Jia Yixiang took a bite from her son's forehead: "greedy cat, Mommy will bring it in for you."

Seeing that mommy had gone, he followed her for a few steps. Lying on the corner wall between the living room and the servant room, he saw the man in the living room.

Bad uncle got up early, too.

Jiayi came over with noodles and saw that her son came out and was about to take him to the servant's room. With a chubby hand, she said, "I want to eat at the table. Mommy and grandma said that it's polite to eat at the table. Eating in the bedroom is disrespectful to others."

"How can that be?" Jiayi said: "it's like this at home. It's someone else's home."

But Zizi still holds mummy's hand and turns to go back to the room. Just then, a man's voice comes from the dining table:

"tell him to come and eat."

Zizi cheered, ran to the dining table with his bowl, and climbed up the chair with his short legs.

Jiayi responded: "Mr. Huo, is this bad..."

"Your son is right. It's polite to eat at the table. It's disrespectful to eat in the bedroom." Huo Zhenmin's voice was calm.

Hearing that, uncle villain agreed, he rolled noodles with a small silver fork and began to eat: "uncle, my mom is very good at cooking, especially making noodles. You don't believe it."

Jiayi blushed a little. She didn't make the noodles by herself at all. At most, she did it by herself.

Huo Zhenmin's eyes are slightly curved, and there is a trace of inexplicable banter floating in his clear and moist eyes. His eyes fall on Jiayi, and he is very supportive: "well, your mommy is delicious."

Originally very normal words, with this man's meaningful eyes, completely changed the quality!

It's evil to hear and hear.

Jiayi can't help thinking about it, and her face is very hot.

However, looking at the scene of peace between the big and the small, she breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that it's good to bring Zizai to Disheng yesterday

This man doesn't hate Zizi so much.

At least I won't hold a grudge against Zizi for scraping his car.

My son is good!

Zizai has been very popular since he was young. Which old man or woman in Fuya community doesn't bow to the pomegranate pants of this little meatball?

Thinking about it, Jiayi's mood brightened a lot. Although she didn't expect him to be able to get rid of the compensation for the change of her appearance, as long as she didn't find fault and let her return the compensation smoothly, thank God.

At this time, how can you not eat your face

Jiayi bent down: "Mommy is working now. It's inconvenient. I'll eat later."

Of course, Tsai Tsai knew that it all depended on his bad uncle whether mommy could eat. He looked at Huo Zhenmin and said, "can my Mommy have breakfast with us. Mommy got up very early today. She must be very hungry. She can't do a good job if she's hungry. "

Here comes the meatball again.

Huo Zhenmin mouth slightly up, eyes fall on Jiayi: "come and eat with your little fat man."

"Yeh, Yeh," Zizi cheered and winked at Mommy, as if to say, "see, if it wasn't for me, Mommy couldn't have breakfast.".

How do you feel like you've been given a breakfast by an old man and a young man? Jiayi smiles bitterly. The man's eyes are burning, so he has to go to the kitchen to fill a bowl and sit back to Zizai.

Three people's breakfast, in a flash.

Jiayi arranges the dishes and chopsticks, holds Xiaobao and walks out of the villa.

It wasn't quite light, and there was still silence outside.

In the villa area of Disheng, only the street lamps along the road emit faint light.

The air is very cold. I'm full of food. I've just dozed off. I'm lying in Mommy's arms. Before I get out of the door, the morning wind blows on my face and sneezes.

Jiayi was afraid that he would catch cold, so she patted him: "I'll go to bed when I get home."

At this time, the earliest morning bus hasn't come yet. She has to wait at the bus stop for a long time. She is afraid that her son will catch a cold.

The little pig in his arms grunted, still with his eyes closed.

Jiayi has no choice but to wrap her clothes tightly. As soon as she comes to the door, she feels that she is standing in a long shadow of black.

In a moment, she said, "Mr. Huo, I'll take Zizi away first."

When he heard that mommy was talking to the bad uncle, he woke up, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and waved to the bad uncle: "goodbye, uncle."

Say "a sneeze", hit a not big not small sneeze again.

"It's too early. The temperature outside is a little low. Don't go to bed. The wind blows and you'll catch a cold. Then you'll have another injection." Jia Yi threatens a way, saw Huo Zhenmin one eye again, hurried out of the villa.

At the bus stop, sure enough, it's not time to start.

There are also scattered morning stars in the sky, with fog and weak street lights.

In the cool wind, Jiayi holds Zizi tightly, waiting for the first bus in the morning.

She never thought that she would spend the night in Tisheng, and that she would stay with Zizai.Little by little, the car hasn't come yet, but Zizi is awakened by the cold. He sneezes again.

Just then, a bright orange light came through the dim sky.

A black car slowly slid over and stopped beside the mother and the son.

The driver's window slid down.

Jia Yi was surprised: "Mr. Huo?"

The man's face has no waves, like a bottle of lifeless sculpture, Junlang deep eyes to two people: "get on the bus, I also want to work."

How could he work so early? It's just after five.

Whatever, just get out by car.

However, Jiayi still said: "but Mr. Huo, I'll go back to Fuya community first, and take Zizai back..."

Huo Zhenmin eyelashes slightly a Shuo, seems to be a little impatient.

When jiayidun understood what he meant, she agreed to send her and Xiaobao back. She was overjoyed and took Zizai into the co driver's seat.

Huo Zhenmin's eyelids moved and glanced at the little woman. His voice was not happy: "sit in the back."

Sit in the back? Don't you think he's a driver? Jiayi was stunned.

Huo Zhenmin frowned: "my car doesn't have a child safety seat. You go behind with the little fat man."

Children can not sit co pilot, there will be danger, such a simple sense of safety is not the United States?

This little woman is too young to be mature. How can she raise a child?

I don't know how to be a mother.

What's more puzzling is that he didn't know why and even worried about her.

Of course, Jiayi knows that it's dangerous for a child to sit in the co pilot's seat. Can she hold the child in the back and treat him as a driver? According to the man's temperament, what should she do if she is angry.

Listen to him take the initiative to put forward, Jiayi is also impolite, holding Zai Zai to sit in the back seat.

As soon as he got into the spacious back parking space, he woke up and stretched out: "it's so warm."

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