Chapter 424

Work time is busy, Lin Chuyue with a good draft to find Xia shirou.

It's cold outside, but it's very warm in a senior club where Xia shirou lives. Lin Chuyue comes in and takes off her coat.

This is a high-level club which integrates leisure and entertainment, and most of the guests are female.

In a dance room, Xia shirou is dancing in a thin gauze skirt.

The lady at the door said, "please wait here for a while. Miss Xia will be well soon."

"All right."

Lin Chuyue doesn't know much about dance, but Xia shirou dances to the melody of music.

Xia shirou is very good at dancing. There is no mistake in her difficult dance. She can freely rotate 360 degrees in the air, and she can easily shed her sweat.

It's very different from Yu Tian's classical dance. The rhythm of modern dance is faster, but she is more inclined to Tian's dance. It's beautiful and beautiful. It's not only full of love, but also full of lethality and farewell.

At the end of a song, Xia shirou makes an ending move and takes over the towel handed by others to wipe sweat.

Turning to see Lin Chuyue and Song Wei standing at the door, "Miss Lin, hello."

"Hello, Miss Xia." Lin Chuyue said hello to her.

Xia shirou, wearing a thin sportswear, said, "please wait for me a moment, please

"All right."

The lady of the club leads them to a rest room, and Xia shirou goes to change her clothes by herself.

There are other people in the lounge, people get together to chat and so on.

After drinking a mouthful of water, I heard Xia shirou's voice ringing on my head, "Miss Lin, do you mind if I sit here?"

Following the voice, he raised his head. What fell into his eyes was a delicate face, which was Tang Yinxin.

Tang Yinxin learns from Yin Yiyun about Bai Chen's marriage to Lin Chuyue. He is mad.

She defends Lin Qing, but she doesn't expect to have Lin Qing's sister.

And hidden so secretive, until after marriage, his wife's true identity just surfaced.

Before Lin Chuyue's name was exposed, Tang Yinxin thought it was Lin Qing. But when she thought about it, Lin Qing sent people to stare at her all the time, and there was no chance to contact Bai Chen.

Thinking about it, she can't think of another woman beside Bai Chen.

Lin Chuyue was an absolute accident, which nobody thought of.

When I heard the name at that time, my first reaction was Xu Yao's caring girlfriend.

"Sorry, there are already..." People

Lin Chuyue's words haven't spoken yet, Tang Yinxin has already sat opposite her and said impolitely, "I think I don't mind!"

If she says she doesn't mind, she can go.

"Hello, Miss Dong." Lin Chuyue had contacted her several times before, but never had a confrontation.

Strangely, she is not nervous at the moment, even very calm, and can say hello naturally.

"Miss Lin, you're all right. I haven't seen you for a long time. It's really impressive!" Tang Yin heart slightly hook up the demon - Yan red lips, carrying a cigarette eyebrow to see her.

In the eyes is disdain to Lin Chuyue, because she is Lin Qing's sister, from see her first face, see Lin Chuyue not pleasing to the eye.

His eyes are full of ruthlessness. He is really a sister to Lin Qing, and his ability to hook and lead men is just as powerful.

No, Lin Chuyue is more powerful than Lin Qing. At least Bai Chen has never admitted Lin Qing to his face. But this Lin Chuyue is different, and she has become Bai Chen's wife.

That's where she should have been, and she was robbed by this bitch.

"Miss Lin, it's really better than blue, and green than blue!" Tang Yin's heart suddenly closed his lips and opened with a smile.

Tang Yinxin's hostility to Lin Chuyue is felt by the innocent Song Wei, not to mention Lin Chuyue.

Lin Chuyue pretended not to understand her, "Miss Dong, what do you mean? Why didn't I understand?"

"I mean Miss Lin, you are a white lotus flower. On the surface, you are with Xu Yao, but on the back, you have already hooked up with Bai Chen." Tang Yinxin's eyes were sharp, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was as gloomy as before. "Does Lin Qing know that you are behind your back

Tang Yinxin looks at Song Wei on the other side and says to Lin Chuyue, "or did Xu Yao know that you were with Bai Chen at that time? Do you think Xu Yao, who died, will come up from hell to settle accounts with you? "

Song Wei thinks that Tang Yinxin looks beautiful and delicate on the surface, but in fact she has a very bad heart.

