Gu Jiaru's question is to ask Tang Su's injury, he suddenly clenched the hand holding the steering wheel, a bitter smile.

"Do you know all about her illness?" Tang Su is not trying, but a heavy night for several years, like an old man, issued a painful low asked.

Gu Jiaru was stiff.

During this period, she thought about countless scenes, thinking about how Tang Su would introduce Tang Xin to her, or what he would say about Tang Xin's illness.

But she never thought it would be such a situation, without any preparation.

Sitting at the back, she couldn't see Tang Su's expression clearly. She nodded and snorted, "well."

Tang Su deliberately ignored how she knew Tang Xin and how she knew Tang Xin's illness. He explained, "if you take her home, her life is precarious. She may get sick at any time. Maybe when I come home from work, what's waiting for me is not a careful person who can say and laugh. At that time, I can only collect her corpse."

Thinking of this, the sound of breathing in the car was a little stagnant. He went on to say, "it's different in the hospital. There are doctors and nurses there. They check many times a day. She will be fine. Even if she is, she can find out and deal with it in time. And I just need to think about how to make money. "

Here is the most sensational, but also Gu Jiaru most can not understand the place, "be careful so smart, certainly know these, why still want to leave?"

It's incredible to think that I'm still driving away This idea has not been settled yet, Gu Jiaru feels that she has said too much.

Tang Xin's today's performance alone shows that she is smart. It's absolutely out of her mind. It can only show that they have been in contact with each other before, and they are very deep.

Tang Su still didn't care about these, but sighed with heartache, "it's because I know these that I want to leave. In fact, every time she leaves, I'm not angry. I'm just worried, afraid, afraid that she will get sick outside, and there's no one around. I'm worried that she won't take good care of herself. This girl is spoiled by me. "

Gu Jiaru's throat is like swallowing a mouthful of Coptis, bitter taste inch by inch climbing, the tip of the tongue is bitter.

She did not dare to ask any more. Such a living Tang Su, such a flesh and blood Tang Su suddenly frightened her. But she felt vaguely that the fetters between them were getting deeper and deeper. Maybe without cooperation this time, they were not destined to become enemies.

Are you happy? It's no comfort that she would rather not know anything in exchange for so many unacceptable facts.

But knowing nothing doesn't mean nothing happened.

Subconsciously, she takes a look at Tang Xin sitting in the corner, and she is still sad. Gu Jiaru suddenly feels that the girl is very vulnerable.

The car stopped steadily at the door of the hospital. The cry in the back seat didn't stop. "Be careful, I'll take you back to the ward."

"No, no!" Tang Xin didn't speak all the way. When he heard that Tang Su wanted to send her back to the ward, his red and swollen eyes were firm.

I knew it would be like this. Tang Su was helpless and distressed. He could not help but softened his tone. "Be obedient, go to the hospital, and buy you what you like when I come to see you in the evening..."

"Bang", Tang Xin kicked in the driver's seat, Tang Su's voice suddenly stopped, there is a trace of anger, but Tang Xin seems not to see, "I don't go, I don't want to eat, if you send me to the ward, then you don't have to see me again!"

"Tang Xin! Do you know what you're talking about? " Tang Su finally got angry.

Tang Xin didn't know whether he was wronged or frightened. He shrunk his neck and didn't compromise. "I just won't go back."

Seeing this scene, Gu Jiaru knew that there was nothing wrong with what was written in the data, what the nurse said, and what Tang Xin said It's not wrong.

"Tang Su..." Gu Jiaru stopped before Tang Su was about to say something irreparable, "be careful. If you don't want to go back to the hospital now, just take her home. It's just one night. You can send her back tomorrow morning. Besides, she cried so long today."

Seeing that Tang Su didn't mean to agree, Gu Jiaru continued, "one night, it won't happen so coincidentally. Even if there's something wrong, you'll be by her side and send it to the hospital right away."

Finally, Tang Su's love for Tang Xin is beyond everything, and is convinced by Gu Jiaru's loophole, which sounds impeccable.

"Just this once, never again."

Tang Su has heard Gu Jiaru's phone call in the car. It's not appropriate to send Gu Jiaru home in his capacity. In case of being seen, it's even more inappropriate.

When I stopped again, I arrived at the downstairs of Han Meixi's apartment.

"Miss Han's mood is not very stable. Mrs. Han can send her up. I'm afraid it's not convenient for me to send you straight home."

"To go?" Tang Xin is like being trampled on the tail, like a small hedgehog standing with a barb, watching Tang Su defensively.

"Don't you want to go to the hospital? I'll take you home when they get out of the car. "

"No, let them come with us." Tang Xin holds Gu Jiaru and Han Meixi's hands. She has the posture that if they dare to get off by force, she will tear off the two sleeves."Tang Xin! You give me enough! " One afternoon, Tang Su finally broke out.

Tang Xin didn't worry about anything he did this afternoon. First, he ran out of the hospital, and then he had a conflict with the poor family. Now he managed to get back safely. If he didn't go back to the hospital, he wouldn't let others go. These two people have identities. Can they stay here?

