Chapter 1363

Seeing that Mu Beichen's attitude is so firm, Wen Xin can only nod his head. In fact, he thinks that since the old man is paralyzed, he doesn't have to worry too much. However, Mu Beichen insists on following his previous assumption that he will never let the old man contact any servants and children, only the bodyguards. This is enough!

Those bodyguards were trained by Mu Beichen. They would never be loyal to him or be provoked by him.

The next day, when Wen Xin came to the company, there were some distracted people thinking about it.

Deng Rui submitted some documents to him. Seeing him like this, he had some doubts in his heart, so he said, "what's the matter? What's going on? How do you look at it as if you have something on your mind? "

After hearing this, Wenxin nodded without hesitation, and then said to Deng Rui: "it's not that I want something on my mind. It's just yesterday that our family received a call from the nursing home. You should also know that Beichen sent her to the nursing home because of the old man's affairs. Now, the nursing home calls and says that the old man's life is not long ago, so we picked him up Come on

Deng Rui also knows about this. At the beginning, Deng Rui cursed an old man in his heart because of the incident. Now he is surprised to hear these rumors.

"Your old man has brought it back, won't you cause any more trouble?"

"It should not be!" Wen Xin thought for a while, and then said, "if he is paralyzed, he can still have no trouble, that is really too exaggerated."

After Wen Xin finished, Deng Rui opened his eyes incredulously. He didn't expect that the old man would happen at this time, but Deng Rui still felt that it was not safe.

So Deng Rui thought for a moment, and then said to Wen Xin, "no matter what, it's better to be more careful. In case of his paralysis, is he united with those medical staff to pretend to be? In case he comes back to revenge you, or revenge Mu Beichen, it's better to be careful

Deng Rui is worried. These are very possible things. After all, Deng Rui thinks that he has no way to understand what is the reason for his actions. Therefore, he can only think that the master's desire for control is too strong to allow others to criticize him at any time. Then, this time, he comes back, is it true It's fake, but there's something to say.

After hearing Deng Rui's words, Wenxin was stunned. He did not expect that such a thing would happen. He frowned helplessly, then looked at it without saying: "do you think such a thing may happen? The old man, who is alone in the nursing home, should not have enough funds to buy those doctors What else would have worked for him? This is a little too incomprehensible

"It's better to investigate!" Deng Rui thought for a while, and finally decided to tell his guess.

"You also said that the old man had been very hard before. Why did an accident happen suddenly this time? I think you can find some reliable doctors to check the old man, and then investigate whether the man who examined the old man has any other relationship with him, such as the subsidized student or the son of a friend. If there is no such thing, you can be completely relieved. "

It's no wonder that Deng Rui has all kinds of associations at this time. It's really the old man who caused Wenxin too much trouble. After knowing all that, Deng Rui also felt a headache, so he should be more cautious and more careful.

"You're right. If you do more, it's safer. I went back to talk to Beichen and let him investigate and monitor carefully. There's no problem."

When Deng Rui saw that his warning worked, he was no longer worried as he had just been!

The reason why he said this is to let Wenxin pay attention to this matter. Don't do some meaningless soft hearted at this time. Now that Wenxin has paid attention to these things, he doesn't need to worry about something else too much!

After returning home in the evening, Wenxin said these things to Mu Beichen. After hearing about it, he was also on guard.

"How could you have the idea that someone said something in front of you, or did you suddenly think of it yourself?"

Mu Beichen also wants to know, Wen Xin suddenly had such doubt, what is the reason.

"I heard that the old man was worried about the accident, and it was not necessary for me to make sure that the old man was not worried about the accident, It's no harm to us, or is he acting? "

Wenxin also wants to know about it, so when looking at Xiangmu Beichen, his eyes become very firm.

"You must investigate. I always think Zeng Rui is right. It's better to be more careful. We have children in our family, but we must not let them encounter any danger."If the other is just, if there is any harm in this matter, it can be called the blow of destroying heaven and earth for mu family.

After hearing Wen Xin's words, Mu Beichen nodded with a smile, then rubbed his hair and said: "don't worry, I'll call the doctor today. Don't let people come to the house to check for the old man tomorrow. The two children won't encounter any problems tonight. Tomorrow, I'll stay at home and make a decision after the doctor's examination. You can go there at ease Ben, if there's any problem, I'll call you right away

Mu Beichen happens to be tomorrow, there is nothing too much to do, so you can give the old man a home care, let the doctor come to check, if there is really a problem, then as soon as possible to deal with it!

"Well, I'll leave it to you tomorrow. I'm really worried about it, so you should pay more attention to it."

Wenxin is really worried that the situation of the old man is a conspiracy, so it may be a big blow to the family.

"Don't worry! I will protect you, protect the two children, will not let them encounter any danger, no matter what, you are my most important person, if grandfather really dare to do this thing, I am afraid I will not easily give up

If in this matter, he can endure, Mu Beichen feels like a virgin.

"You should also pay more attention to your own safety, but don't dare to hurt yourself in this matter."

Wen Xin is most worried about Mu Beichen. At this time, he is plotting against him!

Who knows if he will do anything excessive to vent his anger! So Wenxin felt that it was better to give more advice.

"Don't worry, I know. You don't have to worry about it." Looking at the worry in his wife's eyes, Mu Beichen feels very warm in his heart.

Don't blame Deng Rui for worrying about these things, and it's no wonder that Wen Xin realized how terrible this thing was after hearing the reminder of course, but because the old man did miss a lot of measures before, and it is really impossible to guarantee whether he is a safe person. Therefore, it is important to be careful.

The next morning, after Wen Xin went to the company, Deng Rui asked her about the result of his discussion with Mu Beichen.

Wenxin looked at Deng Rui, and then said with a smile: "don't worry, Beichen is watching at home today. Let the doctor he believes in go to do the examination for the old man. If the old man is really like what you said, he is lying to me, and Beichen will do it by himself."

Wen Xin believes in Mu Beichen's words and his ability, so he doesn't need to worry too much about the follow-up development of this matter, just pay attention to the results. , the fastest update of the webnovel!