For example, she now, with a gloomy smile, wants to kill Lin Chuyue directly with her eyes.

Song Wei is frightened by her eyes and glances at Lin Chuyue.

Lin Chuyue doesn't believe in ghosts and gods. Xu Yao is dead when she dies. Besides, when she contacts Bai Chen, she is clear and has nothing to do with Xu Yao.She's not afraid to be said anything.

"I don't know if Xu Yao will come up from hell, but what I know is Miss Dong. You have a lot of friendship with Xu Yao. If he comes up, I'm afraid the first person he wants to find is Miss Dong." Lin Chuyue retorted with the same momentum. She came close to Tang Yinxin's ear and said softly, "Miss Dong, did you forget the happiness with Xu Yao on your birthday that night?"

"You Tang Yinxin's face changed greatly and looked at her nervously.

Lin Chuyue laughs, "I remember the relationship between you and Bai Chen at that time. You rashly put a green hat on Bai Chen. Do you think he doesn't know?"

"You see that? You told him Tang Yinxin became extremely anxious.

No wonder she felt that Bai Chen suddenly broke up with her, very abrupt, did not expect that the reason should come from Lin Chuyue.

"I saw it, but I don't know if he knows about you cuckolding him!" Lin Chuyue looked at her with a smile and said coldly, "but if Miss Dong comes to me again for no reason, I can't guarantee whether I will tell Bai Chen. You know, I'm the closest person to Bai Chen now. I think he will listen to one or two words more or less when I say it!"

As the saying goes, if people do not offend me, I will not.

If Tang Yinxin repeatedly troubles her, she is not such a good tempered person.

"There's no reason why Bai Chen would believe you!"

"Yes, it's a pity that I was videotaping and you were taken as scenery by me. What can I do?" Lin Chuyue shrugged her shoulders.


Tang Yin is so angry that he has nothing to say. He wanted to make Lin Chuyue lose face here, but he didn't expect to be attacked by the anti general. But here he can't attack. There are people everywhere.

"Miss Dong, keep in a good mood so that you can have fewer wrinkles on your face!" Lin Chuyue said in a good mood.

Tang Yin's angry face has changed, but she is still trying to keep a smile on her face, but she doesn't know that her face is really ferocious and frightening in other people's eyes.

Lin Chuyue looks very weak, but once his temper comes up, not everyone can bully him.

Tang Yinxin meets a nail here in Lin Chuyue and leaves angrily.

"By the way, Miss Dong, I have one more thing to tell you." Lin Chuyue stops Tang Yinxin, who is leaving. Tang Yinxin turns around and stares at her with angry eyes, waiting for her words.

Lin Chu Yue curved corners of the mouth, "about me and Bai Chen's affair, is he hook - lead me first, don't believe you can call to ask him!"

“……” Tang Yinxin sneers, obviously does not believe Lin Chuyue's bullshit.

Bai Chen to hook - lead other women, he need it!

In this world, there is no lack of women is Bai Chen, as long as he said, want to attach his woman more can be out of the constant market.

"Lin Chuyue, you have delusion!"

"Is it?" Lin Chuyue said with a smile, "you can ask Bai Chen if he took off his clothes first at that time and led me?"

Tang Yinxin, "..."

Tang Yin left angrily, and Lin Chuyue took another drink.

Having just witnessed the verbal battle between the two women, I can't turn my brain at the moment. I admire Lin Chuyue very much.

Especially the last sentence, it's a second kill to that woman!


Xia shirou changed her dry clothes and said, "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting!"

Lin Chuyue smiles, takes out the paper draft from the bag, and hands it to her, "Miss Xia, this is designed according to your requirements. You can see if you are not satisfied."

Xia shirou is a perfectionist who demands perfection of everything around her, especially her wedding.

A person can only have the last wedding in his life. No matter how much it costs, she should do her best to get married.

Xia shirou made a lot of comments with Lin Chuyue on the dress, mainly including her own inspiration and some small details.

"Miss Xia, the dress you said is really beautiful, but it's also very heavy. Wedding is a very tiring thing. I'm afraid you can't bear it."

"It doesn't matter. Just do what I ask." Xia shirou smiles, but her tone shows an unchangeable momentum.

"Well, what about the next set? Do you have anything else to say?"


Xia shirou is very demanding. She can see her expectation of her wedding and doesn't want to make mistakes in any way.

