Chapter 683

That night, the hard pressed LM executives were called to the hotel for a meeting by their ye tezhu.

By the end of the meeting, it was already 10 p.m. when the big guy came out of the hotel, it was raining outside.

One by one, the big guys rushed to the open parking lot and called the old man more helpful than ye te.

Isn't it? It's still sunny during the day. It's raining now.

What's more depressing is that the distance from the hotel gate to the open parking lot is not short, which makes the high-level of LM consortium drenched with water.

David, who hitchhiked by Anthony, wailed as soon as he got on the bus. "Anthony, when is the end of this day?"

Anthony takes a dry towel out of the storage box and throws it to him. "Yettasu has to live in a hotel all day."

"No..." David really felt hopeless. He rubbed his hair with a towel and asked, "Anthony, when will yettasu go back to his apartment?"

Anthony's hand stopped. When will ye tezhu return to his apartment? Maybe it depends on the goddess.

After Gus left that day, guqin rushed upstairs and locked herself in the room. She cried a lot.

Then Anthony and David saw that her eyes were red and swollen and her throat was hoarse because she was crying too hard.

After that crying, her life went on, but the whole person seemed more difficult to get close to.

If she had been in touch with people around her before, now she is living in a world of one person.

When she is free, she will stare at that dress in a daze, a daze is for a long time.

It's like this Saturday, she's been staring at that dress all day.

Even if Aunt Liu came up to ask her to eat, she didn't pay attention.

After a little porridge for dinner, she went upstairs.

This time, instead of staring at the coat, I just stood on the balcony, staring at the neon lights around me.

I don't know when it began to rain.

At first, the rain was not very big, thin and continuous, and it didn't enter her hair and clothes.

Gradually the rain began to fall more and more, the rain along her hair, a wisp of ground flow and down. Her clothes were wet inside and outside, but she didn't mean to leave. She stood there quietly, looking at the unknown direction

As usual, Aunt Liu delivered milk to guqin before she went to bed. When she saw Guqin standing on the balcony in the rain, she immediately put the milk cup on the table and rushed to the balcony. "Miss, how can you get wet outside?"

"Is it raining?" Guqin looked up for a few seconds. It seemed that it was really raining.

Aunt Liu carefully advised: "Miss, would you like to change your clothes in the room? Or you'll catch a cold. "

Guqin gave a "Hmmm" and then said, "go and let me have a bath."

"OK." Aunt Liu nodded and went into the bathroom.

A few minutes later, she put the water out. "Miss, the water is ready."

"Well." Guqin nodded and went into the bathroom.

When she came out again, Aunt Liu brought in a bowl of ginger soup. "Miss, I've made ginger soup. You can have some. Don't catch a cold."

Guqin frowned. "No more."

"Miss, you are in the rain..." Before Aunt Liu finished, she was interrupted by Guqin.

"I don't drink, you take it out."

"Yes." Aunt Liu didn't dare to say anything more and left the room with ginger soup.

As a result, guqin really caught a cold.

The next morning, guqin felt a little feverish.

At breakfast, Aunt Liu noticed that her face was not right and asked, "Miss, are you feeling sick?"

"A little feverish." Guqin rubbed her forehead and answered.

"Miss, I'll ask the doctor to come and have a look." Then Aunt Liu was about to call and was stopped by Guqin.

"Don't call a doctor, just a little fever."

Aunt Liu advised: "Miss, don't call a doctor, then take some medicine."

Guqin said casually: "home myrrh, don't bother, I lie down will be OK."

"There is medicine. When I cleaned up the tea table that day, I saw that there was medicine..." Aunt Liu said and went to the tea table in the living room to look for medicine.

After listening to Aunt Liu's remark, guqin also remembered that when she was hospitalized with a cold last time, she brought back a lot of medicine, but she didn't, so she threw it into the drawer under the tea table.

Aunt Liu quickly took the bag containing the medicine box. She opened the bag and took all the medicine out of it and put it on the table. "Miss, what kind of medicine is used to reduce fever?"

Guqin didn't refuse. She picked up a medicine box. It looked like.

She found that the medicine was not what she needed. She was going to put it down. Suddenly, her eyes fixed on the medicine box on her hand. Specifically, it should be on the handwriting on the medicine box. Guqin felt that her heart was grasped by one hand, and could not beat at once.Her expression became a little stiff. She was staring at herself on the medicine box for a long time. Her black eyes moved gently, and then she reached out to take the other medicine boxes and look at them.

Each medicine box has the same handwriting, which is vigorous and powerful, and is familiar with every moment and every painting.

It was Yexi's handwriting. She had seen it once.

For ordinary people, it's impossible to be so impressed once, but when I majored in Guqin forensic medicine, I learned trace examination by passing, so it's normal to recognize a person's handwriting at a glance. What's more, this person is her favorite.

Looking at it, guqin's tears suddenly fell down on the medicine box in her hand, gathered little by little, and then dyed the ink on it

Aunt Liu saw Guqin burst into tears and was shocked. "Miss, what's the matter with you?"

Guqin didn't speak and kept crying.

Aunt Liu was too flustered to find a tissue to wipe her tears.

"Miss, don't cry. If you don't feel well, we'll go to the hospital immediately..."

After Guqin cried enough, people also calmed down.

The medicine was brought back from the hospital the last time she fell ill.

She remembered that when she fainted that day, she heard him calling her.

Even in a coma, she could clearly feel his temperature, his arms and his voice. At that time, she thought it was a dream, but it was not.

And his coat, which she showed up on her after she was drunk.

It means that he is in New York.

Guqin then remembered that she was in the hospital. When she asked Gus, Gus said it was a stranger who sent her to the hospital.

This time, Gus also insisted that the coat was his

Guqin's body began to shake uncontrollably, because she came to the conclusion that her brother was helping him hide , the fastest update of the webnovel!