Chapter 111

Suxiaoxiao doesn't know the farce in the living room on the first floor.

She is working hard to crack the program.

When the knock on the door rang out, she paused and turned to look in the direction of the bathroom.

He quickly disassembled the instrument into a bracelet. Su Xiaoxiao hid in the shower curtain in the bathroom, looked around, and finally took a heavy decoration in his hand as a weapon.

For her safety, Qi Bei and the servant in charge of taking care of her have a spare key to the room in their hands.

So servants usually don't knock.

The visitor took an unusual path. He must not be from the Qi family.

Sure enough, after no one answered the knock on the door, the outside of the house was quiet again.

Suxiaoxiao held her breath and stared at the door.

But a few seconds later, the door did not move, but the window rang softly.

That man is by the window!

From suxiaoxiao's point of view, I can't see the situation outside the window.

When people are quiet, the five senses are often particularly acute. Suxiaoxiao seemed to hear the sound of someone gently landing.

After a while, on the ground, there was a stretched and deformed shadow slowly approaching the bathroom.

Suxiaoxiao clenched the ornament in his hand and carefully dealt with the man's murderous intention.

The shadow finally stood at the bathroom door.

Suxiaoxiao stole an eye from the crack and watched carefully.

This is a man with a long dagger in his hand. When he saw that there was no one in the bathroom, his eyes finally locked on the curtain where suxiaoxiao was hiding.

He approached suxiaoxiao slowly. Just as he raised his dagger to stab her, the locked door suddenly opened!

The man didn't expect this and looked back in surprise.

This is the chance!

Suxiaoxiao raised the ornament and smashed it heavily on his forehead.

That strength poured all her strength. The man looked at suxiaoxiao incredulously. Finally, the blood fell from his head, and the others fell to the ground with a "pop".

Suxiaoxiao wanted to rush up to check if he had that strange plant tattoo.

But after seeing the people coming in, I still chose to squat on the ground with my head in my arms and scream.

Doctor Lu rushed in quickly. After he looked at the scene, he took suxiaoxiao away from the body.

The housekeeper asks the bodyguard to handle the scene.

After being controlled below, they immediately thought of suxiaoxiao sleeping upstairs, so they rushed upstairs.

Fortunately, suxiaoxiao hid in the bedroom in advance, which bought them time.

Holding his body in a corner, Su Xiaoxiao bowed his head and thought deeply.

After the mysterious man who came that night was exposed by her, Qi Jingsheng sent ten people who couldn't catch up with him. It can be seen that he was very skillful.

The strength of the man who wanted to kill her in the woods should not be ignored. She took the head with great effort.

These two people can be regarded as masters, but just this vase in the bathroom was smashed to death by her?

This strength does not come from the same place as the previous two batches.

Suxiaoxiao suspects that the man just now belongs to another group.

It was probably Qi Jinsheng who brought it in.

It seems that Qi Jinsheng should have done something to attract some people's dissatisfaction.

So Qi Jingsheng started to fight back?

Suxiaoxiao thought to herself that when he was free, she would not have much time to be free.

Now Lord Qi is not in the old house. The defense there should be weakened. If you have time, you have to go back again.

She needs to speed up her progress and collect more evidence of killing her mother from the old house as soon as possible.

Suxiaoxiao soon relaxed under the appeasement of doctor Lu.

But she said she didn't dare to stay alone.

Suxiaoxiao has nothing to depend on. She can only pester Wu Ma to make clothes for her milk ball.

Most of the bodyguards gathered around suxiaoxiao, and a few were sent out by Qi Bei to search for the fish that had escaped the net, while Dr. Lu sat on the other side of the sofa.

He was excited and scared.

He felt that after the assassination, he could find more reactions from suxiaoxiao.

Suxiaoxiao was stuffed with milk balls in her arms. She gradually relaxed.

At first, she would look at the living room quietly. Later, she would look at Wu Ma's sewing carefully.

It seems that the fear she has just experienced is "hidden" in a small box. As long as she doesn't take it out, she won't feel fear.


A high-end residential villa.

Four people, led by Bai Han and supplemented by other computer hackers, lined up in a row and operated on the computer with extremely fast hands.

Black as the background, green numbers slide quickly on the computer.

Qi Jingsheng sat back in his chair and looked at the news uploaded from the computer.

After the east window incident, Deng Wan acted wisely to buy the Navy and blacken himself for Qi Hanyi.

Cheng Xinran wrote that he had lost sight of the past. He also used his public opinion events to hype up a wave of heat and successfully received a new play.

The rest of the owners were silent. Even the second generation of the rich, who were usually active in the circle, were like withered cucumbers, all silent.

But a few people, led by duziming, who had not heard their names, went up against the current and spoke for Qi Jinsheng.

But none of this will work.

His eyes fell on the last word of his name: huangjiaming.

Surname Huang?

He remembered that the enterprise that black chess paid more attention to this time seemed to be this one.

Qi Jingsheng manipulated the page and was about to turn to the official website of the enterprise when he saw that the housekeeper sent a message.

"Young master, the villa has changed. People have controlled it. The young lady is well."

In an instant, Qi Jinsheng's temperature dropped.

People around him noticed the change in the atmosphere and looked at Qi Jinsheng in doubt.

He really wanted to rush back now to see how suxiaoxiao was doing and punish the wicked severely.

However, he needs to be the guard here. If he leaves, if there is any change, the painstaking efforts of these years will be in vain.

He forced himself to ease down and returned a message to Qi Bei: "keep doctor Lu."

Qi Bei, who received the news, subconsciously looked at Dr. Lu, who was with his young grandmother, and felt inexplicably bitter for him.

Doctor Lu seems to be familiar with how to handle suxiaoxiao.

After the incident, he was always with her. I don't know what method he used to coax her into a very happy life. He also played in the living room.

No wonder the eldest young master must make sure that Dr. Lu is there before he leaves.

At this time, Qi Bei saw that one of the bodyguards who went out to search turned back in advance.

He leaned close to Qi Bei's ear and whispered something.

Qi Bei immediately changed his face, "where is it?"

"In the woods."

Suxiaoxiao only heard this sentence. Because she was distracted, she tried harder and was bitten by the cat.

Suxiaoxiao immediately cries out for pain, and the kitten spits out her fingers.

At that moment, Dr. Lu seemed to have captured some information, but suxiaoxiao's seamless connection came too quickly. He had no time to think, so he couldn't catch it any more.