With the sound of nearly silent footsteps, the two of them walked into the corridor on the second floor, one following the other. On the second floor, there was only a long corridor and two spacious wards. The door was labeled 'A' and 'B', respectively. Lu Qu and the falcon could smell a strange smell from these two rooms.

After confirming that there was no danger in the corridor, the falcon stretched out its hand and grabbed the door handle. It turned its head to look at Lu Que, and nodded to each other. Then, it slowly turned the handle of the door.


A loud muffled sound could be heard from the door of patient A's room as the falcon flew up with a kick, kicking out the dilapidated wooden door, causing a cloud of dust to fill the air around them.

"Cough, cough, cough." Exposed in the thick dust, the two couldn't help but cough twice.

"There's nothing here at all …"

"Yeah, nothing."

There was nothing else in the room other than a few beds, pillows, quilts and a bedside table. In other words, it was completely empty. If you did not count the spider webs and the dust in the room, this room could still be considered neat and tidy.

"Looks like I've been abandoned for a long time." The falcon resolutely took the Swiss Army knife and pushed aside the cobwebs as it walked inside. It turned around and looked around the room.

There were ten beds in the room, each with a small bedside table on its side. The beds were cheap iron beds, and they were now rusted beyond recognition because of the bargains. As for those wooden bedside tables, they were unexpectedly well-preserved, but only had more paint on them.


The falcon stretched out its hand and opened a few bedside drawers, but without exception, there was nothing inside. This caused the Solitary Falcon to frown. Could it be that there were no clues here?

"Take a look at this!" Right at that moment, Lu Quren suddenly waved his hand at the falcon, signalling for it to come over, "Look, this looks like a prescription! I don't remember the medicine on it very well. Do you know him? "

"Let me see." The words on the list had become blurry due to the accumulation of time, but it was still recognizable. Other than the name that could not be seen, the list clearly stated the three drugs (Chlorophyta Tablets) (tetracycline) (Apoxicillin).

"This, this I recognize." The falcon man looked at the name of the drug on the list and said, "I don't need to talk about nutritious green alga tablets and anti-inflammatory apocillin. This tetracycline is used to suppress rejection in the body, and only organ transplant users would use it."

"Organ transplantation? Was this a place where they could transplant organs? " Thinking about the sale of organs, Lu Quren could not help but frown in disgust, and asked the falcon to make a guess.

He slowly stuffed the prescription in his hand into his pocket and said to Lu Qirin, "About this, I'm not sure, because this medicine is not a black market drug, and most organ transplant recipients also use this medicine, so I'm not sure if this is a sanatorium or an organ transplant home."

Lu Quren sighed lightly as he said to the Falcon's Secrets, "If that's the case, then the current information is still not enough. We still need to go upstairs to take a look."

After nearly an hour of searching, Lu Qioran and the Falcon duo went from the first floor to the fifth floor. They searched a total of fifteen treatment rooms and a medical room. However, they only found six medical orders and two cases.

On the whole, the list contained a variety of drugs, including cancer treatments, genetically modified drugs, allergies, epilepsy treatments, and even parasitic diseases. It was also strange that although the nursing home was located on an isolated island, the drugs used were first-rate, and there were even drugs imported from the United States that were hard to come by. This made Lu Qiran and Hawkhawk even more puzzled. Why would there be so many expensive drugs in a small, unremarkable hospital on an isolated island?

Aside from the pile of empty bottles and jars in the treatment room, there were only two medical records that were of any use.

The first was a 48-year-old man named Sun Tie-zhu, who suffered from advanced bone cancer. A photo was attached along with some detailed clinical information.

The second was a 34-year-old man named Zhang Daoming, who suffered from malnutrition, with a photo attached.

This information confused Lu Qirin and Falcon even more. Why would a patient with terminal cancer live in this nursing home with a malnourished person?

"Xiao Ran, what do you think this hospital is made of? Why do I feel like things are getting more and more out of hand? " Before examining the last ward, the falcon asked Lu Qirin this question with doubt in its heart.

Towards this, Lu Qiuyan helplessly shook his head, "I don't know, there are too many contradictions here. Let's hurry to the last ward and take a look."

The falcon firmly nodded its head. "Fine …"

After opening the door of the last ward on the fifth floor, the items in the room were neatly arranged as usual. The bed, bedside table, and even some glass cups were arranged exactly as they had been in the ward before. They found a yellowed notebook in the quilt of one of the beds. It looked like a diary.

It would be great if they could find any clues based on this diary. The two of them immediately opened the diary to check.

Although the notebook was not thin, it only took Lu Hanwen and the Falcon's Duo less than ten minutes to read it. This was because apart from the first two pages, which had the usual words on them, the rest of the notebook were either blank or random lines.

What made people most speechless was that the one or two pages of words had been blurred by something. It was as if the words were made of water, making it so that those who saw it would want to cry but had no tears. However, even so, Lu Hanwen and the Eagle Triad also found a few important clues in the words at the corner of the diary.

These were the words' basement ',' experiment ', and' experimental subjects'.