After that, Lin Chuyue went to Xia shirou's place four or five times, in order to perfect her suggestions.

However, all the things of the wedding are almost prepared by Xia shirou alone. Secretary you accompanies her and prepares everything for the wedding.

Strange, wedding this kind of thing should not be prepared by the man over there, how to her here, all become Xia shirou in doing.This kind of feeling is like a person's wedding of Xia shirou<

Lin Chuyue also asked her never appeared fiance curiously why she didn't come out to take care of her marriage<

Xia shirou said thoughtfully, "he has always been very busy at work, and he has been on business abroad during this period. But he was very considerate to me and left his close secretary to take care of me! "

seeing Xia shirou immersed in happiness, Lin Chuyue said nothing with a smile

maybe they are really happy

as she was about to leave work that day, Xia shirou suddenly called to ask if she could rush to Shengyuan hotel for a little problem with her dress

the service tenet of their company is that everything is customer-oriented. Naturally, she wants to go through<

Lin Chuyue packed her bags and said to Song Wei, "go home today, I'll go alone!"<

when Song Wei heard Xia shirou's phone call, she looked bitter and thought she was going to work overtime again<

with a cheer, he hugged Lin Chuyue and said, "sister Lin, you are so good. I will love you all my life."


it takes more than an hour to get to Shengyuan hotel by bus. As soon as Lin Chuyue got there, she got into the elevator and went directly to Xia shirou's room

knock on the door, get the answer from inside, and push the door in

after inquiring about the servant, she learned that Xia shirou was out and had to come back in a while. Lin Chuyue sat down and waited patiently for a while

after getting along with Xia shirou several times, I found that she is really a woman with both talent and art

Mr. Tan is really blessed to marry such a considerate and sensible wife

after sitting for a few minutes, Bai Chen's phone calls, and she goes outside to pick up the phone

"are you home?"

"not yet!" Lin Chuyue glanced at the sky outside the window. It was dark and it seemed that it was going to rain. "Now I've made an appointment with a client to talk about work outside. Maybe I'll go back later. How about you?"

"Bai an is in the hospital. I'm at the door of the operating room now."

it sounds that Bai Chen's voice is very tired and low, and Lin Chuyue's voice is dry, "it's not that he's in good health!"<

"I don't know. I heard from my mother that I was still fine in the afternoon. I suddenly fell ill. When I was found by the nurse, I passed out!"

"do I have to get there now?"

"no, we are waiting outside the operating room anyway. You can call back when the work is over!"


when he hung up, his heart became low with Bai Chen's voice<

although Bai Chen doesn't say it, she cares about Bai an in her heart. After all, Bai an is the man's younger brother

if that person knows that his brother is in a coma and is in surgery, will he suddenly appear in front of everyone<

Lin Chuyue shakes her head and laughs at her wishful thinking

when he turned around and was about to return to the room, he suddenly bumped into a wall<

after being knocked back, the man quickly grabbed her wrist and said in a deep voice, "be careful!"<

Lin Chuyue repeatedly apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"are you the designer that shirou said?" The man's voice sounded again<

when Lin Chuyue looked up and saw a handsome man's face, she couldn't help but look at him with a frown. She felt that this face was very familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere

after a second, a name pops into my mind, "are you Lin Bai?"

"sorry, you have the wrong person!"

the man denied that Lin Chuyue scratched her hair and said, "really, maybe I read it wrong!"

she raised her head and looked at the man in front of her again. She always felt that it could coincide with the green boy's face in the photo

the man straightened his shirt and said, "my name is tan."

surnamed Tan, it should be Xia shirou's mysterious fiance

she said with an embarrassed smile, "Hello, Mr. Tan, my name is Lin Chuyue, and I'm Miss Xia's designer."



this Mr. Tan is really cold. With a word, she doesn't know what to say, so she grabs her sleeve<

"shirou will be back in a moment. Come in first!"


Xia shirou felt bored to stay in the room, so she went out for a walk. When she came back, she saw Mr. tan. She was obviously surprised and hugged him intimately<

Mr. Tan's face was a little gentle, he whispered a few words with her, turned and went into the inner room

seeing this scene, Lin Chuyue thought that Mr. Tan should be in the middle of his work, taking time out of his busy schedule to come back and take a special look at Xia shirou<

Xia shirou was very happy when she met her beloved husband. She didn't even have any opinions when she looked at the dress designed by Lin Chuyue. She just said, "Miss Lin, just follow your preferences!"Feelings before she had so many opinions, it was because she couldn't see her fiance and complained a little.

