The little boy who was brought back by xiaoliangliang did rule the whole land of gods after that, and he was the ancestor of the LORD God and the God King!

But later, because of its long history, the LORD God knew not only that his father was the master of the land of gods, but also who his grandfather was.

For the gods of the land have an endless life.

It won't kill unless it's killed.

At the beginning, the little boy didn't know the whereabouts of Siming, Caitang and xiaoliangliang. He only knew that Siming and Caitang were finally taken away by the mysterious man. None of them died, but they were imprisoned somewhere.

As for where he was imprisoned, only Siming, Caitang and Xiaoliang knew it.


after the disappearance of Siming, Caitang and xiaoliangliang, the Shenming continent did not know how many years had passed.

For a long time, when the father of the LORD God was born, he dominated the land of gods, and when the father of the LORD God fell, the LORD God dominated the land of gods.

To say that the birth of God Junsi Yi is a coincidence, but also a sin.

At a temple party, the LORD God took a fancy to bailiyan, who was known as the first beautiful woman in the mainland.

In private, the LORD God confessed to bailiyan and was politely rejected by bailiyan.

Later, on the day of Baili's 10000 year old birthday, the LORD God raped bailiyan in the back garden of Baili's house.

Unexpectedly, bailiyan was pregnant with the child of the Lord.

Bailiyan had intended to avoid being known by the Lord. She even went to the mountain to pick herbs that could have abortion, but the Lord mistakenly thought that she wanted to kill herself by killing Shenyan.

Later, the Lord angrily stripped her clothes and tried to force her again.

But I saw her five month old belly.

Seeing bailiyan pregnant, though the LORD was happy, he couldn't help but once again.

The second time, bailiyan was really happy, but she still couldn't forgive the Lord.

Pressed by the LORD God in the temple bedroom, she can clearly see her beautiful legs on him from the mirror not far from the bedroom.

Let it work fast.


Not a common disgrace!

"... don't... Let me go! Get out of the way! Go away! "

Bailiyan pushes and beats the main God, while crying to accept his love.

Afterwards, bailiyan dressed herself and ran out of the temple.

It's too fast for the Lord to catch up.


bailiyan has been staying in her boudoir and sleeping in her bedroom since her child was five months old.

Two months later, Bai Liyan's stomach has been seven months, and she is about to give birth.

On this day, the leader of bailiyan's family came to bailiyan's boudoir with her family members to visit bailiyan's condition. She always said that she was seriously ill and stayed in bed for two months, eating and drinking.

Bai Liyan's seven aunts and eight aunts come to visit her.

But it's the moment when everyone has to go.

A five-year-old boy, naughty, suddenly ran to tear open the quilt of bailiyan, which had no time to react and wrapped himself tightly.

Under the quilt, Bai Liyan's stomach has become a ball of leather.

The leader of the hundred Li family, as well as the upper and lower members of the hundred Li family, all saw it.

However, the face of the owner of Baili's house turned pale at this moment.

"You, your stomach... Yanyan, your stomach..." her brother bailifong, who was the most doting on her, saw that she was so big that she was obviously pregnant with a ball belly that was about to give birth. She was stunned and stuttered for the first time in her life.

"Nonsense! that 's monkey business! The original sick, are loaded! Bailiyan! How to teach you to be a father! Roll! Roll me out of bed! Say it! Whose is the wild seed in your belly! "

As the father of bailiyan, the head of bailiyan's family is always proud of bailiyan's dignified and elegant appearance. But when he sees bailiyan's bulging belly, his face is white to the top.

My very optimistic daughter suddenly did an unforgivable thing.

The head of bailiyan family rushed to bailiyan's bed and dragged her rudely to the bed in front of everyone in bailiyan family!

"Say! Which bastard of the wild man is it! You don't say it! How dare you cheat your father and family? If you don't tell me, get out of Baili's, my Baili's, and don't want a daughter like you! "

Bai Liyan's explanation was ignored by Bai Liyan, who said that he would drag her out of the door.

No one's explanation is useful.

At the moment when bailiyan was dragged to the gate by the head of bailiyan's family and asked who the wild man was, a long and happy figure came in from outside the gate.

Come, it is the current master of the divine land, the LORD God!

But the LORD God walked to bailiyan's side in three or two steps, saved bailiyan from bailiyan's hand, rubbed her into her chest, and spoke to bailiyan in front of all the people present:"It's not her fault, it's that I didn't resist forcing her on your 10000 birthday.

"So the baby in my stomach is mine!"