Later, seeing the above report, Meng Huilan's face turned pale.

"What's the matter? How can such a thing happen, daughter? What should we do now? "

Gu Ruiling now where to know how to do, Lucheng this woman, really is going to kill her.

"How do I know what to do?" Gu Ruiling said with a restless face.

Meng Huilan sat on the sofa, "daughter, I feel more and more that your father's attitude towards us is not good. If you say that goes on like this, will he drive us out?"

It's hard for Gu Ruiling to say now. If that man can go out in time, he will drive them out naturally.

What's more, it's called a matter, and he seems particularly angry.

It's also true that Gu's group has always been in the period of falling valley. Now it's hard to get a good look. But because of this, it will certainly have an impact.

"It's hard to say. Now we can see that Gu Zhenglin is more and more dissatisfied with us."

Meng Huilan felt more and more flustered when she heard her daughter say so. She quickly grasped Gu Ruiling's hand. "Daughter, I can only rely on you now."

GU Ruiling felt a little uncomfortable. "You also said that if you and he Wenhao had not done these things, could I have become what I am now?"

Meng Huilan can't help feeling a little upset when she sees her daughter criticizing her.

"Daughter, I'm not happy if you said that. If you hadn't let he Wenhao enter the door of his family, would we be like this now?"

"Mom, are you blaming me now? At first, you said that I would seduce that cheap man. Now what do you mean? "

Meng Huilan was said to have no words. It was true at that time, but who could have thought that it would turn into the present.

"Well, it's not a way to blame each other now."

Gu Ruiling also knew that she was right, so he stopped talking.

However, how she thinks all feel angry, Lu Cheng that woman, does the matter all but brain?

"I'll go to Lucheng. Stay at home and don't make trouble for me." Gu Ruiling stood up, took the bag and left.

Meng Huilan looked at Gu Ruiling's fiery back and couldn't stop her at all!

Lu Cheng didn't expect that the news was like a stone sinking into the sea without any news.

It's about taking care of the family. It's spread all over the world.

Lu Cheng knows that this is Ling Rufeng's method.

She bit her lip. Gu Xiaoyue is so lucky that she is helped every time!

When she was angry, there was a sudden fatal knock on the door. She was angry, and her face would not look good.

"Knock what knock, urge life!"

She opened the door and was slapped before she could react.

She covered her face and looked at the person in front of her in disbelief. "Are you crazy? Gu Ruiling, what are you doing with me? "

"I hit you lightly. Explain to me what happened yesterday? Why bother Gu Xiaoyue? "

After hearing this, Lu Cheng laughs, "what's the matter with you, Gu Ruiling? You beat me for Gu Xiaoyue?"

"You see what you have done. Ling Rufeng is now spreading his anger on our family. Are you happy?" Gu Ruiling clenched his teeth and wished to tear up the stupid woman in front of him.

Lu Cheng listens to her to say so, in the heart also have some faults, but still pretend what all don't understand appearance.

"It's not for your own good. I'm not comfortable when I see that woman so proud. How can you blame me?" Lu Cheng looks aggrieved.

Looking at what she said, Gu Ruiling couldn't help laughing, "Lucheng, do you really think I'm stupid? What character do you have that I don't know? "

"Gu Ruiling, I can't say I'm your good sister. Now you treat me like this!" Lu Cheng also broke the jar and fell.

"What have I done to you? Lucheng, I'm quite polite to you. You'll die several times just for what you did today! " Gu Ruiling raised the tone.

Lu Cheng was very angry with her, "well, since this is the case, I have nothing to say. Yes, I did it on purpose. You and your mother deserve it!"

Originally, Lu Cheng didn't like her. She began to dislike her from the past. If it wasn't for her money, she would play with her for such a long time.

Over the years, she has had enough.

"You..." Gu Ruiling saw her admit down, staring at her.

After a long time, she calmed down, "Lu Cheng, do you think Ling Rufeng will let you go? He will take care of his family first, and then he will settle accounts with you slowly. Just wait!"

Lu Cheng didn't think so. "OK, thank you for reminding me. I'll wait and see."

The relationship between the two people is so stiff that it is plastic sisterhood, which is true.

Gu Rui came back to Gu's home with a good spirit. "That woman, wait and see. Sooner or later, she will be killed by Ling Rufeng!"Meng Huilan saw Gu Ruiling back, and immediately met up.

"What's the matter? You two have a problem? "

Referring to Lucheng, Meng Huilan felt a burst of nausea, she waved her hand, "don't mention that woman with me, I want to vomit when I mention her."

She got up and went back to her room.

When Meng Huilan saw her daughter return to her room, she couldn't help worrying. Now, they are like duckweeds on the sea, helpless.

Gu Zhenglin is also particularly indifferent to them, and her daughter is also not striving for success. She has to do something!

Gu Xiaoyue just reported a yoga dance class on the Internet, and reported one to the children at random.

She looked at the name above and laughed with satisfaction.

Finally, she told the children about it. Mengmeng first gave her a white eye.

"Mommy, I'm very busy now. How can you report classes to me?"

"Are you busy? Busy what busy, come back is not just watching TV, you are going to primary school, you know? " Gu Xiaoyue stabs her!

Mengmeng doesn't think so. "So what? Primary school is not like kindergarten. Besides, I've already looked at the primary school curriculum again!"

Gu Xiaoyue

Children are too smart, sometimes it's not a good thing!

"Mengmeng, we can't only develop ourselves from knowledge. We should also develop ourselves from other aspects, such as morality, intelligence, physical fitness, beauty and labor." Gu Xiaoyue is good at persuasion.

Meng Meng thinks that what she said is also reasonable, and then, with Gu Xiaoyue's persuasion, she signed up for this interest class.

Of course, Ling Feng refused this painting at the first time, but Gu Xiaoyue still demanded strongly.

Ling Feng knows that compared with stubborn, this woman is really better than him.