Chapter 337

??“ Bai jisen, you won't forget what your original purpose was. Don't you really want to know the cause of Lu Qiran's parents' death? " The road Fei Yan absolute spirit is idle of, ask a way“ Even if you don't want to know, have you ever thought about it? How much Lu Qiran thought of her parents, she must want to know the cause of her parents' death! Are you her friend or the one who loves her secretly? Don't you really want to help her

Baijisen stopped. He didn't know what to do.

Seeing Bai jisen hesitating, Lu Feiyan is very happy. He knew that he must have a play with him tonight. He left half the way last time, but Lu Fei Yan was half depressed.

Lu Fei Yan smiles. She goes to Bai jisen. But her hand had gone to unbutton him.

???“ Jason, don't be afraid. Tonight, I promise, only the two of us know. I won't tell anyone else

???“ How do I know if you will use this to blackmail me in the future? You have so many intrigues, and you want to marry into the Bai family by all means... "

Before Bai jisen finished, his lips were pressed by Lu Feiyan's fingers. She said with a charming smile.

???“ I really want to marry into the white family, but I'm not shameless enough to use my virginity in exchange for your love. Besides, what good is it for me to do this! Do you really think I would be so stupid that I ruined my image? "

The body of Lu Fei Yan sticks up“ Jason, tonight, all I want is you. Of course, I won't force you. It's up to you to decide whether to give it or not. "

Bai jisen half narrowed his eyes and fixed his eyes on the woman in front of him. She is really crazy, such a woman in order to achieve their goals by all means, she is absolutely can not marry into the white family, otherwise do not know what kind of harm will bring to their family!

But the immediate urgency is to find the clue to the cause of Lu Qiran's parents' death.

Baijisen took a deep breath and said, "OK, I promise you, but don't regret it."

???“ How could I regret it Lu Fei Yan burst out a big smile, just like a child who got candy, incomparably satisfied.

She gently pushed Bai jisen to the bed, because Lu Feiyan knew that Bai jisen would never please herself. What does that matter? If he doesn't please her, let her do it by herself!

Bai jisen pressed Lu Feiyan's hand and asked again uncertainly“ Lu Fei Yan, do you really regret what happened tonight? "

Lu Fei Yan smiles, she answers without hesitation“ All said, I won't regret, I dream of being with you

???“ All right Baijisen turned over and over. He reached out to turn off the light in the room. As long as he didn't see Lu Fei Yan's face, he could barely cheat himself. The person under him was his dream lover.

In the night, the wild animals were howling. It was a quiet night without wind. There was no one on the street. The street without wind and no one was just like people's heart today.

There have been lively, prosperous, boiling, also imagined idol drama who ran to catch up with who, kiss in the heavy rain, also imagined romantic idol drama, and marisu plot.

But when the night comes, it is just a person, quiet in the dark night, silent monologue. Like a passer-by who can't find her lover, she always thinks quietly, when? As long as there is a street lamp on, even if it is just one.

The soul is wandering. There is no end to the road of seeking love. People are not wrong, wrong is love itself.

Bai jisen loves Lu Qiran wrong, while Lu Feiyan loves Bai jisen wrong. What is wrong is stubborn belief and wrong beginning.

It is because Bai jisen understands this that he is willing to let go and achieve the happiness of Lu Qiran. But Lu Feiyan is so stubborn that she just wants to get what she wants, and completely ignores other people's feelings. Such a person should have been eliminated in the world of love.

Even if you get the body, so what? A heart has no attachment, a person has no destination, what's the use of an empty body?

What Lu Fei Yan has done is pushing Bai jisen farther and farther away. Because the closer to lufeiyan, the more baijisen hates lufeiyan, her selfishness, her viciousness, and her unscrupulous ways.

"Jisen, I'm so happy and full..." Lu Fei Yan's hand holds Bai jisen's back, shaking, but a tear suddenly flows through his face and into the pillow, and then disappears.

In principle, Lu Fei Yan's intrigue has been achieved, and she should be happy. However, at the moment, Lu Fei Yan has no way to persuade herself. Her heart is filled with a touch of sadness.

It's like, when I was a child, I begged my mother for a piece of candy. After I got it, I found that it was not as sweet as I thought. This is Lu Fei Yan's mood now.

However, she can't tell Bai jisen, because he doesn't love himself and doesn't feel sorry for her. Sentimentality will only push a man who doesn't love you away.

Lu Fei Yan suddenly envies Lu Qiran. Why can she get the eagle Falcon's careful care? Such incomparable honor, such happiness, really make Lu Fei Yan itch, want to tear her to pieces.

"Pa -" the crystal chandelier on his head suddenly lit up. The strong contrast between darkness and light stimulated Lu Fei's tears.

In the haze of tears, baijisen's symmetrical and beautiful body gradually blurred in the memory. It's like an old train about to enter the tunnel. The picture gradually retreats and retreats. At last, only Lu Feiyan stays in the same place.

If you can, Lu Fei Yan really wants to stay up in that beautiful dream. Even if it's just a short time of beauty and happiness, it can make people forget their worries and be happy as if they want to fly to the clouds.

"Lu Feiyan, I've given you what you want. It's time for you to keep your promise Bai jisen didn't hide his disgust for Lu Feiyan in his eyes.

A woman who doesn't love herself doesn't deserve the respect of others. A person who doesn't know how to make his lover happy doesn't deserve love at all.

In Bai jisen's eyes, Lu Feiyan doesn't deserve happiness at all.

"Jason, don't you really feel anything about me? Is everything just my illusion? " Lu Fei Yan's eyes flashed a trace of unwillingness.