Lu Qu Ran frowned, he gripped the dagger in his hand tighter, as he slowly approached the inspection entrance.


A hoarse voice rang out, and the evil being hidden in the darkness instantly pounced towards the approaching Lu Qi, revealing its sharp fangs.

However, Lu Chuan Yun was already prepared for it, and upon seeing the green shadow that suddenly leapt out, Lu Qi waved his right hand, and the dagger in his hand released a sharp sound of wind, in the blink of an eye, the black green shadow was sliced into two by the silver light, and powerlessly fell from the sky, struggling on the ground while making painful hissing sounds.

"This is …" "Snakes!"

Seeing the object that had fallen to the ground, Lu Que and Falcon's faces couldn't help but stiffen, revealing looks of shock.

The snake was about half a meter long, with dark green scales and some slippery mucus. Judging from its appearance, this little snake looked very similar to the giant python monster from before.


The falcon swiftly raised its leg to end the little snake's life, and then with an ugly expression on its face, it turned to Lu Qu Yun and asked: "Xiao Ran, look at the scales on this little snake, doesn't it look a little like the monster we met before?"

"Well, yes." Lu Chiran nodded his head and replied, "They look alike, this should be the same kind of snake."

The falcon continued to lower its head to look at the corpse of the little green snake. Its expression became more and more unsightly. "I say, Xiao Ran, do you think this little snake could be the python's child?"

Ah!" "You mean!

Lu Quren was momentarily taken aback, and the foreboding feeling in his head rapidly expanded like ink dripping into clear water.

The python was also a creature, so it was normal for it to leave behind descendants. If this little snake was really a descendant of the python, then it meant that the two of them still had to face hundreds of little pythons. They might even have to face two monster level pythons.

Thinking this way, Lu Que and Falcon both instantly felt chills go down their spines, and their backs went numb.

"Phew, don't think so much." Lu Quren let out a light breath, forcing out the fear in his head as he said to the Falcon's Decision beside him, "If I'm just scared by the things in my head, then what kind of hitman am I? Go home and be a princess, and so will you."

Hearing Lu Qiuwen's harsh words, the falcon eye was stunned for a moment, and then it laughed softly, "Hehe, hahaha, that's right. Under the heavens and the earth, there is no barrier that I, Fei Jue, cannot cross, there is nothing that I cannot defeat."

Seeing such a bold and unrestrained Eagle's Arts, Lu Qiuyan couldn't help but be startled, and then rolled his eyes at him, "Don't be so smug, let's go to the basement."

Falcon's Formula: "You … don't give me any face, Xiao Ran."

Going down the worn-out stairs, Lu Quren and the falcon clearly remembered that when they first entered this hospital, besides the staircase and elevator, there was also a large locked iron door at the back of the hall. Since this door was locked and didn't have a key that couldn't be opened, the two of them decided to search a few rooms upstairs first, hoping to gain some benefits. But from the looks of it, Lu Que and the falcon had no choice but to find a way to enter this metal door.

"What should we do? Should we go find the key first, or should we use brute force to open it?" The Solitary Falcon couldn't help but reveal an awkward expression as he looked at the thick metal door. This metal door was at least four to five centimeters thick, and the lock looked extremely exquisite and sturdy. It wouldn't be easy to open the door by brute force.

"Don't worry, I have a way." Lu Quren waved his hand to get away, then he took out a silver wire from his pocket, folded it a few times, and stabbed it into the keyhole of the metal door.

Then, with a few crisp cracking sounds, the seemingly solid metal door suddenly moved. Then, with a crisp "pa" sound, the door was opened. Following that, a burst of suffocating strange smell came out from the door all of a sudden, choking Lu Quren and the Eagle Trials to the point that they subconsciously covered their noses.

The smell was very strange. It was like the smell of something rotten mixed with disinfectant, making people want to vomit.

"It's really dark here." This passage was different from the one they had passed through previously. There were at least a few cracks that allowed light to penetrate through, but this passage was completely covered up, with no windows at all. The two people who did not have a source of light were simply unable to see what was going on inside.

"Without a light source, we won't be able to enter. If we go in, we'll be courting death. What should we do?" Lu Quren helplessly shook his head and sighed. He lowered his head and thought hard for a while before telling the falcon, "This time I still need your help to make a torch."

Hearing that, the falcon couldn't help but laugh and wave at Lu Qianyan, "What's wrong with that? Just watch me. Also, do you think you and I need to be so polite? "Xiao Ran."

"Oh, really." Lu Quren pursed his lips and smiled, then said word by word as he looked at the Eagle Trials: "Then don't give me any nonsense, hurry up and go!"

The skill of the Eagle Condor's method of lighting a fire was indeed not something to be reckoned with. However, within a few minutes, the Eagle Condor collected some dry wood from the nearby area and started a fire. It then made two torches, moving very quickly.

"This is great, I can finally enter this damned place." Looking at the flickering torchlight in his hands, the Falcon's Secrets smirked and walked towards him like an iron gate. However, this action was immediately stopped by Lu Chiran.

"Wait!" Lu Quren stretched out his hand and grabbed the Eagle Mantra that was about to enter, pulling it back to him and said with a serious face, "Don't go in yet."

Filled with confusion, the Eagle Condor Technique tilted its head and asked Lu Qianyan, "Why?"

"Wait a moment." Lu Quren did not answer the question first, but instead took a burning stick and threw it into the passage. He saw that after the stick was thrown in, it was still burning well, and there was no abnormal reaction. Only then did Lu Que relax a little, and said to the falcon, "It's fine now, go in."

Lu Quren's worry was justified. After being sealed in this strange place for so many years, who knew how many impurities the gas would mix with. Just the suffocating stench when opening the door was enough to cause people to feel uncomfortable but they didn't know if it was dangerous or not.