Chapter 433

On the third day of resignation, Lin Chuyue took Yanhua to the zoo.

It's sunny, and the zoo is full of tourists.

Yan Hua is very curious. She drags Lin Chuyue to see lions and zebras.

Half a morning down, Yan Hua ran face red, will take off his coat.

Lin Chuyue followed him, "it's noon. Do you want to have something to eat?"

Food will be provided in the zoo, and Lin Chuyue ordered a set meal.

"You sit here and don't run around. I'll go to the bathroom." Lin Chuyue asked him uneasily.

"I see!" Yan Hua looked around at the scenery. Not far away, he could still see the lion in the cage. He was so excited that he wanted to stick his eyes on the glass.

When Lin Chuyue goes to the toilet, Yan Hua immediately puts her eyes away and finds out her mobile phone from her bag.

Dial a phone in the past, "uncle, why don't you come..." Aunt Lin and I are eating in a restaurant! "

Yan Hua didn't know a lot of characters. The characters on the restaurant were still in traditional Chinese, so he had to describe the signs around him. "There are several big lions on the opposite side of the restaurant. By the way, there are sugar gourd sellers at the door. Aunt Lin and I are sitting at the window. You can see us as soon as you come!"

After the ventilation report, Yan Hua is alert to delete the phone call record according to Bai Chen's words, and then put it back into Lin Chuyue's bag, and continues to lie on the window and watch.

Lin Chuyue came out of the bathroom with an innocent look on her face. "Why don't you eat it?"

"I want to wait for you to come out to eat!" Yan Hua's mouth is very sweet.

"Eat quickly, you'll still have the strength to go shopping later!"

After dinner, Yan Hua seemed very tired and didn't want to leave.

Pestering Lin Chuyue to drink milk tea, Lin Chuyue gets up to buy milk tea. Yanhua immediately pastes her face on the glass.

Anxious eyes have been looking out, how white uncle so slow, they have eaten, have not come.

Lin Chuyue bought the milk tea he wanted, and when he finished drinking it, he said, "now you can go!"

"Wait a minute, I seem to drink too much milk tea. I'm in a hurry to urinate!"

"Go to the toilet, go straight in!"

Yan Hua puts down the milk tea, covers her lower body, pretends to be in a hurry and rushes to the toilet.

Lin Chuyue picked up her mobile phone and began to play games. As soon as she passed the customs, she heard a low voice falling from the top of her head.

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

Lin Chuyue wants to say that she doesn't mind. It's normal to join tables in crowded places.

However, the moment I raised my head, I saw the missing face. I couldn't react. The words stuck in my throat.

In the vast crowd, how can he appear here, and just appear in front of her?

Throat itching, eyes astringent, fingers under the table forced to buckle pants, she said nothing.

But the man opposite suddenly made a voice, "if you don't want to see me, I can leave now!"

He was away on business these two days. Something happened on a construction site, and the person in charge of the construction site was at a loss. This time, it was a matter of great importance. He had to go there in person.

The weather over there is bad. It's rainy. The sky is yellow all the time. He had a low fever on his first day there.

The first thing I saw was about Lin Chuyue's plagiarism.

The news is flying all over the sky. From Luojia's mouth, I know that Lin Chuyue has asked the company to resign.

In a hurry, he calls Lin Chuyue. In the process of connecting, he hesitates. Will Lin Chuyue not answer his call.

The phone is connected, but Yan Hua is connected. As soon as I change my mind, I have today's scene.

Lin Chuyue doesn't say a word. She stares at him with astringent eyes. She hasn't seen him for some time. He seems to be much thinner and haggard.

There are some nasal sounds in his voice. Maybe he has a cold.

Calm expression, the heart has already set off a storm, the heart is full of grievances, want to tell the man in front of you, but can't.

Bai Chen thinks that she really doesn't want to see herself. She stands up and leaves an apology.

Just about to leave, Yan Hua ran out of the toilet, the childish voice was very clear, "Uncle Bai, how come you also come!"

The little guy is very smart. He deliberately delays time in the toilet just to wait for Bai Chen to come. He also thinks about how to say hello to him when he sees Bai Chen later, so that he can show his surprise.

In order not to make Lin Chuyue suspicious, Yan Hua specially stayed in the toilet for a while, directing and acting.

Yan Hua stops Bai Chen, hugs his big leg, and forces him to sit opposite Lin Chuyue.

"Uncle Bai, why are you leaving?" Yan Hua looks at Lin Chuyue with complaint, "aunt Lin, did you quarrel with Uncle Bai?""No!"