidelines and harvest the souls he could for power, the entire time working and planning on his escape to get the revenge he swore hed claim.