When Xu Xian left the company, Bai Yueya happened to be in the company's conference room. She looked at the long table with pride in her eyes.

"Xu Xian, your things are mine sooner or later. What are you still struggling with?"

But Bai Yueya didn't expect that what she was waiting for was not success, but a group of angry people! Originally, the company's well-dressed, elegant and intellectual executives rushed to the conference room and directly pulled Bai Yueya out.

Bai Yueya's neatly combed hair was scattered in an instant. She pushed away the person in front of her and shouted, "what are you doing?"

"What are you doing? We're going to kill you. Why did you lie to us? Why did you lie to us?" The chief financial officer roared. Bai Yueya said that as long as she was in the top position, she could become the general manager. She had the greatest expectations for Bai Yueya, but she didn't expect that her expectations had failed.

"What did I lie to you?" Bai Yueya pushed her away.

"Xu Xian is not dead at all. Why do you say Xu Xian is dead? Do you know that all of us have been fired?" The chief financial officer roared, and Bai Yueya was stunned: "what are you talking about? It's impossible!"

Qin Luo Mingming said that Xu Xian was caught by the pervert of Zhou Shu. Qin Luo also said that he looked strange in Zhou Shu. Xu Xian didn't do any good in his hand.

"Where is Xu Xian coming back? It's impossible. How can she come back?"

"You still deny? We saw Xu Xian come back with our own eyes." The chief financial officer roared, "is there anything wrong with what I saw with my own eyes? You made us lose our jobs."

She screamed, "it's all your fault, it's all your fault."

Bai Yueya doesn't care about her messy hair. She wants to stand up, but she is held by an angry woman. These women did not care about their so-called posture. They grabbed Bai Yueya and began to fight.

Bai Yueya's hair was torn, her clothes were torn, and her white skin was scratched with blood marks. She screamed, but no one helped her.

Other people in the company saw the scene and came to watch. Mu Zhaohe and Xiao Zhou also looked at these people not far away. Xiao Zhou shook his head and said, "poor, lamentable!"

"It's not worth pitying. If President Xu hadn't come back, we might end up worse than them." Mu Zhao doesn't care. She only has two words in her heart when she looks at Bai Yueya being beaten.

When the fight was almost over, Mu Zhao went out: "all right, let the security guard pull them apart."

She looked at these grass-roots employees: "I announce one thing. From today on, all the leaders of all departments will resign and be replaced by their deputy. All the work must be reported to me. Well, let's get busy with our own affairs!"

Bai Yueya continued the war. Soon the security guards came up and they pulled away. Bai Yueya didn't have a good place on her at the moment. She pointed to these people and scolded: "wait for me."

With that, she glanced at Mu Zhao. Mu Zhao smiled and looked at all this in the distance. Bai Yueya was in a mess at the moment. Her expensive handmade suit had been torn to pieces. Hanging one by one, she could almost see the sexy underwear she was wearing.

No, the young male employees looked straight, and Mu Zhao lost his smile: "Miss Bai, you might as well go back and clean up your... Image. I don't think you're suitable for traveling outside like this."

Mu Zhao's smile deeply hurt Bai Yueya's eyes. She looked down at herself and couldn't help screaming. Mu Zhao pointed to Bai Yueya: "who gave her a dress."

The person who can be in "re" is not a fool. Bai Yueya was beaten like this, but no one stood up and said a word to her. What does this mean? It shows that this matter is the default of the company. Who gives her clothes at this time.

But at this time, an employee suddenly said, "I have a dress here."

Mu Zhao slowly looked over. The employee was a young girl with a smile on her face: "I have a dress left by my aunt cleaner. I look at the material, so I'll stay and plan to wear it myself. I'll lend it to Bai shareholder first today."

Mu Zhaotou: "yes."

The girl went to get the clothes. The clothes were blue and very bright. There are four big words "summer cleaning" on it.

Mu Zhao held back her smile. She handed her clothes to Bai Yueya: "put them on. It's still a little cold to go out." Bai Yueya clenched her teeth. She looked at Mu Zhao. Mu Zhao also looked at her without showing weakness: "what do you want to say? Say that my clothes are not good enough, but everyone has no clothes. You can't take off your clothes and give them to you!"

Mu Zhao laughed: "you should be grateful to the kind-hearted person who gave you clothes."

Then she looked at the girl: "you're good. The bonus this month has doubled." She just likes this kind of smart girl. The girl quickly thanked her happily.

"Put your clothes on the white shareholder and don't freeze her!" Mu Zhao lost his smile.

Several security guards put on their clothes for Bai Yueya. Bai Yueya didn't want to wear them, but if she didn't wear them, she would go out like guangliuliu.

She can only choose to wear this ugly dress: "Mu Zhao, you can. Don't think you'll be proud if Xu Xian helps you. I'll avenge you one day."

"I think this sentence should be said by me. Do you think you can understand what you have done to me before? I tell you, it's impossible."

Mu Zhao sneered: "I'm waiting for you to come."

Bai Yueya angrily left. Mu Zhao returned to her office. Xu Xian came back. She can also return to her office.

Bai Yueya didn't go home, but went to find Shan Mingfei. She saw that Qin Luo's heart was not on her now. Although she didn't know why, Bai Yueya had a feeling that Qin Luo wouldn't help her take revenge. If you want to take revenge, you still need someone else, such as Shan Mingfei.

She called Shan Mingfei, asked his address, and drove directly to Shan Mingfei. Shan Mingfei is in his villa.

Before, Chi Rui locked him in his own home to cultivate his self-cultivation, but these days, Chi Rui returned to the crew and he returned to his home again.

When he received Bai Yueya's call, he was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he let Bai Yueya come over. He was a little angry with Bai Yueya. At first, he summoned up the courage to marry Bai Yueya, but he didn't expect Bai Yueya to refuse. Now he doesn't know what Bai Yueya's purpose is.

Soon Bai Yueya arrived at his villa. When he saw Bai Yueya, Shan Mingfei was surprised in his eyes. He grew up and said, "sister Yueya, you..."