The piano prince (10)

just after Jing min returned to Senni's house, he saw faith standing in the corridor staring at him again. He thought that I had left for a few months, but I didn't provoke you or corrica. If you want to trouble me again, don't blame me for my bad speech.

"Do you remember who you are?" Faith asked, staring.

Jing min looked at him inexplicably, "what identity am I? I don't remember, but tell me

"You, who are engaged, have been out alone with another man for so long without even calling back. Do you know what it is to be punctual? Even if he is your teacher, you should know what avoiding suspicion is

"Punctuality? To avoid suspicion? " Jing min thought that it was really ridiculous for him to say this, and asked, "what qualifications do you have to teach me? What qualifications do you have to ask of me? "

"Because I am your fiance, of course I have the qualification!" Said faith in a loud voice.

"Don't you disgust me!" Jing Min said angrily, "I have said before that my engagement with you does not count. Please do not claim to be my fiance at any time or place in the future, because you are not and you are not worthy to be."

Faith was blue and speechless with anger.

Jingmin continued, "why don't you feel that you're not behaving properly when you're hugging crica and kissing me? Why don't you avoid suspicion when you show intimacy in public? Now that I have cancelled my engagement as you wish, you still have the face to criticize me. How confident are you that you can have such a double standard? It's disgusting to be under the same roof with you guys

Jing min dragged the suitcase and turned downstairs. Hearing the quarrel, Susan wanted to stop him. "Ivy, you just came back. Where are you going?"

"I'll go back to my own house!" Jing min dodged Susan and ran down quickly.

"Ivy..." Susan couldn't stop him. When she heard that he was going back to his home, she thought that he was not far away from the next door, so she didn't go after him. She went up to faith and said, "haven't I told you all about it? Let you get along well with him. You will quarrel with him as soon as he comes back. If you really piss him off, our family will be ruined, don't you know? "

During Jing min's departure, Susan tried to persuade faith for a long time. In order to keep the Sonny family from going bankrupt, and to enable coreca to continue to learn the piano, she asked him to get along well with ivy, and let Ivy change her mind and agree to marry him.

Faith listened to Susan's words and tried to get along with him, but he had already decided to try to be nice to him. He left with another man for months and didn't even call back. How could he not be angry.

When Susan saw her son's angry face, she immediately felt distressed. She held his hand and whispered, "for the sake of the Sonny family, you should be more patient and accommodate him for the time being. Other things will be discussed after you get married."

Jing min just didn't want to live in Sonny's house. He took advantage of the opportunity of fighting with faith to go back to die's house. He was more comfortable.

At the end of each year, there will be a large music competition called the sherty music Cup competition. In the music industry, this competition is quite heavy and belongs to the extremely difficult competition.

The first prize of each project can not only get a high bonus, but also be free of tuition for a whole year. The photos will be hung in the honor Hall of the college for a whole year, which is a very high honor. Students who have won the first place in four consecutive years will be permanently hung in the hall of honor. Only five people's photos have been stored permanently for hundreds of years since the sherty Conservatory of music was founded. He Weixiu is one of them.

Although only students can participate in the sherty Cup music competition, as a world-class famous school, the students here are also world-class excellent.

In the final, the school sold tickets to the public, and it was difficult to get a ticket for a concert hall full of thousands of people. Those who can come to watch, in addition to the well-known musicians invited to be judges, are rich people who not only know music, but also are rich or expensive.

Corrica entered the finals with the third place result of ordinary students. The three members of the Sonny family also came to watch the game and stayed with corrica in the waiting hall for a while to encourage him to make a good performance and strive for the place. If he can get into the top three in the case of a famous teacher privileged student participating in the final, then he has a chance to become a famous teacher privileged student. What a glorious thing it would be if there were two famous teachers and privileged students in the Senni family.

Facing the constant pressure exerted on him by the sennis, correka still smiles and says that he will try his best to play well.

The sonnies wanted to meet ivy and show their concern, but their eyes scanned the waiting hall several times and did not see him.

Just wondering, the game is about to start. Why did he not come when he saw him surrounded by bodyguards and haiweixiu came in together. Before the sonnies could speak, they walked straight through the hall into the VIP lounge.

That posture and pomp, let alone ordinary students, even other famous teachers and privileged students do not have. The sonnies were in a mixed mood. They didn't know whether they should be happy or not. If Ivy gets the help of Hyatt, and can also be the help of their Sunni family, they are naturally happy. But if Ivy doesn't look up to faith and doesn't want to marry him because he gets the help of haywire, they will be very unhappy.There are also complicated feelings of faith and coreca, who can't figure out what kind of feelings he has for Ivey. Correka was jealous, like a volcano about to erupt.

When the sonnies were going to sit down in the concert hall in front of them, corrica quietly grabbed faith and said, "if I'm in the top three this time, can you grant me a wish?"

If he had, of course, agreed immediately, but now he hesitated, thought for a moment and said, "I'll promise you whatever I can do."

Firth's hesitation hurt coreca's heart. During this period, he has been comforting himself that FIS had to compromise for the sake of the Sonny family. He didn't really change his mind. He still had himself in his heart. But faith's change became more and more obvious, and it was obvious that he could not continue to deceive himself. It took him nearly ten years to pull him to his side. Did Ivy pull him back in just a few months?

