"Husband, if I go back home with my mother, will you feel lonely when you stay here alone?"

"Don't be so sentimental. You can go back with your mother! Because I'm busy at this time, and I can't accompany you at home. I'm not so worried about you when you go back with my mother. After I've been busy for a while, I'll fly back to my hometown to get together with you, OK Zuo Xuan touched Ye Liangsheng's forehead with a smile: "don't be so sad. If you go on like this, I think I can't help coming back with you. In that case, I'll be fired by night manager. If I lose my job, who will make money to support your mother and son in the future? "

Zuo Xuan's words make ye Liangsheng not so sad. All the people have been on the plane. Ye Liangsheng reluctantly waves goodbye to Zuo Xuan.

Zuo Xuan watched the plane slowly fly away, and suddenly felt empty in his heart. When I was alone here before, I never felt so lonely. It seems that with the growth of age, people will worry more and more.

After ye Liangsheng boarded the plane, he suddenly felt that it was wrong to leave Zuo Xuan alone at home, and he began to feel a little sorry. Nanxiaoshu grabs Ye Liangsheng's hand: "are you worried that brother Zuoxuan will not feel comfortable staying at home alone?" Ye Liangsheng nodded gently.

"We've never been apart since we were together. Do you think I am too impulsive this time? In fact, I should go back home with him, right? " Ye Liangsheng said with remorse.

"Don't worry. After today, brother Zuo Xuan will have no time to be sad. Didn't he tell you when you left? Enough work, so that he has no time for you to leave and sad. When he has finished his work and missed you, he will naturally fly back home to be reunited with you. " Nanxiaoshu takes Ye Liangsheng's hand and comforts him.

"Why do I suddenly regret being so willful? We should go to work with him, and then we will return home together after his work. Will he feel that I don't care about him when I leave like this? Will he be angry with me? "

"Sister Liangsheng, you are not! Just separated from my brother-in-law for a while, why do I feel you become so sentimental! Is it because your brother-in-law is too kind to you, or is it because you rely too much on him? " Gu Xingchen said with a smile.

"I don't know why. Everything has become so sentimental since I knew I was pregnant. Sometimes I even worry that when I get older, my children will not be filial to me. What should I do? Isn't that ridiculous? " Ye Liangsheng tells his sister about his uneasiness.

"You don't have to scare yourself any more, and you don't have to think about it every day. In fact, when I was just pregnant, I worried about this and that all the time just like you, and I had no sense of security at all. If brother Zuo Xuan had not been with me at that time, I think I might have suffered from depression. You and we often go out to play and chat together after returning home. Slowly, you will feel better. When you have more things to do, you will no longer have melancholy thoughts Nanxiao Book comfort said.

"Sister Xiaoshu, you had my symptoms at that time! I've been worrying about whether it's something wrong with me that makes me think all day long. After listening to you, I suddenly feel less worried. "

"It's good to relax. Sometimes it's actually us who are bluffing ourselves. I think it has a lot to do with you staying at home alone and not contacting with the outside world! If you are not happy every day, the baby in your stomach will accompany you with sadness. So in order to have a beautiful baby who loves to laugh, you must quickly adjust your mind

"I suddenly had a feeling that I was really afraid of getting married and having children. What should I do? Don't blame me if I run away at the wedding

Gu Xingchen's words, all the people laughed. "When you marry such an excellent Tan Yuhao, how can you escape from the wedding scene? You don't know, although he is only the assistant to the president, his charm is really not small. Not only is he a full rich second generation, but he is also handsome. The most important thing is that he has strong ability to handle affairs. I think if you run away from the wedding, there will be thousands of girls waiting to marry him instead of you Huo Lingfeng said with a smile.

"So it's not that I'm going to run away at the wedding, it's that I'm going to keep an eye on him all the time. If that's the case, my brother-in-law and brother-in-law must be angry for me! "

"Don't worry, Yuhao has always been safe and prudent. He won't make such mistakes on such an important occasion! But don't say the wrong thing excitedly!" Huo Lingfeng said with a smile.

"Mu'er promised me that he would kneel down on durian when he came home tonight. He bullied me like this. You must take revenge for me." Gu Xingchen takes Bai mu'er's hand and says.

"I still don't take the initiative to apologize to sister Xingchen. If she really wants to send you durian home, I won't help you!"

