Qiu Jin is a rich second generation, his parents are orphans, but he started from scratch to inherit such a huge family property, so after his parents died unexpectedly a few years ago, he did not have any relatives in the world.

When Qiu Jin's parents were still alive, they were busy working and making money every day, and the family spent little time with each other. However, they attached great importance to Qiu Jin's education, so that he received the best talent education since childhood, and attached great importance to the cultivation of his self-discipline ability and his own cultivation.

Therefore, as a rich second generation with a lack of emotion, Qiu Jin, in addition to being cold and arrogant and abusive, did not cheat or degenerate. He was admitted to the No.1 University in China with his own ability.

After he went to university, Qiu Jin made some friends, but he was not a real friend. He just wanted to have someone accompany him when he was lonely, so that he could escape the reality that he was alone in the world. And he is usually generous, playing with some high-level things, so many people are willing to make friends with him, even if it is not sincere.

Qiu Jin doesn't care whether they really regard themselves as friends. Anyway, everyone takes what they need, and he knows it in his heart.

Qiu Jin is a very fastidious person, even making friends is the same. Even if he doesn't make friends with friends, but just some playmates, not everyone can get into Qiu Jin's eyes. So his playmates are also people with good family conditions and similar values. Because he always felt that if he made friends with people whose family conditions were too different, he should always take care of each other's feelings, and could not live according to his own ideas. He might as well go alone.

They had a good time playing together, but they didn't interfere with each other until Qi Yun joined their circle, and then Qi Yun and Zhao Gang joined them. Everything was different.

Among all the friends, Qiu Jin and Wu Hao have the best relationship. They have known each other since high school. But because Qiu Jin protects his easily hurt heart with his aloof appearance. He is separated from each other and keeps a sense of precaution. Therefore, they can only be regarded as friends who have a good relationship, but are closer to others.

Later, Wu Hao got to know Qi Yun and slowly began to bring Qi Yun into their circle. For example, Qi Yun would appear when they had a party or went out to play.

In fact, Qi Yun is to join them, deliberately close to Wu Hao, and maintain an ambiguous relationship with him.

At the beginning, it was ok, but there was only one more person. Although Qiu Jin paid more for each party and going out to play, he didn't care much about paying one more person.

But I don't know when, Qi Yun seems to have captured the hearts of all the people in this circle except Qiu Jin. Gradually, Qi Yun will do what he wants to do, and he will play whatever he wants to play. However, Qiu Jin still pays for it.

Qiu Jin makes these friends for his own happiness. If he can't make himself happy, he also spends his own money to move to other people. He is not a true friend. He doesn't know the significance of his continuous association with these people. So he gradually began not to participate in group gatherings, and he did not go out alone with other people to contact feelings and isolate Qi Yun. He didn't like to be forced to do things that made his heart tired.

Later, Qi Yun brought Zhao Gang to their circle. This man was almost blatantly dissatisfied with Qiu Jin. He almost wrote on his face that he hated Qiu Jin. He always quarreled with Qiu Jin every time he met.

Qiu Jin is not a person who is angry and bears it silently. Besides, he has no reason to bear it. So every time Zhao Gang wants to quarrel with him, he will not show weakness at all. When they quarrel to the point where they are about to fight, Qi Yun will stand up to persuade and settle the issue. It seems that every time Qiu Jin deliberately finds fault and looks down on them, and how they are trying to compromise.

For a long time, Qiu Jin was also annoyed, and he completely stopped communicating with all of them, and completely withdrew from the circle.

From the very beginning, Qi Yun felt that Qiu Jin's heart was very difficult to get close to. Unlike other people's hearts, he was so easily attracted by him. Moreover, he didn't want to deliberately please Qiu Jin, because he hated him from the bottom of his heart from the very beginning.

Qi Yun is actually jealous of Qiu Jin. He is jealous of the wealth of Qiu Jin's family. He is jealous that he is not only rich, but also able to spend money as he pleases, and no one will take care of him. He doesn't want him to have a father who is not in good health. He is also envious that he can do very well in the exam if he doesn't study very well. Unlike him, he just pretends to be very relaxed and spends more time studying than others in private to get good grades. What he envied most was that Qiu Jin was not only good at learning, he had a lot of money in his hand, but also lived a very natural and unrestrained life. It seemed that there was no person or thing in the world worth his nostalgia. This was the life he always wanted to have, but it was all realized in Qiu Jin's body.