Lin Chuyue put away the painting, "Miss Xia and Mr Tan are very compatible."

"Thank you Xia shirou's sweet smile has a girl's shyness.

Lin Chuyue did not disturb their sweet time and left in a hurry.

Just arrived at the door of the hotel, a voice called her way.

Lin Chuyue looked back and saw that he had come over. "Miss Lin, Mr. Tan wants to talk to you."

So a cold man, Lin Chuyue can imagine the picture of sitting with Mr. tan.

However, what she couldn't think of was what Mr. Tan wanted to say to her.

About Xia shirou?

In fact, she doesn't know Xia shirou very well. She has had several contacts, which doesn't mean they are very familiar with her.

Lin Chuyue looked at the man in front of him, but he didn't speak.

He cleared his throat and was about to speak, but he intervened first, "who is Lin Bai?"

When asked a question that was different from Xia shirou's, Lin Chuyue was stunned on the spot and made a sound for a long time, "en?"

"Who is Lin Bai?" Unexpectedly, Mr. Tan asked again.

"Your friend?"

She shook her head.

"Who is that of Yan Chu?"


Lin Chuyue doesn't know why Mr. Tan cares about Lin Bai's name, and how he knows Yan Chu's name.

After a few seconds, she replied, "it's Yanhua's father."

The wrong answer obviously dissatisfied Mr. Tan, "I asked Yan Chu!"

"Mr. Tan, why don't you ask me what is the relationship between Yan Chu and Yan Hua?" Lin Chuyue suddenly calms down and says.

Mr. Tan probably didn't want to answer this question. He was gloomy and silent.

Lin Chuyue asked again, "Mr. Tan, do you know ChuChu?"


Lin Chuyue thinks that her memory is pretty good. The more she looks at Mr. Tan's face, the more she thinks that Lin Bai in the photo Yan Hua gave her is similar to the man in front of her.

It's not so much similar as Lin Bai in the green period and mature period.

"In fact, Lin Bai is one of my classmates. I think you look like him."

"You just said that Lin Bai was the father of Yan Hua!"

"I'm sorry, it's just a little lie I told. Don't take it seriously, Mr. tan."


Mr. Tan didn't seem very satisfied with Lin Chuyue's answer, so he got up and left.

Lin Chu moon out of the hotel, the sky has been a drizzle, drizzle hit the pedestrians.

Hold up an umbrella and walk quickly to the side of the road.

When the red light is on, a few passers-by are standing at the zebra crossing, and the mobile phone in the pocket suddenly rings.

Seeing the call from sun Yunzhe, Lin Chuyue hesitated for a few seconds to pick it up, "hello."

"It's me." Sun Yunzhe stopped for a moment and said, "next weekend, Mr. Shen wants to go to a kindergarten to guide his children in painting. He is short of people on hand. I want to ask if you can go there?"

Instructing her children to draw, Lin Chuyue looks down at her toes and learns to drive every weekend. "I can't do it on weekends. I have something to do."

“…… Well, forget it. I'll ask Mr. Shen to find it again. "

"I'm going to learn to drive at the weekend. Do you think Saturday is OK?"

"Of course Sun Yunzhe replied without thinking, "when are you free on Saturday, I'll pick you up."

"You tell me the address of the nursery, and I can go there myself!"

Lin Chuyue refused his kindness and saw that the green light was on. "Wait a minute. You'd better send me a text message later. I'm afraid I'll remember Ah... "

Sun Yunzhe was about to say yes when he heard a scream from Lin Chuyue on the other end of the phone. His sharp voice shook his eardrum, "what's the matter with you, Lin Chuyue! Lin Chuyue

However, Lin Chuyue's voice never appeared again.

Lin Chuyue just stepped on the zebra crossing. A black car came to her and hit her on the ground. She was in a coma.

The phone fell to the ground and the line was broken.

Frightened, passers-by who witnessed everything quickly called the police.

Lin Chuyue screams, and the phone is hung up again for no reason. Sun Yunzhe dials the phone again, and the other end is turned off.

