Chapter 935

Huang Qi contacted the person who killed Hua Yuqing and then paid the other party enough money.

Huang Qian decided to run away immediately.

But her wound became inflamed and her plan to leave was delayed.

She went to a black clinic, took care of the wound, and planned to take a night off and leave early the next morning.

But did not expect, this night, was Zhang Heng to find traces.

When they entered Huang Qi's room in Guda, Huang Qi opened her eyes alertly.

Unfortunately, she didn't respond as quickly as she did.

Guda rushed to the bedside and held her down.

Huang Qi recognized Guda through the sleeping lamp in the room.

Knowing that Gus had come to her door, she struggled desperately and called for help.

Try, call for help, and get attention.

Then she looks for a chance and runs.

However, before Gu Da came over, Zhang Heng told him that Huang Qi was cunning and asked him to pay attention. Therefore, after finding Huang Qi restless, Guda directly hit her neck with a knife.

Huang Qi just felt black in front of her eyes and fell down.

Guda picked her up from the bed and went out.

Gus saw Guda carrying Huangqi out, he frowned.

"What's going on?"

"She was restless, struggling and screaming, and I knocked her out." Guta replied.

"Oh," Gus said, "take her to Jiangnan

"Yes, Gu Shao..."

Huang Qi was awakened by the water.

She opened her eyes and saw Gus's cold face.

She wasn't surprised, even calm.

Anyway, she has arranged for someone to kill Hua Yuqing. Even if she died in Gus's hand, she was worth it.

Looking at a calm face of Huang Qi, Gus's eyebrows frown.

She was caught by him. How could she be so calm?

Absolutely, not in general.

Gus's eyes narrowed and he said, "you've arranged for the back road?"

Instead of answering Gus's words, Huang Qi asked, "what do you think?"

Gus didn't speak, just staring at Huang Qi without blinking.

This woman, what is it arranged for?

The factors of instability in Wen and Hua have been dealt with.

The two families also had a big cleaning.

There should be no room for her to interfere.

Why is she so proud?

Huang Qi saw Gus staring at her, she was proud to laugh out.

"Mr. Gus, I'm sure you'll enjoy my arrangement."

Would he like her arrangement?

Suddenly, Gus thought of Hua Yuqing.

He destroyed Huang Qi's plan. Huang Qi hated him most.

What he cares most is Hua Yuqing.

"What did you do to Yu Qing?"

When Huang Qi heard Gus's words, she burst out laughing, "Mr. Gus, you are really smart. You can also think of Hua Yuqing's body. I did make arrangements for her, but I will not tell you that you can enjoy the arrangements I have given you. "

Gus didn't care to say anything to her. He said to Guda, "try to pry her mouth open." then he rushed out

After Gus ran into the elevator, he remembered and called Hua Yuqing.

As a result, the hand in the pocket a touch, did not find the mobile phone.

He just remembered that he had just dropped his cell phone on the sofa.

He ran back quickly. On the way, he met Gu Da, who came out to give him his mobile phone. "Gu Shao, you forgot to take your mobile phone."

Gus says "um" and then opens the phone to unlock

When unlocking, his fingertips trembled violently.

As he shook his hands, he tapped into the dialing interface.

Even the address book can't wait to click, then directly input the number of Hua Yuqing on the keyboard, and quickly dial the past.

However, Hua Yuqing's phone call was not answered.

It's true even after several hits.

Is there something wrong with her?

No, she won't. She may be taking a nap at home.

It's time for her nap.

Gus told himself, and walked quickly into the elevator.

He was so fast that he hit a lot of people along the way.

I said a lot of sorry before I got to the parking lot.

He called the servant as he ran in the direction where his car was parked.

Because he didn't look at the road, he was almost hit by a car.

The driver in the car stretched out his head and scolded him, "looking for death.".

Gus couldn't respond.

The phone call from the servant has not been answered.

Gus was in such a hurry that he was about to hang up.The servant's cell phone finally answered.

"Young master?"

Gus didn't talk nonsense. He said directly, "go to the apartment and find a young lady."

"Yes, young master." When the servant finished answering, there was the sound of footsteps, the sound of opening the door, the sound of pressing the password, and then the sound of opening the door.

When it was less than a minute, Gus was sweating.

As we got on the bus, the servant's voice rang from there.

"Young master, young lady is not at home, mobile phone left at home."

It turns out that the mobile phone has been left at home. No wonder no one answers the phone.

But, at this time, where is she going?

