Chapter 351

Lu Qiran became a gold medal killer. She couldn't believe the effort behind her. She boasted that she was powerful, but she didn't know that she was wrong when she met hawk falcon, and she was wrong all the time.

Love and hate are intertwined, eroding Lu's chaotic heart step by step, making her sad. If she stays in this city, she will go crazy.

Fate is such a tease, people step by step into the endless abyss, after falling is doomed.

Retrogressive neon lights are like fireworks of hope, gradually disappearing.

Lu Qiran shook his head in pain. He felt that he was really worried. He felt sad when he saw everything. He didn't know when he had become so vulnerable.

The car soon arrived at the bridge section, and the night had already completely fallen. The bridge section was a little dim, and several broken street lights had not been repaired. It was dark and strange, and there was no one at night.

Lu Qiran gathered up some thin clothes and dragged his luggage to the middle of the bridge.

The bridge section has a strong windward, and the river below is surging. It seems that death is going to swallow the bridge at one stroke.

The turbulent River tells of a sleepless night, the gear of fate turns again, and the people who are teased by fate are once again led into a deeper abyss.

Lu Qiran sneezes. She brings her luggage to see Falcon for the last time. Then she is going to the airport. Stay away from him. Maybe this hatred can be resolved.

Lu Qiran sighed and dragged his suitcase to the middle of the bridge. The wind was very strong. Lu Qiran's hair was flying everywhere, and the river below made a huge sound.

Lu Qiran put his luggage aside and looked not far away. Although there was no special scenery, it was still endless night and turbulent river water like a rolling dragon.

Lu Qiran was blowing cold wind, slowly being numb, still in a daze, can't help but some memories of the decision with Falcon bit by bit.

I came to assassinate him, but because of some strange things, I came together, warm, painful, cheating, sad.

At that time, she miscarried, her unborn life was strangled in her body, and her child was not yet formed.

At that time, Lu Qiran hated, hated, wanted the whole world to be buried with her, but she couldn't do anything. She could only watch the life leave her, and she could only cry hysterically. At that time, she felt that she was so helpless.

At that time, she hated everyone, including falcon.

"You die! Go to hell! Why don't you die! "

"I won't die, I'll be where you are."

"Go away! Get out of here! Stay away from me

At that time, how deep the hatred should be, she decided to Falcon like that, but Falcon never left.

They hurt each other, but they are always close to each other. If there is not so much and something unacceptable happens, she will be a very happy bride.

Fate weaves a huge net. She and Falcon are butterflies struggling in the net. They can't escape, but they are eager to fight. If they don't meet each other, will they pass by.

She is still a killer, he continues to dominate the world, but if not met, then will not be happy, even if it is wrong, also met more people feel alive, loved, have these memories is enough, the memory of falcon.

Lu Qiran was tired. Even if Falcon never let her go, she couldn't hold his hand. So many things hit Lu Qiran's inner vulnerability step by step. She was afraid. She was afraid of losing and being hurt again.

If life is just like seeing for the first time, what's the matter with autumn wind. Lu Qiran trembled numbly and woke up from the memory. She found that Falcon had never come, and she was alone on the bridge.

Lu Qiran took out her mobile phone and looked at the time. She had been waiting here for nearly an hour. At this time, Lu Qiran found that her legs were numb. She moved her legs slightly and finally came back to her senses. She held the mobile phone but waited for a while. Hawk Falcon was always punctual. Now she was one hour late.

Lu Qiran began to feel very dissatisfied. Couldn't he leave a good impression on her even at the last moment? I sneezed again, sniffed and began to feel very uncomfortable. I asked her to come, but she didn't show up for a long time. Let her have a cold wind here alone. Falcon, you are so kind.

Open the address book to make a phone call. After a few phone calls, what comes is not the voice of falcon, but the mechanical female voice.

"Sorry, the number you dialed can't be connected for the time being..."

Some speechless, is the mobile phone not with you? It doesn't make sense. Lu Qiran continues to call after waiting for a while, but it's the girl voice all the time. Lu Qiran feels infuriated. She's not punctual in the evening. She doesn't care about other places. It's windy and cold on the bridge. At this moment, she feels that Falcon is on purpose. She doesn't know how many calls to make. Lu Qiran wants to drop her mobile phone.

She has never made so many missed calls in her life. Hawk falcon is a jerk! About her people don't see, mobile phone also can't get through, road sad ran heart accumulation full of dissatisfaction. You can leave, but you're afraid that if she leaves, the Falcon will come. It's the last time. You'd better wait.

Lu Qiran told himself this, but the more he waited, the more angry he was. His anger could keep warm.

But not far away, there is a black car. Looking into the car, pelindy sits comfortably in the car and laughingly looks at the messy road in the cold wind.

Pei Lindi picked up the mobile phone at hand. Dozens of them didn't answer the phone, but Lu Qiran. This is yingsuo's mobile phone. Looking at Lu Qiran, there was some hatred in her heart.

"Lu Qiran, you are really haunted. You have to come to keep the appointment when you are leaving. You can save your life when you leave. You can't blame anyone for bringing yourself to the door. If you don't go, there is a way in heaven, and there is no way in hell

Pei Lindi looks at Lu Qiran on the bridge with hatred and killing in her eyes, as if she wants to tear Lu Qiran to pieces. If her eyes can kill people, Lu Qiran will be cut to pieces.

If a bomb had been planted near here, even if it could not kill Lu Qiran, it could blow up the bridge and let her drown in the surging river. No one would know that there would be a corpse in the cold river.

There is only one camera near here, because this road is rarely visited, it has been broken for a long time and no one has repaired it. Even if hawk Falcon decided to investigate the cause of Lu Qiran's death and found out that it was a bomb, there was no evidence to prove who did it.

Pei Lindi sneers. She designs to kill Lu Qiran. The design is perfect and seamless. As long as there is no accident, Lu Qiran will die. She also thinks that as long as Lu Qiran dies, hawk Falcon will definitely come back to her.