A bad feeling came out of his heart. No, he had to go out to find Lin Chuyue.

Grabbing the coat on the sofa, he called his secretary and walked outside. "Help me book a ticket to Hengshi as soon as possible. I'll arrive at the airport in an hour!"

Just go out, a petite figure stopped in front of him, open arms refused him to leave.

Sun Yunzhe looked at the small face of Sujing and said, "get out of the way, I want to go out!""Sun Yunzhe, you are in treatment now. You are not allowed to go anywhere but stay here obediently!"

"Don't make trouble, Xiang'er. Something happened in the first month!"

Sun Yunzhe took Bai Xiang's hand and walked out quickly.

Since she knew that the person in sun Yunzhe's heart was Lin Chuyue, she knew that Lin Chuyue was the one who had been on sun Yunzhe's lips.

She also thought about giving up sun Yunzhe, but he found himself.

Sun Yunzhe is the man she really liked, even after breaking up, she never changed her mind.

These days when she came to England, she accompanied him almost every day, but in his eyes, some people still only had his first month, his first month.

Bai Xiang is unwilling to catch up with sun Yunzhe. He takes out his car key and blocks it in front of him before opening the door.

"Sun Yunzhe, is Lin Chuyue important, or is your illness important?" Bai Xiang with the body block in front of him, eyes already had tears.

"The first month is important." Sun Yunzhe clenched his fist, "Xiang'er, stop it. She screamed on the phone. She couldn't get through. Something must have happened! Get out of the way

"Even if there is an accident in the first month, this is England. You can't stop what should happen if you fly back from England. I won't let you go!"

Even if Bai Xiang is telling the truth, he will go back.

He hasn't seen Lin Chuyue for a long time. He wants to go back and have a look with his own eyes.

"Xiang'er, stop it!"

He once again said this sentence, indicating that his intention has been decided.

"Even if you are dragging this sick body, will you go back to see her?"

"Don't worry, I just look at her from a distance and won't let Chuyue see me."

Sun Yunzhe pushed away Bai Xiang's body and got into the car, "I'll come back."

This is sun Yunzhe's promise to her before he left.

Bai Xiang's eyes turned red instantly. Who wants his bad guarantee? Even if he died on the plane, it has nothing to do with him.

After sun Yunzhe's car left, Bai Xiang squatted on the ground and burst into tears.


Lin Chuyue feels pain all over her body, and she can't sleep well even if she wants to sleep, because she has a bad headache, but she doesn't want to open her eyes, because she finds that she can't open her eyes and it takes a lot of effort.

Guarding by the bed, Bai Chen looks at Lin Chuyue without blinking, and doesn't miss any of her reactions.

See Lin Chuyue's eyes blink, open and close again.

The process is short, and Bai Chen even thinks that he is hallucinating.

"First month? First month Bai Chen excitedly calls her name in her ear, but Lin Chuyue doesn't have any reaction after closing her eyes.

It seems that Lin Chuyue just opened his eyes. It's really just his illusion.

Bai Chen rang for the doctor.

On the same day, two members of the Bai family were sent to the same hospital.

One is Bai Chen's younger brother Bai an, who is in a coma after surgery. The other is Bai Chen's wife Lin Chuyue.

I opened my eyes and went to sleep again. I didn't respond to his voice at all.

Lin Chuyue had a car accident and was called to the hospital by passers-by.

He didn't see the process of the car accident, and didn't see the picture of Lin Chuyue falling on the ground covered with blood.

He is waiting anxiously at the door of Bai'an's operating room. Lin Chuyue's phone calls. He thinks that Lin Chuyue can't find his way to the hospital.

However, a stranger's voice rang out on the other end of the phone, "Hello, are you Lin Chuyue's husband?"

Strange voice let white Chen's brain door all of a sudden buzzing, he replied, "yes, I am, who are you?"

"Hello, I'm a nurse in XX Hospital. Your wife is on the way to the hospital now. Please come quickly."

He didn't see the front two, but what he saw was that Lin Chuyue was sleeping on the push bed and was in the operating room.

Standing at the door, all the anxieties in the bottom of my heart are surging up, and my chest is so stuffy that I can't breathe.

Helpless, powerless

His most important people are rescued inside, but he can only stay outside, in addition to daze or daze.