Gus, think of Huang Qi, feel scared.

"Look for her, and I'll be right back."

"Yes, young master."

Gus drops the phone and gets in the car.

Even the seat belt was not fastened, so he directly stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

Then he turned the steering wheel and dashed out of the parking lot and drove back to the city.

Gus's speed is extremely open, he skillfully changes the way to overtake, while expecting that Guda can pry Huang Qi's mouth open.

Let her say it. She arranged to kill Hua Yuqing. Who is it.

It's just that he's not hopeful.

Just now, Huang Qi didn't say a word about those punishments to Huang Qi.

For the first time, Gus had an impulse to shave people.

Gus's speed is extremely fast.

Originally, it took 40 minutes to get back to the community.

As a result, he shortened it straight to fifteen minutes.

Seeing the neighborhood getting closer and closer, Gus is thinking about where to find Hua Yuqing.

Suddenly, he saw Hua Yuqing coming out of the supermarket.

She was eating something and walking towards the community.

She's okay. She's okay. God forbid.

Gus's mind had just flashed the idea, and as a result, his eyes glanced.

I saw a car and rushed towards Hua Yuqing.

"Yuqing..." Gus Jai Yu cracked and rushed to the car that was driving towards Hua Yuqing with one foot on the accelerator.

Hua Yuqing said that let Gus get out of the house, but in fact, he was angry.

She didn't expect that Gus actually went out.

Go out and go out.

Think she's rare? He said he would remarry with her.

He's a liar.

Hua Yu stamped his feet in a clear breath.

Then run into the kitchen and open the refrigerator.

I was going to find something to eat.

It turned out that the refrigerator was empty.

Because the meal is to the opposite apartment, so, basically, just put some drinks and some fruit in the refrigerator.

There's nothing to eat.

Before the lunch, Hua Yuqing was angry and let Gus down.

Hua Yuqing is embarrassed to go to the opposite apartment and ask the servant to cook for her.

So, after thinking about it, she went out with her purse.

She did not go too far away, just went to a restaurant not far away from the community, to eat.

The food in the restaurant is not in line with Hua Yuqing's taste.

Hua Yuqing grass ate two mouthfuls and settled the bill.

She went to the supermarket and bought some snacks.

Then while eating snacks, while carrying, back to the community.

Suddenly, behind her came the fame of the car and the voice of GUS.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way..."

Hua Yuqing looked back and saw a car driving towards her.

She tried to hide, but her legs were too soft to move.

When she saw the car driving towards her, another car that she was so familiar with that she couldn't be more familiar with ran into the one that was coming towards her.

A loud noise rings in Hua Yuqing's ear

Huge momentum, the original protection measures in the car have no effect.

Gus's head hit the front glass.

His eyes were bloody and dizzy.

Gus raised his head desperately and looked in the direction of Hua Yuqing.

When he saw it, Hua Yu was standing there steadily.

Not after being hit by a car.

His hanging heart, let go.

She's OK.

When this consciousness came into his mind, Gus lost his consciousness.

After he lost consciousness, Hua Yuqing came back to his senses.

She rushed to Gus's car, and when she looked through the glass, she saw that the man in the car was really Gus's Queen.


There is no response from Gus inside. Hua Yuqing pulls the door anxiously.However, the car was seriously deformed after impact.

The door won't open at all.

Hua Yuqing slapped the door hard.

"Gus, you wake up You wake up for me Did you hear that... "

Nearby someone came to persuade her, "Miss, don't be excited. When the police come, people will be able to rescue them."

But Hua Yuqing didn't listen.

She ran to the side of the road, moved a brick and smashed Gus's car glass desperately.

At Gus's command, the servant came out to look for Hua Yuqing.

She looked around outside and couldn't find it.

He was ready to come back to see if Hua Yuqing was back.

But unexpectedly, not far from the gate of the community, she saw Hua Yuqing.

Hua Yuqing is smashing the car glass.

The next second, the servant recognized that the car was his own.

She whipped the crowd away and went in.

"Miss Hua Miss Hua... "

Hua Yuqing can't hear it at all. In her mind, there is only one idea, that is, to break the glass.

Get Gus out of there.

"Miss Hua..." The servant took Hua Yuqing's hand.

Hua Yuqing just came back to his senses. "He was in the car. In order to save me, he crashed..."

The servant said, "is the young master in the car? Don't worry, young lady. I'll call the police immediately, and the police will come to rescue the young master soon. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!