Chapter 333

Bai Qiuye had already decided that after the new year, he and Xu Shulan would immigrate to Canada to provide for the aged. As for Bai's enterprise, let Bai jisen take care of it.

??? But is this baijisen trying to make his Laozi angry? He behaved like this, didn't he just want to show it to him?

??? This is Bai Qiuye himself saw, know what kind of person he is in the end, that's OK. But if the people of the Lu family saw it, they couldn't belittle the people of the Bai family?

???“ This black sheep will only make me angry. " Bai Qiuye angrily picked up his mobile phone and threw it out of the field.

??? The huge sound provoked Xu Shulan. As soon as she entered the door, she felt a low air pressure. If you take a closer look, isn't your husband sulking?

??? Xu Shulan walked over lightly, her hands gently pressed on Bai Qiuye's shoulder.

???“ What are you angry with, old man? " Xu Shulan said with a smile“ When his son is old, let him decide what he wants to do! You see, if you get sick, what should you do? "

???“ Hum, he's my son. He should listen to me. If you want to spoil yourself, there's no way. "

??? What's on BJ's mind? Bai Qiuye knows all about it. Doesn't he just want to show himself as a dandy, so as to make the people of Lujia give up on him?

??? It's not so easy. He could not disobey the interests of the two families alone. Just a Bai jisen, he wants to turn the world around. It's a dream.

???“ By the way, old man. The wife of the Lu family has just arrived... It seems that she has something to discuss with us! " Xu Shulan's eyes flashed.

???“ Mrs. Lu? You mean Jiang Xiuju Bai Qiuye rubbed the sore temple“ You can solve the problem of your women. Shulan, if she mentions the wedding, you can tell her about it. Anyway, it's up to us to decide my son's marriage. It's up to him to fight against the interests of the merchant family! "

??? With Bai Qiuye's promise, Xu Shulan's heart is more confident. She is Bai jisen's stepmother, many things are hard to say, how dare to make a decision on Bai jisen's life.

??? But now, the old man has made it clear. This marriage, Bai jisen is to agree also must agree, do not agree also must agree. So Xu Shulan has no room for scruple.

??? Back in her room, Xu Shulan dressed herself up. When everything looked so elegant and decent, Xu Shulan was satisfied.

??? In the hall of Bai family, Jiang Xiuju has been waiting for several minutes. Although some impatient, but coveting the power of the white family, or let her calm down to continue to wait.

???“ Oh, Mrs. Lu, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting! " Xu Shulan covered her mouth and said with a smile. She turned to make a cup of flower tea and handed it to Jiang Xiuju.

???“ I'll just wait for a while. Mrs. white is very kind

??? Then the two women exchanged greetings for a while. Just talking about the girls in this family? Who did the son of that family marry? These big things, in the eyes of two women, are full of fun.

??? Ordinary people only say that rich wives don't worry about food or drink. It is the so-called food and clothing think lust, they really do not worry about food and clothing, but began to change the way around people.

??? For a while to do manicure, for a while to get hair, clothes can not be less, comparison can not be weak. Compared with the poor, these rich wives have much more to think about. After all, no one wants to lose face in front of others.

???“ Yes, Mrs. white. You know what? The daughter of Li's group came back from studying abroad last year and married a wild man without telling her father

??? Xu Shulan covers her mouth in surprise“ Oh, my God, no? That child was very good when he was a child. How can he grow up to make people worry so much? "

???“ Isn't that right? It's said that women are useless. But my daughter is different. Be good! I think your son is good too. How about

??? After so long greetings, I finally got to the point. Now that she has said that, there is no need for Xu Shulan to cover up, she said frankly.

???“ My old man also likes your young lady. He has the style of a lady. It's very good. It matches my son very well

???“ Oh, yeah, I think so, too. " Jiang Xiuju grinned so fast that her mouth almost opened. God knows that she has the family of Bai on the needle plate.

??? If her Fei Yan marries Bai jisen, it's really a matter of glory in the light. Even if Lu Qiran wants to rob the property with them in the future, he is not afraid. There are Bai family to do the backing!

???“ Just... "Xu Shulan's expression was a little embarrassed“ You know, I'm not Jason's biological mother after all. I think we should ask him what he means about this kind of thing. "

???“ I'm not saying that your family's beauty is bad. It's just that your dowry will be more generous on jisen's terms! " Xu Shulan said. Even if it's a bit secular to say that, the Bai family's welfare should not be less.

??? As a man of Bai family, death is also a ghost of Bai family. Xu Shulan has long regarded herself as a member of the Bai family.

???“ That's it, that's it, Mrs. white. You don't have to worry about that. We are not a poor family. We will not take advantage of the Bai family. We have our own measure, our own measure! You can rest assured! " Jiang Xiuju smiles and pats Xu Shulan on the back of her hand.

???“ It's just... Sister Shulan, there's a saying I don't know whether to say it or not. " Jiang Xiuju pursed her lips and continued to smile after a while“ You just said that baijisen is not your own son after all. Haven't you ever thought of doing something for yourself? "

??? Seeing Xu Shulan's silence, Jiang Xiuju felt that she was about to move her. I'm alone, and I haven't laid an egg yet. She didn't believe it. If a woman in the Bai family doesn't have a son, she can't have a good home!

??? Jiangxiuju catch up with Xu Shulan's hand, said earnestly“ Sister, I didn't say you were stupid. But as women, we still have to plan for our own future. It is said that in a rich family, the mother is more expensive than the son. Baijisen's biological mother is dead, but you are not his biological mother after all! Have you ever thought about it? What if something happens to you in the future? How much of the Bai family's property can you share? "

"Sister Xiuju, I know you are kind-hearted, but now, I really love Akino, and I don't want to pursue those who have nothing."