With a light hug, Li Lingye holds Bai Xianxian on his lap, and then he holds her and looks at the scenery outside the window.


It is said that standing high and looking far away, the beauty is in the eyes.

They sat on this high place, and the view was beautiful.

It's also an absolute enjoyment to do nothing and just enjoy the beautiful scenery together.

"Li Lingye, I I'll sit by myself. " Sitting on Li Lingye's leg all the time, Bai Xianxian feels uncomfortable. She's such a big living person, and she can't bear to press his leg.

"No, I just want to hold you like this, slim. Although I'm not sure about my heart yet, the days I've been with you for more than a month are the most practical days for me.

Once upon a time, the loneliness that seemed to erode people's heart and soul no longer exists. Just let me hold you and feel your existence. Then I feel that I am also a real existence. "

Bai Xianxian Leng, "Li Lingye, you didn't feel like you were living in a dream before, did you?" That's not like Li Lingye, who is always superior in front of others.

He is evil and cold, showing the charm of a mature man everywhere. "I don't know. Before I married you, I felt that my life was muddled and I didn't have a sense of reality at all. I was a man, but I didn't have a sense of women at all. I even thought I had a cold feeling of sex..." When Li Lingye said that, for the first time, he looked embarrassed.

Bai Xianxian suddenly opened his eyes. "You almost made me unable to get out of bed. After that, you used a lot of medicine. You dare to say that you are cold. Li Lingye, you are lying with your eyes open.

In addition, you say you live in a muddle, but that's how you can improve the performance of Lishi group by more than 20% every year. If you are energetic every day, don't you want others to live at all? "

Li Lingye's lips are slightly crooked, and his chin is against his white slender forehead. "Suddenly, I find that my problems have come to your mouth. It seems that they have become advantages and are different."

"Li Lingye, you are different." The man she likes is naturally different. Just sniffing his breath, her heart beats faster and she can't get back to normal.

"Bai Xianxian, you like me, don't you?"

"Well, I like you." Bai Xianxian plays with the man's fingers and talks about it without thinking about it. She feels Li Lingye's slightly excited breathing. Then she says, "however, like and love are two different things."

This sentence directly cools Li Lingye's heart, "white, you can't breathe in the future."

"Oh, I see." Turn to see Li Lingye's rage, and Bai Xianxian is in a good mood.

"Why don't you love me?"

"You don't love me, do you?" The white slender asks, does not agree.

Li Lingye has no way to refute.

Does he love her?

He doesn't know yet.

Only know that he does not like the man beside, like her love her, and, as if others look at her more, he will be uncomfortable.

However, he can never admit this.

"Bai Xianxian, one day, you will fall in love with me." He bowed his head gently and kissed her.

Just want this moment, to the end of time.

If she fell in love with him, he would never worry about gain or loss again.

The plane came to a slow stop.

Li Lingye leads Bai Xianxian's men to the gangway. The door of the rear engine room opens and the lift starts. A royal blue Rolls Royce phantom slowly falls to the ground. Li Lingye walks over and opens the door of the co driver. "Wife, get on the bus."

Bai Xianxian looks at the gallant Li Lingye. They all say that there is nothing to be gallant about. They are either traitors or thieves.

This man is now determined to give Bai Xiaoning a younger sister.

Lush tropical plants, which is different from the European style.

Although Bai had been abroad for several years, he was attracted by the scenery outside the car window.

The tropical scenery is absolutely different from that of Europe and China. Every herb and thing has its own local characteristics.

Driving through the long asphalt road, Rolls Royce slowly drove into a villa located in the seaside.

In the courtyard, there are two buildings, one in front and one in back. The one in the back is built on land, while the one in front is actually built in the sea.

Before getting off the bus, Bai Xianxian was stunned. "Li Lingye, is this your villa?"

"This villa has been built for a long time. It's moldy. I just came to stay for a few nights." Li Lingye said carelessly.

White slender excited rushed to the front immersed in water, such as crystal palace glass room.

Push the door in, it's the elevator.

She pressed it, no response.

Press it again, but there's no response.

"The first time you're here, you haven't recorded your fingerprints. I'll do it." Li Lingye follows. He touches the button with his finger, and the door of the elevator opens.Bai Xianxian rushed in first, and found that even the elevator was made of transparent glass. Slowly, the elevator went down, and what fell into her eyes was the sea water. There were countless swimming fish, many of which were tropical swimming fish she had never seen.

Big, small, beautiful.

The elevator stops, the door opens, and a glass house is in front of you.

It's not very big, but it's not small. It's bigger than her apartment in t.

A big round bed in the middle is comfortable to watch.

White fiber directly lay up, head or sea water and fish.

It's like she's in a moving dreamland. It's so beautiful.

The blue sea water is clear and blue, and there are lots of swimming fish. At one time, there are big fish groups, at another time, there are small fish groups, and there are some sea creatures she doesn't know. "Li Lingye, pinch me." Bai Xianxian hands Li Lingye.

Where is Li Lingye willing to pinch her? He just lightly printed on the back of her hand, "now you have a sense of reality?" "It's beautiful, Li Lingye. It's beautiful here. Next time, let's bring Ning Ning too. If Ning Ning sees such sea water and swimming fish, she will scream excitedly." I can't help it. As a mother, she always has her son in her mind.

"Good." Li Lingye laughingly looks at the child's white slender, "do you like it?" "Yes, especially. I love you, Li Lingye." Bai Xianxian says, and as soon as he pulls Lin's hand, he falls down beside her and kisses him on the cheek. "I like it so much. It's beautiful here.


Li Lingye pinched her face. "It seems that you love this glass house more than me. If you didn't have this glass house, you wouldn't say you love me." Li Lingye is jealous. But this time the object of jealousy did not even think of himself, it was his self built submarine glass house.

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