Let's make ye Liangsheng happy.Ye Tianai looks at these children talking and laughing together, and suddenly feels very satisfied. In my heart, I silently said to Gu Yuan, who has passed away: Although you have not done many good things in your life, you have really given birth to several excellent daughters. Now they all cherish each other and take care of each other. If you have a spirit in heaven, you should rest assured! I have done a lot of bad things before, and I will try my best to make up for it. At the same time, I will try my best to take care of these children.

Ye Tianai watched the children have fallen asleep, and he closed his eyes. Ye Tianai dreamed that he was running hard on the vast grassland, followed by a large group of lovely children ·····

after returning to China, everyone was busy. Ye Liangsheng followed his mother ye Tianai to take care of nanxiaoshu's two babies every day. After going home in the evening, he made a short video with Zuo Xuan. Now Zuo Xuan's work is coming to an end. He tells Ye Liangsheng that he will try his best to go back to the children's 100 day banquet.

"Xiaoshu sister, tomorrow two children will have a hundred days, I really think the time is so fast! Suddenly found that the full life is always full of all kinds of fun

"Yes, since I had a child, I also found that time is really not enough. I wish I could use it every day. Watching the children grow up day by day, I suddenly don't want them to grow up so fast. I always feel that I still have a lot to do. "

"Maybe that's the way to be a parent! When I was a child, I always wanted to understand my mother's way of doing things. Now I am going to be a parent. I suddenly feel that I didn't really understand my mother before. It's like when I go to school, even if it's late after school, my mother will wait for me to go home for dinner. But at that time, I knew that my mother would wait for her own meal, and would not go home until she had dinner outside. Now I know that the best food in the world is actually made by my mother. "

"Well, don't be so sentimental. Now that you know that mom's taste is the most precious, please cherish the meal that mom made for us."

Ye Liangsheng nodded gently: "time is really wonderful. Although we can't see or touch it, it really appears in our life. Looking at my mother's temples getting whiter and whiter, I suddenly feel that they are no longer young. "

"Well, don't continue to be sad. If you are like this, I will cry. Let's talk about some happy things together. Brother Zuoxuan should be back tomorrow. You and baby can see him. What a happy thing it is

Ye Liangsheng suddenly some embarrassed said: "elder sister, you don't laugh at me, OK." Ye Liangsheng's face was covered with a layer of red.

Ye Tianai and the nanny bought vegetables together: "what are you two sisters talking about? I'm so happy chatting. I'll be happy talking about it. " He said that he put the ingredients into the refrigerator.

"Mom, you have to make the decision for me. Sister Xiaoshu bullies me." Ye Liangsheng said wrongly.

"I don't believe Xiao Shu bullies you! You bully her more or less. "

"Mom, I'm your daughter, OK! Why do you always face Xiaoshu! I don't know. I thought I picked it up! " Ye Liangsheng pouts and acts like a coqueter with his mother.

"I'm going to be a mother, and I'm always coquetry. You should learn more from Xiaoshu, learn to be a qualified mother, and learn to take care of everyone around you. "

"Mom, you always praise me like this. Liangsheng really wants to cry and faint in the toilet." Nanxiaoshu said with a smile.

"Anyway, sister Xiaoshu's child will grow up soon. After my child is born, let my mother and Xiaoshu help me take care of the child. I will take the older child out to play." Ye Liangsheng said with a smile, hugging his mother.

"I'm the daughter-in-law of the night family. I should take care of the grandson of the night family. Your child is a child of the left family. You should take the child back to their grandmother, right?"

"I don't care! Since you help sister Xiaoshu take care of her children, you should help me take care of them, or I will say you are biased! "

"I'm just partial. What's the matter with you?" Ye Tianai asked nanxiaoshu, "Xiaoshu, what do you want to eat at noon today? Mom will help you do it."

"Mom, just now Liang Sheng said that he wanted to eat sweet and sour steak and seafood soup. Then make two more vegetables, just the three of us. "

"Well, you watch the baby and I'll get ready."

Ye Liangsheng looks at ye Tianai's back and says to nanxiaoshu, "I'm really abandoned!"

After lunch, nanxiaoshu Tianai took a nap with each child. Ye Liangsheng also went back to his bedroom to take a nap. As soon as he lay down, his mobile phone rang.