Yang Zizi had a very happy and full day.

With one stitch on the left and one stitch on the right, Yang Zizi devotes herself to the cross stitch.

Yang Zizi is embroidering, and her eyes are tired. I got up and gave a big stretch. I have to finish this cross stitch as soon as possible. If his cross stitch passed the pass, there should be a source of income.

Baby, baby, Mommy's sweet baby. After I was born, I remember to be nice to Mommy. It's not in vain for mommy to work hard for you with you.

Yang Zizi gently touched the protruding belly. He said to himself.

Sit in a chair. Yang Zizi remembers that when Xu Dan came to deliver tonic soup to herself today, she almost couldn't hide it. Still feel a moment later afraid, fortunately did not wear help, otherwise oneself this matter was discovered by Han Yuxuan.

Although I didn't do anything in this day. Just busy with a cross stitch. But it's meaningful to be busy.

Looking at the semi-finished product in hand, I hope I can get the approval of the owner of the cross stitch shop. Recently, I really haven't found any suitable job. In addition to this job with great possibility, I really don't know how to find it.

"Ding Ling, Ding Ling..." Yang Zizi's small and lovely mobile phone is probably unwilling to lie on the coffee table. At this moment is a sharp ring up, I have to say. This ring successfully aroused Yang Zizi's attention on cross stitch.

"Oh, my finger was accidentally stabbed. And the stitch just happened to be in the wrong place. " Yang Zizi sucked her poor stabbed finger and looked at the mistake on the cross stitch in distress.

The mobile phone on the tea table is still ringing. Yang Zizi had no choice but to get up to see whose call it was.

I picked up my cell phone. Although the number on the screen does not have the name on the note, the string of Arabic numerals has been remembered. Yes, it is Han Yuxuan's mobile phone number.

Yang Zizi thought to herself, what does this man with the surname of Han call him for? It's really annoying. This man was destined to fight against himself. He was still fine just now. As soon as he called, he not only bled his fingers, but also made a mistake in cross stitch.

Dixuan building, Han Yuxuan has been calling Yang Zizi, see the mobile phone has not been connected, inevitably will not be fanciful, Zizi how has not come to answer the phone, is it possible that something happened?

Yes, at this time point, Xu Dan must not be around her. Is it really something serious? Otherwise, how could Zi Zi not answer the phone?

Zhan Chen, who stands quietly beside Han Yuxuan as an invisible person, sees that he is indifferent and unfeeling. The wise and decisive boss has lost his demeanor, so he can't help but persuade him: "boss, don't be too nervous and anxious, sister-in-law can't surround her cell phone 24 hours a day, can you? Maybe my sister-in-law just walked away and went to the bathroom! You can call back later! "

Zhan Chen is also very reasonable, although Han Yuxuan is still very worried, but finally calm down, "then wait a few more minutes! In case there is no answer, I'll rush to have a look, or I'm really worried. "

Zhan Chen has been with Han Yuxuan for many years. Naturally, he understands Yang Zizi's position in his mind. When the eldest brother meets his sister-in-law, he will have no reason at all. However, Zhan Chen never wants to meddle in his own business, so he won't say anything more.

"Well, what's the matter with you?" Yang Zizi was really confused by her mobile phone ringtone. To be more precise, she was confused by Han Yuxuan. After a long time, she finally got through the phone.

If that man surnamed Han really has something urgent to say to himself! While explaining herself, Yang Zizi answers the phone.

Han Yuxuan just wanted to hang up the phone, but Yang Zizi answered it. It's a coincidence.

Hearing the cold voice of Yang Zizi on the other end of the phone, Han Yuxuan doesn't care much either. She just feels that as long as she listens to her phone and is willing to take care of herself, as long as she really doesn't have anything wrong, she will be relieved.

"Zizi, you haven't answered the phone just now. I thought something happened to you! I almost came to you. " Han Yuxuan ignores Yang Zizi's cold tone and says to Yang Zizi very gently.

"Don't worry, of course I won't have an accident. My baby and I will be fine all the time." Yang Zizi's attitude makes Han Yuxuan's greeting look like "hot face on cold buttocks". Even Zhan Chen standing near Han Yuxuan can feel Yang Zizi's cold air.

Fortunately, Han Yuxuan didn't care at all, and continued to ask Yang Zizi some things in a good voice, "Zizi, is the soup good today? Does it taste good? "

"Well, it's OK."

"Well, has the baby been obedient recently? He didn't bother you, did he? " Han Yuxuan is still not at ease, can't help but care more.

"No, the baby is fine." Yang Zizi's side is still indifferent.

"The cold air is coming these days. You should remember to wear more clothes. Don't freeze yourself or the baby in your stomach." Han Yuxuan continues to ask Yang Zizi. Yang Zizi is now worried when she hears Han Yuxuan's voice, "OK, I know. That's it. I want to have a rest." On hearing Yang Zizi say that she is tired, Han Yuxuan immediately asks her to have a rest, "OK, Zizi, since you are tired, go to have a rest!" Hang up Han Yuxuan's phone, Yang Zizi is not to rest at all, but want to cook a pot of hot water to drink. When she came to the kitchen, Yang Zizi filled the kettle with boiling water, then put it in the kitchen and let it live and die on its own. She went back to cross stitch and focused on the embroidery in front of her eyes. Maybe Yang Zizi was too absorbed in the cross stitch, and didn't find that the hot water he had just had could be cooked long ago, so he kept it on the kitchen stove. At this moment, when Yang Zizi was asleep, something happened in the kitchen unconsciously. The fire has already happened. It started little by little, and then it became more and more fierce. However, Yang Zizi in the room is still asleep, unaware of the danger. Maybe she is too tired, or maybe the pregnant woman is sleepy. Yang Zizi really sleeps like a dead pig.