Jiangsu and Anhui made up their minds secretly.

After spending a whole day with Ruan Yue, he was almost exhausted after Su Wan sent him back to Ruan's house! This kid is so energetic. If anyone plays with him, he will be very tired. Su and WAN were wondering whether it was time for Ruan Haoyang to raise the wages of several of Ruan Yue's close servants!

It's really hard to serve their little ancestors.

I was about to go to dinner when I got a call from Tianxi.

"Where are you, little thing?"

"I just sent that little thing away from my house!"

"Do you have time now?"


"Did you have dinner?"


"Dinner together?"


"Where do you want to eat, say a place?"

"Whatever you want. I've been playing with Ruan Yue all day. I'm so tired."

"That's the western restaurant next to your hotel."


"See you in ten minutes."

"I'll take about 20 minutes. It's dinner time. There's a traffic jam on the way."

"Aren't you a good racer?"

"You laugh at me

"How dare you. You are a beautiful car God

"What do you say?"

"Not yet. I'll tell you when I see you! "



It took Jiangsu and Anhui 25 minutes to get to the western restaurant. It's too much traffic on the way after work! She thought, if Ruan Yue saw such a situation, she would probably say that the road planning of Binhai city is really unreasonable! This boy, growing up in the United States, is almost becoming a small traitor who worships foreign countries! Su and WAN decided to change his mind slowly in the future, hoping that he would spend more time in Binhai city.

"Little thing, this way!"

Ji Tianxi saw Jiangsu and Anhui coming in from afar, so he stood up and waved!


Su Wan came and sat down, and immediately a waiter handed over a cup of boiled water.

"Miss. What can I do for you? "

"Let me see..."

"No more." Ji Tianxi quickly cut in: "I'll help you with it!"

"No more. Thank you Su Wanchong waiter smiles.

"Yes. I won't disturb you. " The waiter walked away with the menu.

Ji Tianxi some jealous way: "little thing, you are willing to hold a sweet smile to a waiter, how is so mean to me?"

Jiangsu and Anhui were somewhat angry: "you still say! It's all you who hurt me. Now Ruan Haoyang misunderstands what ambiguous relationship we have and have a cold war with me! "

Ji Tianxi asked, "why do you care about him so much?"

Su Wan said, "how can I not care? He is my son's father! Today, my son asked a lot of these questions. He always asked me how Ruan Haoyang and I were doing! I don't know what to say. My son is too clever, and he is not like other children. He will cheat and coax him or her! "

Ji Tianxi thought of Ruan Yue, and said with some headache, "you son is really excellent! He doesn't look like a six-year-old! It's like a six-year-old body, but a cunning old slicker with an IQ of 60! "

Su Wan said with a smile, "don't talk nonsense! In fact, he's just a little insecure and a little bit of self-protection! "

Ji Tianxi nodded: "you are right to say so! His excessive independence and cleverness are as proud as Ruan Haoyang. It seems that this is a typical insecurity

Su Wan said, "so you say that, Ruan Haoyang has no sense of security?"

Ji Tianxi said: "then I don't know!"

Su Wan said, "what did you say just now?"

Ji Tianxi said: "distrust of others, strong expression of their own desire, pride, independence, and so on, in psychology is a typical lack of security performance! That's not what I said

Su Wan said: "Ruan Yue has no sense of security, but he is talking about the past! He told me that when he was in kindergarten in the United States, many children called him wild behind his back. He didn't have a child his mother wanted! He has lost his mother's love since he was a child, so he must have no sense of security! But Ruan Haoyang can't have a sense of security, right? I think he is too safe for me

Ji Tianxi said: "that's not too much security! That's called over protection

Su Wan nodded: "yes! yes! That's right. Ruan Haoyang is really an extreme self-protection person! He never believed others, and he also showed a kind of cold words and few desires. Outsiders looked like he was cold and unattainable. In fact, I also felt that it was a kind of self sealing and protection! "

Ji Tianxi said: "we don't want to analyze Ruan Haoyang's life here!""All right."

Su and WAN nodded. Agree. But in her heart, there was a big question!

These casual conversations may be really casual, just like a few jokes and nonsense among friends, without any purpose and significance!

But these words are very casual, but let the Jiangsu and Anhui on the heart.