However, Si Yi lowered his head slightly, not only in front of the crowd, but also in front of the red and tender lips lying on his own legs! My god! Too bold! " The group of foreign men in the distance, who were just attracted by the beautiful things and looked at Yunjian more often, turned their heads and fled as if after a exclamation.

At this time, Si Yi's hand, like this, was put across the clothes on the plump cloud paper.

Do the dirty work.


after lying on the beach in the setting sun for more than an hour, Yunjian opened his eyes.

Two little guys have been sleeping on her legs.

Finally, Yunjian and Si Yi hold one and take it back to the ancient mercenary killing regiment.

That night, the little guy and the little girl slept the heaviest, and even the snoring of kicking was loud. Obviously, they were really tired.


dark soul tissue.

Snow eagle was busy for a day. He just returned to his warm home with sloe. He found a circle in his home and couldn't find sloe's people.

Sloe has been pregnant for five or six months. Now she is pregnant!

Snow eagle can't see sloe. The first instinct is to rush to Mosen and pick up his collar: "Mosen, where has your daughter-in-law taken my woman?"

When snow Eagle talked, he shook his fist slightly. It looked like he really wanted to fight with Mohsen.

"Cough! They went to the little lady's house first. Today is the festival of state Z, the Dragon Boat Festival. They said they would get together to eat zongzi. They asked us to go together later. " Morrison pushed away the snow hawk, straightened his collar, and went out.

Because dark soul has its own private helicopter, it is very convenient to go from dark soul to Longmen City, Zhejiang Province.

It's already night when Morison and snow Eagle arrive at Longmen city.

As soon as the door of Yunjian's villa was opened, a large group of people were in the eye.

Snow eagle is sitting on a bench in the hall, helping Qin Yirou to make zongzi.

Although the package is not good-looking and looks delicious, in general, the novice can make zongzi like this, which is very powerful.

Snow Eagle see this, a warm heart, people also followed the past.

In fact, before that, sloe had not paid attention to him for a long time.

The reason is that sloe wants to know how the scar on his neck hurt.

Snow eagles live and die.

Then sloe got a little angry.

I wanted to secretly hold her from behind Shiluo, but I didn't expect Shiluo to feel snow eagle. As soon as she turned her head, she saw that snow Eagle wanted to hold her secretly. Suddenly, she tooted her mouth angrily, and sticky rice for zongzi was still stuck on her hand. When she stood aside, she dodged snow eagle.

"She said you bullied her. Snow eagle, I can tell you that Lolo is my best friend. If you bullied her, I will fight with you!"

Luo Mei sat aside and saw sloe run away. She didn't even have time to wipe her hands. She raised her hand and put her fingers on the beautiful snow Eagle except for the terrible scar on her neck.

Raspberry and sloe have become best friends.

"Hey, brother Wang, tell me, how did you make my sister-in-law angry? Be careful of your sister-in-law! " Adam also came to the snow Eagle at this time, holding the snow eagle's shoulder in one hand, like a good friend of gossip.

The second king was named after Adam in order to fool the snow eagle.

Snow eagle was all over sloe, but he didn't care about Adam's name. In order to quickly relieve sloe's anger, he asked about the scar on his neck before sloe. He refused to say what made sloe angry.

Listen to this, Adam gathered around the snow eagle, didn't help the snow eagle, but curiously said:

"Hey, you don't say I haven't taken it seriously, the four of us are in charge of a small family, the first time I see you, you have this scar, how did you come? Such a big scar, or look at your face, it's really ugly and can't see people! Come on, talk! "