Chapter 52

Ben wasn't sure what he expected from the home-nation of the succubi, but it wasn't this. Giant trees with crimson leaves that would put the redwoods of Earth to shame filled the city, and buildings like skyscrapers scattered around them. Metal poles jutted up around the earth, and it took Ben a minute to figure out what they were for, but the city was far enough away from Vanasil that it was later in the day and night was falling. He could see a light gathering on the top of each pole and it clicked. Street lamps. This nation actually had street lighting set up. That fact alone left him more excited than the metropolis before him, and he couldn't wait to see what the city had to offer. While he was at the church he had learned a bit about Anailia, the land was rich in magical metals and as a result self-powering enchanted items were common. So common that apparently the metal could be used to keep lights running when it got dark instead of people just lighting a torch if the need arose.

Until this point Ben had been under the assumption that the world was an odd mix of medieval and what he would consider more modern technology, but he would need to re-evaluate that thought. Sure Stonewall wasn’t super advanced, but enchanted items were common enough and replicated many of the creature comforts he was used to in his homeworld, and now he would get to see just what a magical society could accomplish if it had the resources for it.

"Wow, this is incredible," He said honestly, though Thera seemed uncomfortable.

"Yeah, it's been a while since I've been home," She shifted about awkwardly for a moment before walking off. "Anyway, it's getting late. Let's meet my parents and if you want, we can explore a bit tomorrow."The initial instance of this chapter being available happened at N0v3l.Bin.

"Sounds good, I'm going to be jet-lagged for a few days from the looks of it."

"You're going to be what?" Thera asked, confused.

"It means tired. Don't worry about it."

They walked on in silence, Ben looking back and forth at all of the new sights around while Thera shuffled on, lost in thought for a while but knowing she needed to get what she needed to say out before they got to their location. Unfortunately she put it off for far too long and they were now standing in front of a large, gated building, constructed around one of the giant trees.

"Um Ben, before we head inside there's something I should probably mention," She said while fidgeting about, not meeting his eyes.

Curiously and anticipation filled his face. "Hm, sure what's up?" He asked, trying to sound casual, but the excitement of the day was making it hard.

"It's about my parents-" She started, before a voice cut her off.

"Lady Thera!” A succubus guard who was standing by the building called out to them. “We've been expecting you, please right this way."

Having been spotted before she could get a word out, she couldn’t help but deflate. "Oh I really should have mentioned this earlier. Just try to relax."

"Don't worry, everything will be great," Ben told her with a level of confidence she envied.

"I really doubt that but come on."

The two of them followed the guard through the building, passing numerous rooms and hallways as they went, before entering two large, ornate doors and finding an expansive, well-decorated room within, and a single woman sitting on a throne at the other end.

"Approach," She said in a firm voice, and as they got closer Ben couldn't help but see her resemblance to Sonya, while Thera muttered under her breath. "Gods she's really doing this."

"Greetings Thera, you seem well," The woman said with an air of dignity and command, which Thera greeted with a neutral, though slightly exasperated tone.

"Hello mother, as do you."

The woman turned to Ben and spoke up "Greetings Ben. May the spirit of Anailia ever guide you."

Thera quickly turned to Ben to try and whisper at him. "I'm sorry I didn't think she would do this, just repeat after me-'' But instead of listening to her he took two steps forward, got on one knee, and placed one fist on the ground and the other over his heart before speaking up. "Greeting to Pelenia, queen of the succubi. May Anailia's warmth fill you and her love protect you, I am humbled to be in your presence."

If Thera's face was visible everyone would have seen her mouth hanging open in shock. Queen Pelenia for her part maintained her dignified air for another moment before slouching down and pouting.

"That's no fun," she said. "Sonya said you didn't know. Don't tell me Thera worked up the will to tell you before you got here?"

"Not really happy that you tried to pull this, or that you were betting against me for that matter mother, but I didn't. Ben, how did you know to do that, hell how long have you known about all this?" She said, gesturing around her.

He could only shrug and smile. "If by all this you mean that your mom's the queen, I've known since before everything went down with Roan. I did tell you before that I received some lessons at the church about general world info and what they thought it would be good for a craftsman to know, right? You don't think they would fail to mention the fact that the price of magical metals has been plummeting for the last couple decades since the current queen was married to a great earth spirit. After you told me about your parents it wasn't hard to put two and two together. I was waiting for you to bring it up yourself, but since you never did I asked Falk on how to make a good impression."

