Chapter 1118

The driver quickly said: "I have looked up and down the studio. The front desk at the door of the studio was the last one to leave. She told me that my wife had left the studio and arrived at the parking lot 10 minutes ago. But I didn't come here because of the traffic jam. When I arrived, my wife was no longer there."

Mu Beichen suddenly frowned, things have come to such a point, he can not understand what happened? Some people must have hijacked Wen Xin!

Think of here, Mu Beichen heart will become more anxious.

"You mean to say that Madame is no longer in the studio now, and then you call her, but you can't get through? I know. You can go home right now and wait for news at home. Maybe he has been waiting for you for a long time. He can't wait for you, and then he will take a ride back. You are waiting for news at home. I'll send someone to look for it right now The whereabouts of the lady. "

Mu Beichen is not a fool. After this happened, he saw Mu Beichen back, and the driver said in a hurry: "the specific situation is just like what was said to the master on the phone. After I came back, I didn't see the body shadow of his wife. He was probably in..."

The driver's words did not finish, Mu Beichen raised his hand to stop what she wanted to say. He knew in his heart that it must be because Wenxin met with some danger that he suddenly disappeared, and this danger must be due to some recent events.

After all, the things that happened before, people who might cause danger to them, have been completely solved.

Think of here, Mu Beichen then said: "you pour is to tell me, after you went over, found there is nothing wrong?"

Mu Beichen has sent someone to Wenxin to search the parking lot. If you find any news, you will tell them at the first time.

After hearing Mu Beichen's words, the driver nodded seriously, and then told all these things to Mu Beichen.

After hearing this, Mu Beichen became more and more worried. It must be because some people want to calculate him, so he can be suppressed by warming his heart!

However, he could not be 100% sure of this, because of this, he was more and more worried.

I don't know when I can get the call from the kidnapper. According to the current situation, 100% of them should have been kidnapped.

It happened that at this time, someone called Mu Beichen. Mu Beichen was in a hurry. He thought it was the kidnapper, so he directly picked up the phone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!