So after Qi Yun joined their circle, he tried his best to let others isolate Qiu Jin together, and brought Zhao Gang, who had a secret crush on him, into the circle. Then he privately told Zhao Gang that Qiu Jin despised him. Zhao Gang would deliberately quarrel with Qiu Jin in order to avenge him.Later, Qiu Jin gradually faded out of their circle, and Qi Yun still felt a sense of victory. Although Qiu Jin's fading out, his family's consumption level was greatly reduced, and his eating, drinking and playing were not as reckless as before. However, other people are also born into rich families and usually have a lot of pocket money, so although their consumption level has been reduced, the number of times they go out to play has increased. It's just different from the content they played before.

Qi Yun enjoys the feeling that all the stars support the moon. He thinks that after graduation, with the help of these rich second-generation friends, he can strive less than ordinary people for a few years, and can also achieve success faster.

But suddenly one day, the sun rising the next day was totally different from usual. Actually, the black and red sun appeared in the sky, and the whole world was shrouded in the black and red color, which made people feel very depressed and even difficult to breathe. There are people falling down on the street, and they are sent to the hospital, but they can't find out the reason why they fainted. Until all the hospitals are full, there are still people who fall down for unknown reasons.

The black and red sun appeared for three days in a row. We didn't know what was going on. We were all very scared and prayed that the black red sun would not appear again, hoping that the next day the sun would rise normally.

On the morning of the fourth day, the rising sun was no longer black and red. Although the sun still had some strange feeling, it was more normal than the black and red sun.

Those who fainted and were taken to the hospital, and those who could not get to the hospital and lay at home, also began to wake up. But before their families had time to be happy, they found that their eyes and state were very strange, as if they were possessed by something bad.

Just when the families of those who fainted were at a loss for their obvious abnormality, those people suddenly and quickly turned into zombies, and then began to attack the people around them. No matter who the person was, as long as it appeared within the range they could sense, they would be frantically attacked and gnawed by them, and those who were bitten would soon become zombies.

Good people have become zombies, and there is no reason to speak of, anyone will be attacked, whether it is the city or the suburbs, as long as there are people, all caused great panic. The sound of screams, fights and cries can never be heard. Even after being bitten, in order not to become zombies and attack other people, some people make their own explosions, endure grief, and smash to pieces with their families who have become zombies.

Qiu Jin and Qi Yun, as well as other people in that circle, were very lucky not to become zombies, but began to hide and flee in order to survive.

Qiu Jin's family has several large food factories and many chain drugstores. Although people began to snatch materials in the chaos, some warehouses were controlled by computers and could not be opened without computer unlocking. The general terminal of Qiu Jin's warehouse is in Qiu Jin's home, which can only be opened by Qiu Jin's unlocking, because the number of incoming and outgoing goods must be recorded by the head office, which is convenient for management.

Qiu Jin has a lot of materials and medicines without robbing him. Naturally, Qi Yun is not reconciled. He wants to break into Qiu Jin's home and force Qiu Jin to hand over materials and share them with everyone. However, the security system of Qiu Jin's family was too strong to be created by several of them. So he spread the matter that Qiu Jin had a large amount of materials everywhere to other people, so that those who had weapons forced their way into Qiu Jin's house.

Qiu Jin didn't want to occupy so many goods and materials by himself. Although those materials were originally the property of his family, he was very angry about Qi Yun's behavior. He felt that he had the right to deal with the things of his family at any time.

Before they broke into his house, Qiu Jin had opened all the chuangku and fled early. By the time those people rushed to the warehouse, the warehouse was almost empty. Those people felt that they had been cheated, so they would take Qi Yun out of their anger. Qi Yun fled before those people found him because of something wrong. However, his hatred and anger towards Qiu Jin became more serious.

More and more tragedies happen. In the absence of hope and extreme pessimism, many people choose to commit suicide. However, some people have stronger desire to live, and some of them begin to have powers.

People with powers find that they can fight zombies even if they don't have weapons. However, some people's abilities are stronger, others are weaker, and more people choose to team up with other capable people, so that they will have a greater hope of surviving.

Then someone found that the original power can become stronger and stronger. In addition to collecting zombie crystal nuclei, there are some hidden opportunities that can make people stronger in a short time.

Qiu Jin and Qi Yun had a fierce fight several times. Sometimes Qiu Jin won and sometimes Qi Yun won. But on the whole, Qiu Jin won a lot more than Qi Yun. Qi Yun was naturally unconvinced and hated Qiu Jin even more.

The resentment between the two became deeper and deeper. Finally, in a certain fight, both of them held the mentality that either you died or I lived, and both wanted to kill each other. Then in the course of the fight, they kill each other.After his death, Qi Yun was reborn ten days before the black and red sun rose.

Qi Yun's rebirth, the first thing is to find a way to buy more good things for him to hide, the second thing is to kill Qiu Jin in advance, so as to avenge his previous life.