Bai youyou looks at the person in front of him and smiles politely: "why is Yan always here? What's the matter?"

"Something, let's sit down and talk about it?" Yan Huo curved lips a smile, just a simple smile, can be seen from that beautiful face a bit of romantic meaning.

Bai youyou nods and doesn't miss the ambiguous trace on Yan Huo's neck.

Yan Huo is generous and square. He doesn't care about Bai youyou's eyes and follows her into the office.

Bai youyou makes him a cup of coffee and sits opposite Yan Huo, waiting for him to speak.

The only thing that looks like the white and black flowers on the edge of the office is a few flowers on the edge of the window.

Bai youyou never said a word, let Yan Huo look at her office, then said: "Yan always come to talk about cooperation?"

"Yes." Yan Huo's eyes fell on her.

A woman is wearing a beige dress with gold stitched letters on the cuffs of the dress. It is a high order product of a top clothing company. Not only are the clothes, but also the silver hairpins on the head are high order goods. It can be seen that they are more concerned about their own quality of life.

Bai youyou is very good-looking. She is the kind of woman who looks amazing and looks more beautiful.

Her temperament is soft, Yan Huo can distinguish her eyes, she is the kind of soft inside, not only so, but also very persistent.

However, he has never been interested in mature and intelligent women, and his contact with Bai youyou is just because his mother always says that Bai youyou is a good person.

Even if you can't be husband and wife, it's great to be friends.

To be able to get his mother's evaluation, Yan Huo's heart is full of interest.

"I'm not here to talk about cooperation with Bai's consortium, but Baiyun jewelry." Yan Huo picks up the coffee, and the bitter taste spreads on the tip of his nose. He looks at Bai youyou with interest.

Bai youyou nodded: "cooperation what?"

Although this will be in Bai's group, she is also the president of Baiyun jewelry. It doesn't matter where to talk about her work.

"My family is very optimistic about the design drawings of Baiyun jewelry at the design exhibition yesterday. I hope we can cooperate. If we cooperate, Yan's group will be responsible for the gem material."

Gemstone materials, a big difficulty in jewelry design, many very good designs are due to the lack of raw materials, unable to achieve the appearance of the first design.

Bai youyou introduced the design drawing in the design exhibition, because the design draft is complex, it is difficult to make it, so she did not choose to put her design out for production at the beginning.

Just because of the exhibition, Zhao Quan and his colleagues have been busy looking for gem materials.

"Does Mr. Bai answer?" Yan Huo asked.

Bai youyou said with a smile: "I'm lucky to cooperate with Yan's group, but In terms of cooperation, it is better to further improve and re confirm. Do you think it is not? "

"Yes, beauty is right."

Yan Huo's words are casual, and his eyes fall on Bai youyou.

All of them are black suits. Ye Mingchen can wear the taste of abstinence and high cold, but Yan Huo is casual and wanton, and his formal clothes can't cover his romantic feelings.

"It's just, I don't think we have much time to improve the content." Yan Huo hehe laughed: "I believe that President Bai has got the news. The major gem raw materials manufacturers in China are supplying to the EU group. Baiyun jewelry wants to release jewelry design in a short time, not counting the construction period. The time for you to find the raw materials is only 24 days."