What is he, then? What are his efforts over the years? He can't just give up, he still has a chance, everything is not irreversible. As long as he can prove that he is stronger than ivy and that he can bring higher benefits to the Sunni family as before.

In this competition, I hope God can take care of him, let him play as well as last time, let him be able to enter the top three, and then become a famous teacher and privileged student, and thoroughly compare Ivy.

Jing min sat on haiweixiu's leg, and held his hand on his chest to kiss him. The tip of his tongue was sucked by him with force. The numbness of his feeling made his heart itch and tremble.

Haiweixiu is one of the main judges of the final. He can't stay in the rest room with him all the time. He looks down and gives him a kiss on the open chest of his clothes. Then he helps him button up his clothes, puts him on the sofa, rubs his hair and says, "don't be nervous, just play as usual."

"Well." Jing min put his arm around his neck and gave him a kiss on his mouth. Then he let go and said, "you go quickly. The competition will start soon."

The large concert hall is full of people, so the Senni family still managed to get a seat in the middle of the hall. The front several contestants are very good, worthy of being able to enter the finals of the students, the level is very high. When they saw coreca play, they had more expectations for him.

Coreca plays "soda" and "Lake nice", which are more skillful, which he is good at.

Corrica played two tunes in a proper way. Although it sounds good, it's not much better than the people in front of him. His skill is good, but the feelings in the music are not conveyed to the audience's heart. In many excellent contestants, did not leave too much influence on the audience.

This made the sonnies a little disappointed. They knew that correka spent a lot of time practicing every day. When listening to him at home, they thought he was playing very well. However, compared with others, it seemed that the students in this school could play better than him.

Coreca didn't play as much as he wanted. It's not possible to get into the top three. Now he can only pray for evey to make mistakes and rank behind him.

After Jing min came on the stage, he took a look at Hai Weixiu who was sitting in the first row. Although it was a quick one, Jing min still saw the encouragement and smile in his eyes.

Jing min's first piece of music was Hai Weixiu's Moonlight forest. He had liked this song very much. After haiweixiu had experienced it personally, he liked it even more.

The forest in the night is very quiet and full of mystery. Here, a little noise will be very obvious, the animals are sleeping, the white moonlight in the forest, peaceful and beautiful.

This song is full of mysterious beauty, which attracts people who want to explore the truth. The forest in the dark should be dangerous and terrible, but the holy moonlight can not only calm people's hearts, but also make people have the courage to venture to explore.

The audience seemed to feel the holy moonlight from the music, which was shrouded in Jing min's body, illuminating his white and moist skin, making him look incomparably noble.

Jingmin's second piece of music is James Lang's Haiyang. James Lang is Hai Weixiu's piano teacher, Jing min's teacher.

The music turns into a lively rhythm, and the audience unconsciously show a smile. This is the scene of the rising sun, which also brings layers of waves and the sound of seagulls crossing the sea.

The sonnies were shocked that the child, who they thought was not talented enough, could play such emotional music, and he could use the difficult skills freely. At this moment, they realized that it was no wonder that he was able to become a student of haiweixiu. No wonder he was able to get the attention of haiweixiu. Such talent and skilled skills were definitely not due to luck.

People who understand music will subconsciously listen to whether the player has made mistakes, but the music he plays will make people forget to care about right and wrong, and devote themselves to and enjoy the beauty of music.

If it was the holy moonlight just now, it is the golden glow. They seem to have hallucinations. They seem to see that behind the player, there are thousands of lights shining in all directions. They are just like the son of the sun.In other words, he is the child of the father of the sun and the mother of the moon. He not only inherits the noble holiness of the God of the moon, but also inherits the dazzling and brilliant image of the God of the sun. He is so unattainable that it is not easy to blaspheme him.

Thunderous applause resounded through the concert hall. It was a feast of hearing. If it wasn't a competition, but his own concert, the audience would shout Encore in unison, hoping that he would stay on the stage and play another piece.

Results five main judges, 30 members of the jury gave the score, let Jing min no doubt won the first place.

Haiweixiu was self-sufficient in his prize. They looked at each other and laughed at each other when they shook hands. Each other's eyes were full of endless love. They made eye contact, one said I had done it, the other said I was proud of you.


Their private celebration is of course essential. Jing min falls drunk in Hai Weixiu's arms and is stripped of his clothes.

He hugged the man in his arms, stroked him, possessed him, and made sure that he was in his arms and that he belonged to himself. Thinking of his performance in the performance of today's performance, and then looking down at his delicate sleeping face leaning on his chest, haiweixiu felt incomparably soft and suddenly had music inspiration.

Take out the paper and pen from the drawer beside the bed, hold the man in his arms, and quickly record his sudden inspiration on the paper.

After writing a few pages of music continuously, the sky has already shimmered. He bowed his head to kiss and kiss again and again on the red and attractive lips, until he made a groan of dissatisfaction. Then he said with a smile, "have a good dream, I will be in the dream, my beloved little prince."

After the competition, Jing min's photo was hung in the honor Hall of the college. At the request of Hai Weixiu, the photo of Jing min was hung beside him. Both of them are dressed in formal clothes. One stands beside the black piano and the other stands beside the white piano. It looks like a complete wedding photo.

Jing min's photo will be hung for one year. As for whether it will continue to hang for the next three years and then hang it permanently there, he and Hai Weixiu are very confident.