He was feeling pretty pleased with himself, but he was rewarded with a firm punch to the arm. "You ass. Do you know how worried I was about telling you?"

"Relax, I'm not going to treat you any different because you're a princess."

“What a boring answer, but fine for now. In that case, has anything developed between Falk and Sonya yet?”

“Also no.”

Penelia gave a long exaggerated sigh. “Master and apprentice both have such beautiful women in their lives and neither do anything about it. Ben I take back what I said about you not being as stiff as Falk, ask out my daughter immediately, I want grandchildren.”

“Infinite hells mom, are you trying to make things as weird as you can?” Thera asked with her head in her hands.

“Oh? Is the issue you don’t like him? He seems to be a nice young man. Maybe a little plain-faced but he has some nice muscles at least,” The way Penelia looked him up and down, as if appraising a piece of meat put him a little on edge, and he was getting the distinct impression that he wasn’t going to have much luck dealing with either of Thera's parents antics.

“That’s not, I mean he’s... look we’re just friends. You know why I’m not looking for any romance,” She said in a huff, already tired of being home.

He could feel Thera getting more and more frustrated and decided to try to help her out, Partially because he didn’t know what to do in this conversation himself. “Excuse me, don’t mind me bluntly changing the topic and all, but is something going on between Falk and Sonya?”

“Oh you didn’t know,” Penelia almost screamed in delight. “Falk saved my sister's life years ago and she’s been smitten with him ever since. It’s a shame he’s so focused on work and can’t even notice the beautiful woman by his side. Maybe I’ll visit in a year or so and finally beat some sense into him.”

“Is Falk even aware of her feelings?” Ben had to ask. “I know he considers her a good friend but I’ve never really gotten the vibe from him.”

“I don’t think uncle’s ever been one for that sort of thing,” Thera answered. “I’ve never seen him with any partners around at least, though plenty of people aren’t interested in other races if the resemblance between species is weak, and well, you know how his people look.”

Yeah, if the women of Falk’s race look as gorilla-like as himself, Sonya probably has quite the hurdle to face. He quietly thought to himself. He had been taking it for granted since he currently made his home in a nation founded by mixed-breeds, but the majority of people tended to reproduce within their own species.

“He’s been single for as long as I’ve known him as well,” Abrus interjected. “Of course I’m not one to judge. Romance wasn’t even a part of my culture until I met my sweet Penelia.”

“Oh Abrus you gentleman, you picked it up quite well,” His wife told him, staring into his eyes as they got lost in their own little world.

“You know, every time I come home I’m reminded of how nice it is to no longer live here,” Thera said when seeing their display.

“I think it’s nice you have parents who still love each other after years of being together. It’s sweet.”

“Maybe, but it would be sweeter if they toned it down a little when other people are around. Sorry about all this.”

“Don’t sweat it. I’m a little shocked to see your personalities are so different though.”

“We aren’t that different,” Penelia said once she was done flirting with her husband. “It’s just that she takes after Sonya a bit more. You and my sister are both so reserved all the time. That’s why Falk hasn’t noticed her yet. You need to be careful not to follow in her footsteps and take what you want in life.”

“Well I have plenty of time to figure out what it is I want so there's no rush,” Thera said dismissively, trying to keep the topic from returning to her own love life.

“You may be surprised,” It seemed like the queen wanted to say more but a knock came from the door. “Oh that must be the other two. Please come in.”

“What other two?” Ben asked Thera, but she only shrugged.

The doors opened and two figures walked in. One he recognised immediately as his former classmate Karly, but he couldn’t help but ignore her as he stared at the other person to walk in.

“You’re fucking kidding me,” He unintentionally spoke aloud.

“Yeah I reacted pretty similarly too. Nice to see you Ben,” Karly said when she came in.

Unsure of what was going on Thera turned to him. “What’s the matter Ben? Is everything okay?”

She seemed mildly concerned, but he needed a second to put his thoughts in order and process what he was seeing. He’d seen plenty of different races in this world, some that seemed familiar to various myths and some that seemed completely foreign to him, but he never expected this.

Standing at maybe four and a half feet tall, with a small body and large head, with giant black eyes but a tiny nose and mouth, and its most distinctive feature of all, completely grey flesh, the alien, what conspiracy blogs across the Earth would call a grey, stood before him.