"Do you only listen to your master now?"

"Of course."

Liang Anya looked at the little meatball in her arms: "is Xiaoxiao your master?"

The subordinates were dumb.

At the moment of hesitation, Beth interjected: "Miss Liang and miss Xiaoxiao only look at the king and queen, five minutes at most, it will be OK!"

Before the subordinates could react, Liang Anya, with a smile in her arms, walked around him and toward the basement.

"Ah, ah..." The subordinates couldn't stop them, so they had to watch three people go in.

In the basement.

In the big cage, the king and the queen were lying on the ground. When they saw the familiar people coming, they got up and came to the door of the cage and cried.

Liang Anya asked Bess to hold and smile, squat down, reached in and rubbed the heads of the two big dogs: "king, Queen, you are suffering. Your master is really not a thing. He locked you in such a place. Remember to bite him when you go out!"

Beth said deliberately: "the Lord is very angry this time. It seems that the king and queen will be punished for some time..."

Liang Anya's face changed slightly and said nothing.

Five minutes later, the subordinates came to shout, and Liang Anya said goodbye to the king and queen, ready to go out.

When two big dogs saw that she was going to leave, they didn't live in the cage. They were wailing, and they kept bumping into the cage, as if they wanted to go with her.

Liang Anya can't bear to leave with Beth.

On the way back, Beth struck while the iron was hot: "Miss Liang, why don't you go and beg the master? "

" dream. "

of course, Beth knew that she would refuse and blinked:" then Miss Liang will prepare a birthday present for the hall master. When you give the gift to the hall master, by the way, it's the hall master who asked you to give it to her this time, and Miss Liang won't lose face! "

Liang Anya was silent.


after making a decision, Liang Anya decided to make a cake on Beth's suggestion.

This is the most affordable and suitable one.

Maybe girls don't hate desserts.

When she was studying in Italy, she also liked baking very much. She used to study by the oven all day long and participated in several local amateur baking competitions. Now she regards it as learning for practical use.

The next day, Bess took Liang Anya to the kitchen.

During the next few days, the kitchen was full of kitchen materials and utensils.

On Si Yuheng's birthday, the whole castle was very lively.

Since noon, the open lawn and the first floor banquet hall have become the venue for birthday parties, and many guests come to the door one after another.

Liang Anya could hear lively voices coming in through the windows upstairs.

In the evening, Liang Anya and Beth went to the kitchen to take the cake out of the oven.

Rich snow-white ice cream cream decorated with delicious fruits, sweet and greasy aroma pervaded the whole kitchen.

With a few words like "happy to birthday" and "happy to life" in English

"I didn't expect Miss Liang to be such a good craftsman! The hall master will like it very much. I'll accompany you to send it. " Beth was very happy.

Liang Anya thought for a moment and made up her mind to put the wrapped cake on a silver tray and hand it to Beth: "I've made the cake. Please send it to him. By the way, let him release the king and queen."

Beth was surprised: "ah? Miss Liang, are you not going

"He just asked me to prepare a birthday present, but he didn't say I had to send it to him."

She hasn't met him since the night she lost her way in the forest.

When I think about seeing him, I always feel a little flustered. Maybe his attitude was too rude that night, and the lingering fear did not disappear.

"How can we..."

Beth was in a hurry. Before she could persuade her, the door of the kitchen was knocked a few times.

The housekeeper who told her to prepare the birthday present that day leaned out her head:

"is the birthday present ready? The hall leader just went upstairs from the banquet hall and went back to her room. She asked Miss Liang to send it up by herself. "

This sentence dispels Liang Anya's mind to avoid.

Bess gave Liang Anya a a quick push: "Miss Liang, go quickly. Don't be happy. Don't plead with the king and queen. Maybe you will be punished again."

Under the housekeeper's burning eyes and Beth's painstaking chatter, Liang Anya had to harden her head and walk out of the kitchen holding the cake.

The kitchen is on the first floor. As soon as you go out, you can see the guests who have not left, holding red wine, scattered around the hall, chatting and laughing.

Unexpectedly, there were so many people present to celebrate Si Yuheng's birthday.

It's just a birthday. It's such a big battle.

She quickened her pace, went through the hall and towards the stairs.Fortunately, no one paid much attention to her.

Her dress at the moment is really humble. Everyone thinks she is an ordinary maid in Beiming hall.

Just walked to the side of the revolving stairs, did not raise his feet, only heard behind the soft familiar female voice: "eh, this is not miss liang?"

Female voice seems to have a unique charm, just like the hostess of this castle.

Many of the guests gathered around the noise, so that a quiet floating out.

Asian girls with long hair tied into a ponytail, no powder, plain face, wearing the simplest T-shirt cowboy, wearing a kitchen smock outside, no different from servants.

The guests didn't pay attention to her just now. When they heard Weini's voice, their eyes fell on Liang Anya and whispered.

Liang Anya turns around. Not surprisingly, Weini stands in front of her with several female companions.

How many eyes does the imperial concubine have? She should have a few familiar faces.

One of them was Kathy.

Remembering that she had seen Cathy taken into the castle the other night, she was as calm as if she had thrown a stone. Her eyes were fixed and she quickly moved away.

Today, Winnie's violet dress is more elegant and soft than usual. She is the most important woman in the castle in terms of dress and momentum.

The beauty of Asian girls is implicit, flowing and silent.

But the Western purebred girl has a kind of beauty favored by the creator. When she is young, she can be breathtaking.

Winnie is no exception.

Especially compared with her sloppy dress at the moment, Liang Anya wanted to finish the conversation quickly, put her sweaty hair behind her head, and perfunctorily replied, "well."

However, keweini didn't want to end the conversation immediately, and her smile was light on her lips:

"today is the hall leader's birthday, and all the people around the hall leader are present. I'm just wondering why I haven't seen Miss Liang all day, so I ran to the kitchen to be busy."

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