The little meatball caught her and tied her and the man tightly together.

OK, just let it go.

Her willfulness is limited.

Now, that's enough.

It's almost two hours since he came out. If he doesn't go back, he may find out again.

"Thank you, fehan."

Fei Han's eyes were full of smiles: "if anything happens in the future, just come here to find me." After a pause, he joked: "however, it's still the old saying, don't mention me to the people of Beiming hall."

"Of course." She nodded. How could she trouble him.

If the first time we met fehan, he just saved his benefactor, then this time, she and he should be regarded as friends.

She went down the road to the castle.

Looking at the smaller and smaller figure of the Asian girl, fehan stood by the door, with warm and kind smile in his eyes, which quickly disappeared like the ebb tide, and replaced by endless irony and coldness.

Si Yuheng, do you see that your women are taking me as their confidant.

Do you know how many times I want to hold this little beauty's white and slender neck in my hands and watch her scream under me and die

In this way, you can also taste my pain

But it's not fun.

You value this woman more than I thought.

Well, maybe you deserve a little more pain.

Being abandoned by the people you like may be more painful than watching the people you like die.

When Liang Anya returned to the castle, it was still dark.

Fortunately, the dinner party on the first floor is not over. There are too many guests today, and the servants are very busy. No one noticed that she had left and returned.

She went in through the back door and slipped upstairs.

As soon as she entered the room, Beth rushed up, pulled her and lowered her voice: "Miss Liang, I just went upstairs to see if you had finished delivering the cake, and then I knew that you had quarreled with the master again The hall master went downstairs to entertain guests long ago. His subordinates said that you were driven back to your room by the hall master, but you didn't come back. Where did you go? "

"No, I was just outside the castle, in the back garden. You didn't tell them I didn't go back to my room, did you

"No, I dare to ask more, for fear that you will..." Beth took a breath Sneaked out like last time. Miss Liang, don't you really walk into the forest again? "

Liang Anya denied: "of course not. Even if I want to, can I get out. It's estimated that there are more people on duty

But Beth still had some doubts: "but why did you spend so long in the back garden?"

"You don't know how big the castle is. "

Beth was relieved and grabbed her hand:" anyway, Miss Liang must never leave the hall master's prescribed range like last time... "

Liang Anya's fingers accidentally touched by Beth, a stabbing pain, busy draw back!

Bess then found out that her nails had been cut, and they were unevenly cut, and two of them were too deep, revealing shallow skin. She was surprised: "Miss Liang, what's the matter?"

She bit her lip: "Si Yuheng did it."

Beth took a cool breath: "why How can the hall master look like this for no reason? "

"Not for no reason I, I'm not careful He's pissed off. "

"Pissed him off? "Beth was stunned. She didn't understand. Miss Liang angered the hall leader too much. The hall leader had never been so rude to her!

"Well, I slapped him in the face."

"Oh, my God, you - you slapped the master in the face?" Beth screamed.

Liang Anya frowned: "you don't have to be as surprised as the end of the world..."

It's really like the end of the century for Beth: "you slapped the master, so he cut your nails? In this way, the Lord is so tolerant of you! "

Liang Anya was not angry: "did he cut my nails bald, or did he tolerate me? Beth, you don't have a fever, do you

"Of course! Liang Anya was speechless.

Beth didn't care to ask anything else: "I'll give Miss Liang some ointment. "

" OK. "Liang Anya was afraid that Bess would ask more and sent her away quickly.


When Beth came downstairs, she went straight to the storeroom to get the ointment.

After the banquet hall, Si Yuheng, who was surrounded by guests, saw her figure in a hurry, frowned and pointed.

The subordinates around him followed his eyes and walked over immediately.

After taking the medicine, Beth went out of the storeroom and was about to go upstairs. She didn't walk a few steps along the corridor. The hall leader's confidants came face to face and frowned: "Beth, what did you go to the storeroom to get?"Beth faltered twice and had to say, "ointment."

"Is Miss Liang hurt? What's going on? "

Beth is a little vindicated for Liang Anya. Although she dare not say Si Yuheng to her face, she still dares to say something to her subordinates.

Nunu's mouth, mouth up:

"ask the master, you will know what's going on."

"Miss Liang, don't you mind?"

"Never mind? Do you think it's important to pull your nails off? I'm rolling on the bed in pain! " Said Beth with a deliberate exaggeration. Her little body bumped away from her subordinates, snorted, and went upstairs.


When Beth enters the room, Liang Anya is discharging water in the bathroom, ready to take a bath.

She took off her clothes and slipped them into the laundry.

After a trip to the forest, she was sweating and smelling of grass mud, so that Beth would not find it hard to explain.

The less people know about Feihan, the better.

As soon as she took off her coat, she heard Beth come back and said, "put the medicine outside. I'll wipe it myself later. Take care of Xiaoxiao."

"Don't you need my help? "

" no more. "

"All right." Beth answered, put the ointment on the tea table and went to the baby room nearby.

The water is almost finished. Liang Anya squats beside the bathtub and puts his hand down to try the water temperature.

The fingertip just touched the surface of the water for a moment, Yi1, rushed back!

It's not that the water temperature is too hot, but that the small wound on the edge of the nail stings when it's soaked in water, and it can't see water at all.

There was a slight bang of the door, and someone stepped on the carpet and went into the bedroom.

Just She didn't have time to twist her head, but said, "Beth, you may come to help me wipe my body today My hands don't touch water. It hurts. "

The step was approaching, but it was not light at all. It was obviously not Beth.

"It's good to know the pain. I'm afraid you don't know. "

the voice of the man came with a hint of irony.

She Hua of stand up, turn round, see Si Yuheng and don't say hello ground burst in!

Because she had to take a bath, she took off all her clothes outside and threw them into the laundry. Now she was only wearing a bra and underpants. She was shocked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!