Is he too kind to her? That's why she is so lawless and dare to ask for anything!

"I don't care. I just won't let them go. If you have to let them go, I'll get off with them!" Tang Xin's body is shaking more and more severely, but he still holds Gu Jiaru and Han Meixi tightly. He doesn't mean to let go at all.

"What did you say?" Tang Su's eyes narrowed in a dangerous arc.

Not only does Tang Xin know that this is the precursor of Tang Su's anger, but Gu Jiaru also knows it.

But Tang Xin didn't know how to restrain himself, so he had to hit the muzzle of the gun. "Didn't you hear what I said? I don't want them to go back. From childhood to adulthood, because of my illness, no one wants to make friends with me, for fear that I will die by their side one day... "

"Shut up Tang Su couldn't hear the dead word.

Don't say that Tang Xin just survived a death prophecy, even if he lived through the next, the next, that's not good.

"I don't think so!" Tang Xin's chest heaved with anger. Big tears rolled out of his eyes and hit his big coat. "Brother, I'm just two friends. They are willing to come near me when they know I'm sick. I haven't felt friendship since I was a child. Am I wrong?"

Tang Su's eyes were red, and his head glanced out of the window instead of looking at her

Gu Jiaru immediately took over the conversation, "Tang Su, actually Meixi and I are not so anxious to go back. Doesn't she just want us to accompany her for a while? It's nothing. "

Han Meixi also can't care to cry, staring at a pair of red and swollen eyes, nodded heavily, "yes, I haven't seen you for a few days. We miss her very much. If you agree, we will talk with her and have a chat."

Gu Jiaru immediately shut up. I haven't seen you for a few days Han Meixi told the truth again.

This time, Tang Su doesn't have to check and ask deliberately. They just recruit all the good things they have done these days.

"Tang Xin, if I promise this time, it doesn't mean that I will promise in the future, or that I can tolerate you every time you are willful." Tang Su closed his eyes and leaned wearily against the back of the driver's seat.

This is one of his few names. If he doesn't call Tang Xin's full name in anger, it means that he is serious about this.

"I know it's bad." Tang Xin whispered.

In fact, Tang Su's home is not a home. It's like a small apartment with two bedrooms and one living room. Although there are all kinds of things in it, Gu Jiaru still doesn't feel lonely.

It seems that this is just a small hotel where you can sleep.

"I'll make some porridge and you can talk."


From the mouth of the nurse, Gu Jiaru also knew that Tang Su was in the hall and in the kitchen. She did not expect to be able to taste Tang Su's craftsmanship.

After Tang Su went to the kitchen, Tang Xin stretched out his head and approached Gu Jiaru and Han Meixi. "Later, you can go to the hospital to see me. My brother should not have any opinions. I think you have a good relationship with him."

Gu Jiaru noticed a detail. Although Tang Xin was not close to Tang Su face to face, he called his elder brother a handy one.

She picked to pick eyebrow, "that you this one today, is intentional?"

"Not all of them." Tang Xin bowed his head and looked worried.

It's strange who sent a text message to her cell phone today, saying that there was someone she wanted to see in the restaurant in southern Hunan.

As soon as she received the text message, she called back and became an empty number. The person who told her the news had no way to know who it was, but she could still see the so-called person she wanted to see.

Then things went out of her control.

"Then what is true and what is false?" Gu Jiaru always thinks that what happened in front of Xiangnan restaurant today is too coincidental.

For example, why did you meet several Han brothers and sisters when you left? How did Tang Xin get by? How can Han Meixi be there?

Is it planned or is it just a coincidence? If someone is really planning, what does he want to prove?

"Sister Gu, what are you doing so seriously? The process is not important, the result is the most important. " Tang Xin naturally digs away from the topic.

After talking and laughing for a while, they smelled the smell of porridge.

"Don't talk. Come and have dinner." Tang Su arranged the porridge and asked them to come.

As soon as Tang Xin saw the porridge with vegetable leaves floating in front of him, and then looked at the porridge with shredded meat in other people's bowls, his face collapsed.

"Why do you all have meat in your bowls, I can only drink vegetarian porridge?"

Gu Jiaru noticed that the three of them were eating preserved egg and lean meat porridge, and Tang Xin's bowl was spinach and egg porridge."I added you eggs." Tang Su glanced at her bowl.

Gu Jiaru almost didn't laugh. Is that what Tang Su would say? But it's just that.

"Who wants eggs? I want to eat meat. " Tang Xin poked a few times in the bowl with a spoon. He had no appetite for this fresh color.

"You can't eat it now. When you get better, I'll make you chicken wings." Tang Su's face cajoles and spoils.

"That's what you said. If you cheat me, I'll smash this place." Don't mention it.

"Whatever you want." Anyway, there are few things at home. If the TV set is damaged, he doesn't plan to buy it. Just find someone to clean it up. As long as there is a place to eat and sleep.

It's all her ability to turn around and lift the roof of their house.