Never had the feeling, Bai Chen anxious hovering in the door of the operation.

Before going out this morning, she chose a yellow coat and tied a white silk scarf.

On the white silk scarf are the cartoon characters drawn by DIY in her spare time.

But just now he saw that the white silk scarf had been dyed red by blood, and he could not see the original pattern on it.

Squeeze your fists harder and look at the red light on the operating room. The heartstrings are taut little by little, almost to the edge of cracking.

I was fine before I called in the afternoon. Why did something happen all of a sudden.

Bai Chen grabbed the assistant on one side, "excuse me, where did Lin Chuyue in the operating room have a car accident?""Just a moment. I'll check the record for you." The nurse bowed her head and looked up the latest information. "It's on the road in front of Shengyuan hotel."

"Thank you Bai Chen takes a deep breath, turns around and takes out his mobile phone to call Xu Yuan.

"Go to check the electronic monitoring at the gate of Shengyuan hotel for me. No, give me all the electronic monitoring nearby!"

Before Xu Yuan can ask why, Bai Chen has hung up.

Because now, the red light in the operating room goes out.

Good, to check what electronic monitoring, it has to go to the traffic bureau to find someone.

It's hard to be the Secretary of the boss. You have to do everything yourself.

Xu Yuan did not dare to neglect, personally went to the Transportation Bureau.

On this side of the hospital, Lin Chuyue was pushed out of the operating room and transferred to the ordinary ward, then she was sleeping all the time.

The doctor said that in addition to multiple bruises on the body, the back of the head was also severely hit, a lot of bleeding.

Bai Chen listened to the doctor a lot of long winded, frowning, "what do you mean? I want results! "

Hard to tap the table, shaking the file crackle, nearly half of the doctor was scared by the haze sent out by Bai Chen to help his glasses, shivering said, "in fact, there are not too many problems, just need to wake up and take more rest."

These days, the rich people really can't offend them. They always lose their temper, just like the big men in the underworld.

Bai Chen stays in front of Lin Chuyue's bed until midnight. In the middle of the night, Chen Feier calls and says Bai an is out of danger.

He asked again, "Chenzi, what did you do in a hurry?"

At that time, when Bai Chen answers the phone, Chen fei'er is on the side, witnessing her son's desperation. No matter what they call him, she leaves in a hurry.

"Mom, something happened in Chuyue. I'll tell you later." Bai an pinched his eyebrows and glanced at Lin Chuyue, who was sleeping quietly. His voice was as small as possible. "I still have something to do. I'll hang up first."

The next morning, Chen fei'er called again, "Chenzi, what happened to Chuyue?"

Her son's voice was so tired last night that she didn't ask any more questions.

Bai Chen has been up all night, "she had a car accident, now it's all right."

"An accident? Why did you have an accident all of a sudden! " Chen fei'er stood up from her chair in fright, "which hospital are you in? I'll go there now!"

"It's on the second floor of a building next door to this hospital."

Chen Fei Er put down the mobile phone, looked at Bai Ying, "you look at Bai an, if he wakes up, you call me."

"Was it a car accident in Chuyue?" Bai Ying also stood up and said, "I'll go with you!"

"But Bai an..."

"Don't worry, he can't wake up for a while. Besides, there are nurses watching him."

Bai an's operation lasted for nearly nine hours, and his body function had reached its limit. Even if the medicine had passed, he couldn't wake up for a while.

Chen fei'er and Bai Ying go to the ward where Lin Chuyue is. Through the transparent porthole, they see Bai Chen sitting motionless in front of the bed, staring at Lin Chuyue on the bed.

"Chen Zi?" Chen fei'er and Bai Ying come in with light steps, "did Chu Yue wake up?"

"Mom and Dad!" White Chen raised his head, boil a night, eyes imperceptibly full of blood, "still don't wake up."

Lin Chuyue had a lot of blood. There was no blood on her face. Her face was as pale as a dead man.

Chen fei'er sits by the bed and looks at Lin Chuyue. Bai Ying shouts Bai Chen out and asks, "how did you have an accident?"

"I don't know!" Bai Chen pinches the temple, just about to speak, Xu Yuan's phone call.

"I think I've found what you want to see." Xu Yuan in the database to see surveillance video, shocked already speechless, no wonder Bai Chen at that time the tone is urgent like to kill.

"Send me surveillance!"