Chapter 348

The next day, Eagle house.

Lu Qiran didn't come back last night, but he was very anxious to kill hawk falcon. He also mobilized the power of the four heavenly kings. They didn't sleep all night, so they all went to work as cats and radars that night.

"Boss, we've been to the southeast of city a, and we haven't found any sign of my sister-in-law."

"Report to boss, there's no west side either..."

"Boss, I didn't find it in the North..."

The report of the four heavenly kings came from the pager, but it was fruitless. Hawk Falcon was so angry that he pressed the pager directly, but he couldn't restrain his anxiety, so he had to take out his breath with the newly bought Swarovski crystal vase.

"Touch" a, vase a perfect parabola hit on the wall, instantly was broken into powder.

"Master, calm down! Lucky people have their own natural appearance. My wife will be fine... "Liu Bo advised.

At this time, the door opened, and it was Lu Qiran, the hostess of the eagle house who had not returned that night, who came in! Seeing that Lu Qiran was safe, yingying and Liu were relieved.

"Xiao ran, where did you go last night? Why didn't you go home? Is there something wrong? " A row of cannons asked, let the road sad, ran is very angry.

"Don't ask, OK? I don't know if you are really annoying!" After Lu Qiran came back, she began to play a temper. She used to be different. In Liu Bo's eyes, Lu Qiran has always been a gentle and understanding hostess.

Liu Bo thinks that today's road is a little different, but he can't tell why.

"By the way, Xiao ran, I've just boiled a bowl of Chinese medicine for you. It's a little cold. You can drink it while it's hot!" Hawk Falcon decided to turn into the kitchen. After a while, he held out a bowl of black things and handed it to Lu Qiran, but it was patted away by the other side's backhand.

That bowl of traditional Chinese medicine, so from the hands of Falcon decided to slide, hit the ground, fell to pieces, black juice water all over the ground.

"Madam, this bowl of medicine has been boiled for a long time! How can you... "Before Liu Bo finished speaking, he was stopped by the gesture of Eagle falcon.

Lu Qiran was not moved. Compared with knowing the truth of her parents' death, what did these tiny feelings mean? As soon as he thought that his parents were dying, but he was lingering with his enemy's son every night, Lu Qiran's heart was very painful.

Ha ha, how ironic? She does not want to drink Chinese medicine, she does not want to give birth to the enemy's son!

"I don't want it! Don't boil Chinese medicine any more. " Lu Qiran's face was cold and his voice was cold.

Falcon was surprised, but he thought Lu Qiran was playing with a woman's temper, so he had to step forward to hold her. In the past, when there was a little conflict between Falcon and Lu Qiran, this trick was very effective. However, this time, Lu Qiran pushed Falcon away mercilessly and tried his best to push it away.

"Little ran? What's the matter with you? " Hawk Falcon's face was in an uproar. His hands awkwardly stayed in the air, a little at a loss. Then, hawk Falcon bent his head and found that there was a shocking blue and purple kiss mark on Lu Qiran's neck!

Ying Ying Jue's face also cooled down. He pointed to Lu Qiran's neck and asked, "Xiao ran, can you explain to me what's going on around your neck! Well, is that why you didn't come back all night? "

Lu Qiran raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth and said, "I admit that I was with Bai jisen last night, and I slept with him..."

Before she had finished her words, she saw hawk Falcon burst into a rage. He hit the glass coffee table in front of him with one blow. All the newly bought tea sets were destroyed. Some flying glass fragments cut the skin of Lu Qiran's hand, but she quietly hid her injured hand behind her.

As for the Falcon, his hand has been cut into pieces like a hedgehog, blood gushing, a drop of blood splashed on the ground, opened into one after another enchanting manjushahua.

"Lu Qiran..." yingfalcon's eyes were all cold. At the moment, he was like a stranger who had never fallen in love with Lu Qiran. "You are really a woman with a good temper!"

With that, the Falcon strode away. The door slammed and closed. The doors were separated by the hearts of two people who loved each other.

Since then, the cold war between Falcon and Lu Qiran has begun.

Lu Qiran shut himself in the door all day, while yingfalcon decided to go out to work for various reasons during the day. When he got home in the middle of the night, yingfalcon, who was already full of wine, was still drinking. The two men quarreled with each other, but it was yingfalcon's servants, especially uncle Liu, who suffered.

That night, Falcon was drunk again. When he returned to Eagle house, it was already midnight.

"Master, master, be careful!" Liu Bo carefully supported the drunken falcon. He was leaning on Liu Bo now, full of wine.

Liu Bo is nearly sixty years old. How can this old bone resist this toss? Not to mention hawk falcon is a big, healthy man in his nineties. Liu Bo was so tired that he had to put hawk Falcon in the sofa. He didn't have the strength to help him to the room.

"Xiao ran... Xiao ran..." even in the state of unconsciousness, the eagle Falcon who was drunk in the sofa was still worried about Lu Qiran.

Falcon never understood why women could change their mind so quickly? A moment ago, he said he would stay together until the end of time, but as soon as he turned around, he changed his face,. The most unacceptable thing for Falcon was the trace on Lu Qiran!

What he always cares most about is the matter between Bai jisen and Lu Qiran. Before, yingyingzao and Lu Qiran quarreled. The biggest reason is Bai jisen's entanglement with Lu Qiran. Now, Lu Qiran tells him that she and Bai jisen are sleeping together. Where does yingyingzao's face go? How can Falcon accept that his beloved woman has cheated?

"Xiao ran, why are you doing this to me?" The expression on Falcon's face was very painful.

Liu Bo was also very distressed to see this kind of decision. Liu Bo watched it grow up from childhood. He was a smart child, and he could succeed in what he wanted to do most of the time. Only in this love, he was stumbling and broke his head and blood.

Liu Bo took a hot towel and spread it flat on yingfalcon's forehead. "Master, you wait. I'll boil some wine soup for you now."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Liu bogang walked away, yingfalcon began to get drunk. He stood up unsteadily and saw the road just coming out of the bathroom.